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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Fantastic news, congratulations! At this rate you'll soon have enough to start your own 70s-themed musical family troupe.
  2. I think my mind caved in again. There's still a part of me that sincerely believes I can control the weather.
  3. My mental energies aren't with me today. Writing is even slower then usual. New conclusion: I am so bored of my own existence, I might set something on fire just to see what the fallout will be for my own personal life.
  4. You really should try the demo though. That bit of it is free.
  5. I'd just achieve even less every day.
  6. Word of advice - crank this up to the highest difficulty setting. A prosaic but sublime zombie infested shooter is suddenly transformed into a helter-skelter flee for survival. It definitly needs some humans too - it demand the co-operative play and the seamless dropping in and out combined with the pressing issue of survival being totally dependent on each other should produce many willing online Samaritans.
  7. The online co-op on this thing is absolutely god damn superb. Shooting it up with my flatmate's, Dyson dropped in halfway to lend us a hand, without so much as a minor break in the game play. I mean he literally took control in the middle of a firefight and we carried on regardless. The controls are just perfect for a console shooter too.
  8. Slightly off topic, but this is genuinely the most amazing project I have seen in ages. Anyway, back on topic, I think most can agree god was having a little bit of an off day when he invented penis and it's related equipment. All those nerve endings collect in a pouch dangling beneath a body strikes me as a rather glaring design flaw. Now that I think about it, I recall Dylan Moran did a rather good bit about the whole business. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KdrVkPBy5nw
  9. Damn, I'm not on form this season - trying to build up the new boys. A top three will do me this season I think.
  10. Spent the last couple of days engaged in the ancient and sacred creative process as applied to writing. Everything in my life is going great. Wish I had a bit more going though.
  11. I believe you can have two players split screen, online or off.
  12. It's difficult not to get the impression some reviewers are possibly slightly missing the point. Eurogamer had a decent review and gave it 8/10, though complained it wasn't a sandbox type game and didn't give you a lot of freedom, which is probably like complaining your pet fish doesn't have four legs, a tail or barks.
  13. So is Obama! (Has this been posted yet?)
  14. Huzzah! Congratulations! Interesting choice of venue to pop the question too.
  15. I like a nice set of hips myself, but I enjoy the female form in all it's bountiful variations.
  16. For a few glorious seconds of magic and wonder today, I actually managed to move one eyebrow totally independently of the other. I've never been happier.
  17. Little punks ain't got no g-g-slide, they think bring it down all superfly but they all done gone played their own mama's on every track, y'au.
  18. Nobody posted the opening cinematic yet? http://www.gametrailers.com/player/42272.html I'm the only person who thinks they look like the most recent crop of presidential candidates? I mean, a black guy, a foxy milf, a war vet and an average Joe?
  19. How is it nonsense? He talks about the need for serious debate on race, that the hurts of the past can't simply be covered up and ignored even while we try to push forward, and that the pain of the white working class must also be addressed even when they pin it on issues such as immigration. British politicians try to copy him, but I believe that it is a lack of this kind of meaningful rhetoric in the political domain which has left the British populace apathetic, cynical and divided. The whole point of the speech was that we can't just build some kind of fairy tale new society over the old, we have to address the issues, the divisions, the pain and the fear, because they are real, and only by dragging those problems out into the open can we begin to build a better society, and even then it will not happen quickly. This is no fairy tale, this is cold stone reality.
  20. I'm not a fan of all these crazy CG doo-dads myself. A pair of coloured bars with numbers on top next to the pundit's desk would have done me. I enjoyed ITV's uncharacteristically simplistic setup - One pollster, a number box and Jon Culshaw. The interactive touchscreen was just there to keep Alistair Stewart happy.
  21. The "A More Perfect Union" speech Obama gave after the Rev. Wright scandal I sincerely believe is one of the best speeches I have ever heard - not loud loud or sweeping, but immensely powerful and provocative. Steady, intelligent, composed, worldly and educated, this is the speech that really made sit up and take notice of him for the first time.
  22. Tell you what: doesn't feel like too bad an age to be living in.
  23. Bush hasn't actually been able to do anything 2006. Hell, nobody's even listened to what he has to say in at least a year. Just counting down the clock now.
  24. I stayed up just long enough to see him take Ohio, after that there was no doubt to the result. 52% of the popular vote - I believe that makes him the most powerful president elect for some decades. Personally I'm just glad America picked someone we can watch and listen to without sobbing into our hands in despair.
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