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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Happy Birthday Dante! Do learn to edit.
  2. Ahhhhh bloody hell, finally finished transcribing another homeopathy-interview for my sister's dissertation. With my faith in humanity rapidly being reduced to rubble, I've been keeping myself sane with Youtube clips of Dara O'Brien and that Mitchell&Webb sketch "Homeopath A&E". I think I'll take a day off tomorow and play that Carl Sagan remix over and over again very quietly in the background.
  3. The BBC News website also has an "Election 2010" section up now, including bite size summations of each party's policies for your easy consumption- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/election_2010/8515961.stm#subject=key&col1=conservative&col2=labour&col3=libdem
  4. He's so stiff he looks like an animatronic. :/
  5. I'll almost certainly be voting LibDems this election. They've got the charisma of a cold bowl of porridge that's been left on the side all week while you've been to Majorca, but they're also the only party that might actually bring about proper electoral reform. I also agree with their Local Income Tax policy and generally pro-European stance, as well as other things. Fingers crossed for a hung parliament. Also, wouldn't heading this thread with a poll be the way to go?
  6. Great race, loving how the season is panning out - the top 9 drivers within 10 points of each other, which is nothing under the current points system! Hopefully this will continue. Great result for the Red Bulls, that's been threatening for a while. Bad luck for Schumi again, as an ex-DHill follower I never thought I'd actually be rooting for him. Show 'em what you're made of MS!
  7. I simply adored every second of this, Matt Smith is a sublime performer. I particulary love how the Doctor kind of an asshole now. A complete break from Tennant's character & story, exactly what was required and the whole production did it with a joyous flourish. Roll on the Stone Angels and Space Spitfires.
  8. How To Train Your Dragon 3D The glorious romance of a nasally teen boy and a sassy teen girl who communicate almost entirely in exposition. Not bad, though the 3D added little and did my head in a bit. Basically it's Trainspotting except "Chasing the Dragon" isn't a euphemism.
  9. Surely "April Fools You Melon Farmers" would have been the obvious choice? stunning job though. EDIT: Oh, you cocksuckers.
  10. Godammit. Now I have no lee in which to shelter from the storm of barbaric penny-faux-surrealism this day brings against me every year! I'm going to bed! Bastardos!
  11. President Obama looking at/doing awesome things - More at
  12. Speaking of McLaren, does anyone get the impression Heikki is perhaps still a tad disappointed at being dropped? Just look at his personal winter training regime -
  13. Topped my week off with a weekend at Edinburgh, catching with an old mate and my lil' bro. Lost £10 with my bro to a time crisis machine, then another tenner split between a Rambo Arcade and House of the Dead 4 machine. Then went to see an awesome exhibit at the Scottish National Museum on Scottish technological history, which included to my delight Jackie Stewart's actual Tyrrell 003 and Jos Verstappen's Stewart SF-02 chassis. It also had a robot arm that could spell any word you gave it in blocks. Yes I'm a nerd, why do you ask?
  14. Excellent race, decent overtaking and plenty of tense chases. I was genuinely surprised when Lewis was called in, McLaren basically threw away an almost certain 1-2. It was only thanks to his driving they got anything decent out of it (or would have had Webber not locked up anyway). I'd be raging. At what point can we pass the mantle of "Kamikaze Kid" from Sato to Kobayashi? He's been like a wrecking ball this weekend.
  15. I'll be genuinely shocked if this isn't a better contest then Bahrain (although again, I honestly think we've all seen far worse, including at that circuit). I think the Red Bulls and Ferraris are the teams to beat but the competition across the whole field is tremendous. Light showers predicted during the race too.
  16. Noo. He got caught having a little bit of fun when he shouldn't have and a tap on the wrist from the infamous Australian road laws. Qualifying is a slightly below-par result through a combination of a tiny bit of bad luck and a highly competitive field. Shit occasionally happens but isn't necessarily related. Anyway, at least he can start on his choice of tyre and we get to watch him scrap his way up the field, if he can.
  17. Godammit, you guys all suck. Ah well, at least I got my perfect home record anyway.
  18. I'm not convinced if he'll get it organised - how do you close down part of New Jersey for a full weekend for this kind of thing? At least Monza is safe anyway. "Urban Rallying" itself on the other hand sounds like a pretty interesting concept. Get on that. This is Michael Schumacher with a dolphin. Yes it is.
  19. Right, come on lads, I want to see a home win from everybody tomorrow please. Don't let the side down.
  20. In Russia, electronic forms complete you! Done!
  21. I'm desperately trying to develop my writing habit better. Also jogging. The jogging is the easy one.
  22. Or she might enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex do exist.
  23. There's always a pain barrier in MW2, that period you have to push through every time you try a new weapon or haven't played in a while. You're constantly being killed at every turn until you readjust to your own play style and after 3 or 4 rounds It'll suddenly start coming to you.
  24. I just don't understand how a game that lets you bring 300ft cranes down with a minigun doesn't appeal to you as much as it does to me.
  25. Good grief, I've be springing up and down the table like a a pogo stick with bi-polar disorder. With one game for me to play I should survive, hopefully with my perfect home record though my final match will be my toughest.
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