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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I'd love to see you doing political analysis on Newsnight. "Any comment on that statement from the US Vice President about military bases in Taiwan?" "I definitly give him an OMR of 8/10!"
  2. Well, here it's drizzly, overcast, about 10C (an improvement on recent days), most of the trees, bushes and flowers haven't blossomed yet and I can see two pigeons having a fight from my window. So I can take it or leave it.
  3. Hehe, thank you everybody! Except for you Rez. Go stand in the corner and think about what you've done.
  4. Aw, thanks you guys! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to spend the next 5 hours on buses to visit my sister for a couple of days. Higho McEwans 102 service AWAY! *cracks whip*
  5. Marvelous. I love just swilling it around my mouth. Mmmmmaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrv-e-lousssss.
  6. Just because Kate Beaton is awesome.
  7. The Nick Clegg smearing continues, with the Torygraph discovering that Nick Clegg received party donation money from three business men (all registered donors) that was put into his private account. And then used to help pay a member of his parliamentary staff's salary. Which he officially and fully declared. All £250 a month of it. In 2006. Oh the scandal. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/election_2010/8636311.stm
  8. I would be completely in favour of a PR or similar system is it ever came to pass, Germany has it and probably has one of the most stable governments in Europe. If the LibDems and other smaller parties remain resurgent in future elections hung parliaments will likely end up the norm anyway.
  9. The whole article isn't nearly as bad as the Daily Fail one, but it does seem to assert that the Tories have no real policy and have basically been useless in opposition, yet would still be the best party to have in government. What?
  10. That article was an incredible load of bile. The headline may well have been "Know your place, peasants!" I was watching a Torie spokesperson on Question Time harping about how they were the only people who could provide "stable" government because they *could* still win an overall majority. COULD. Wasn't so long ago that Cameron was seen as a PM in waiting. Incidentally today's Yougov polls shows the LibDems with 34%, beating the Tories by 3%. The Populus poll shows the Tories leading with 32% and LibDems on 31%. Labour languish with 26% and 28% Oh god I hope the LibDems can keep this up. If they even get anywhere near 100 seats it'll be massive - I don't expect them too in the end but they should still get decent gains. Fingers crossed!
  11. Hey hey AJ (can I call you AJ?) welcome on board. Just remember this forum is a benevolent dictatorship and you'll get along fine. You'll be amazed how many people forget that.
  12. I'm totally in the World Cup spirit right now, though I am keeping it tightly under wraps until the appropriate moment in time, probably about week before kick off. If an intrepid team of psycho-spelunkers were to burrow into my head right now they would eventually find a massive football stadium of people clapping and dancing to the Wavin' Flags theme on a constant loop. Just turn right at the Porno Palace, past the transparent crystalline Parliament building and then just Barrel Roll right through my Parental Issues and keep on going. You can't miss it.
  13. Oh godammit, that's at least three types of horrible right there. Sorry you're having such a shitty time right now.
  14. A nice day spent chilling, now sipping some whiskey having discovered that Mad Men is now appearing on BBC iPlayer. Hot damn!
  15. Some really impressive images of the volcano over on Io9. http://io9.com/5520373/eyjafjallajokull-rains-lightning-upon-you/gallery/
  16. Does anyone remember when kids TV was FUCKING AWESOME?
  17. I'm certainly rooting for Schumi to beat Rosberg. Once you've seen Nico's website you can't not really. I hope Schumi sticks it out for at least this and the next season, for his and Mercs sake. It might take longer then expected but I'm still certain they can build something world beating between them with his experience and innate talent. So long as he still has the fitness, you just don't loose skills like his.
  18. Half way through the medium difficulty route on Star Fox before I lost the over shield I picked up on the first level, including navigating Sector X without getting hit, booyah.
  19. Man, finally off work with a pounding headache. I've got the whole week off now though, huzzah! And get yourself to A&E Raining for chrissake, I don't want to even think about what this place would devolve into without you. Something covered in some kind of rancid bodily effluence probably.
  20. Gaah, I'd be polishing off an after-work bottle of scotch right now if I didn't have work again tomorrow. Goddammit.
  21. That euphemism? That sounds like a euphemism. God you're dirty.
  22. But you don't have any fat reserves, you're a goddamn rake! You also live in a village with a large grocery store, two steakhouses and a soup restaurant. Go get something man!
  23. Not after a couple of hours on Photoshop it's not.
  24. They seem to be constantly trying to make out that Nick Clegg is on their side, even when he straight up tells them to sod off. This is getting oddly homoerotic.
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