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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I love the old-school style numbering on the Merc. I do hope Mclaren's design differs enough to be instantly recognisable though, I can see that getting confusing watching the action. I suppose it'll depend on how it pans out - we could just as easily be tuning in to the Abu Dhabi grid with about half a dozen drivers with a mathematical chance for the championship.
  2. Good weekend spent hanging around with martinist - I sometimes feel lowly and inferior until something happens that forces me to compare myself to someone else. Then I remember I am in fact one of a handful of gods treading lightly in a world of lesser mammals scrabbling blindly about my feet. It's always good to be reminded of that.
  3. C'mon Jay, lets go buy bridesmaid dresses! *prances off through a field of wafting dandelions*
  4. Remember, 10 points for pedestrians, 50 for the elderly and children.
  5. Just listened to a special Mass Effect 2 GiantBombcast, apparently each end game instance saved from ME1 at the start-game menu has a little descriptor running through some of your choices. Also
  6. I think Obama's done the best he could over all - perhaps he put too much faith in the US political system because he and the Democrats seems to be split and fighting with two arms tied behind their backs. Remember though, he's still got another 3 years of his first term, and that's a long time. I guess his whole first year has been about healthcare. I can understand the anger of the left at the compromises that have had to be made to get the bill this far - the loss stuff like abortion and funding for womens' health care at large seems ridiculous. But the whole opposition from the right against reform at large has been loud but seemingly based almost entirely on bullshit, NHS "Death Panels" and all. The bill as it stands can still help millions of people but now I guess this new Republican (in Ted Kenndy's seat no less, the guy who made this bill his legacy) will help destroy that ASAP.
  7. Amazon have always been good to me - they've always got any pre-orders to me on their launch dates, even got MW2 through my door first thing on the Tuesday.
  8. Happy Birthday my man!
  9. So you're an able bodied early 20-something with two bottles of red rooster, and you want, nay, COMMAND me to place them in the bag for you. Well lets hope we don't bump into each other when I'm off the clock, otherwise one of my Doc Martins will end up wedged so tightly into your arsehole the surgeon will have to cut you a new one just to let you shit.
  10. Happy Birthday Flinkeh! Why wait 'till then? Lets embrace the inevitable, get on my motor cycle and just... live our lives somewhere. Away from all the hate.
  11. An 8-hour shift feels a lot longer when it ends at 10pm let me tell you. Incidentally, I lead a horrendously bland existence. Why are you even reading this? Think of all the more fulfilling things you could be doing right now.
  12. You wanna raise the stakes?
  13. The first "good" 3D movie will be just as good in 2D. Or in black in white on a six inch screen. I'll bet you my house and both my testicles.
  14. My biggest gripe about 3D is the way it's obviously going to became the idiots last defense for shite movie making, as HD was. eg: "Have you seen Transformers 2/3?" "Yes. It was so awful I left before I shit myself to death." "Did you see it in HD/3D?" "No." "Well obviously you haven't REALLY seen it until you've seen it in HD/3D. It's amazing!" And then I'm forced to kill them.
  15. I'll be digging up my original Engineer play through now that they've give it some awesome new toys. The AI hack in particular looks like it's actually worth a damn now.
  16. USF1 are my bet to be the strongest of the new teams, and I really do hope they are successful - if a team outside of Europe can make it in F1 then there's nothing to stop other overseas squads having similar ideas and helping spread F1's appeal. The speculation around their drivers is hilarious because it could be almost anyone with or qualifies for a FIA Super License who hasn't been signed. Sato & Wurz? Villeneuve & Davidson? Montoya & Busch? Any two random Indycar drivers you care to mention? Heck, throw a dart at the drivers registry for Pennsylvania and see what comes up.
  17. Happy B-day Jay!
  18. I have nothing to add, so I'll just post this.
  19. Word. Up in the Highlands I had a neighbour who would happily plough through multiple drifts in her Mini-Metro.
  20. No chance of relegation now. Heck, I might even finish as runner up. Smexcellent.
  21. When did I garner that reputation? I know made a joke a couple of nights ago but apparently that was the public view of me since well before then.
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