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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I'll be digging up my original Engineer play through now that they've give it some awesome new toys. The AI hack in particular looks like it's actually worth a damn now.
  2. USF1 are my bet to be the strongest of the new teams, and I really do hope they are successful - if a team outside of Europe can make it in F1 then there's nothing to stop other overseas squads having similar ideas and helping spread F1's appeal. The speculation around their drivers is hilarious because it could be almost anyone with or qualifies for a FIA Super License who hasn't been signed. Sato & Wurz? Villeneuve & Davidson? Montoya & Busch? Any two random Indycar drivers you care to mention? Heck, throw a dart at the drivers registry for Pennsylvania and see what comes up.
  3. Happy B-day Jay!
  4. I have nothing to add, so I'll just post this.
  5. Word. Up in the Highlands I had a neighbour who would happily plough through multiple drifts in her Mini-Metro.
  6. No chance of relegation now. Heck, I might even finish as runner up. Smexcellent.
  7. When did I garner that reputation? I know made a joke a couple of nights ago but apparently that was the public view of me since well before then.
  8. "Sorry I'm late. The lead choir boy is a little tied up at the moment..."
  9. I think I'm starting to get used to not having any working lights in the house. There's a certain romance to pooping by candlelight.
  10. Mario Kart Wii With an online multiplayer so moorish it's only recently been rivaled by MW2. And where else are you going to be heard screaming "Blooper you cocksucker!!"?
  11. I didn't pay to get in here, but I still want my money back.
  12. I love how he actually comments on that after he regenerates I also rather like the Mass Effect-style galactic gay bar near the end.
  13. Standing on top of a ridge overlooking Newcastle with my Dad and siblings. We always went up there each New Year to see if there were any fireworks - usually there were one or two in the far distance. At midnight the entire city erupted around us.
  14. I thought 2000 was robot butlers? (Another samosa please CharliE.)
  15. One hour into 2010. Where's my flying car?
  16. Hamlet Ok, more of a filmed play then a full film adaptation but still, it's stupendous. David Tennant is gripping yet highly relatable as the troubled Dane, playing him like a troubled teenager as he mopes around making bitter jokes in tight indie T-shirts. The supporting cast including (Sir) Patrick Stewart hold their own though but still can't quite match Tennant's masterful performance. For the first time in my life I finally understand both the subtlety and excitement contained in Hamlet. Even if you think you don't like Shakespeare, don't deny yourself. I guarantee you'll be hooked. Also though she may be an older woman the Queen is kinda smoking. I know I'd murder my brother if I was gonna end up hitting that. On iPlayer nows. http://bbc.co.uk/i/pk71s/
  17. Oh for the love of sodomy! Screw snapped in half while I was trying to replace the fuse wire and now I have to wait until after New Year's to get a new holder. It's a candlelit new years for me I think.
  18. I DO enjoy a good dark cloak and tattered top hat.
  19. Goddammit, the fuse has gone and now no lights work in my house. I'm creeping around the house with a candle some like some kind of Victorian rapist.
  20. I've reached a point where I'm more or less done with the whole novelty of winter and lounging indoors - I'm gagging to go for a jog or a bike ride but it's dark, cold and there's a solid half inch of ice over everything. Roll on Spring 2010.
  21. I love LOVE that the BBC got it on iPlayer. Blade Runner's on there too, expiring tonight, FYI.
  22. Merry Christmas y'all! Nice relaxing day for me despite catching this blasted cold, and Have to work tomorrow. >_> Ack well, until then, cheers!
  23. Whoo Timothy Dalton! \0/
  24. Oh god, A1 ring besides I never want those days back. I'm pretty sure I spent most of 2000-04 asleep on the sofa. Personally I don't think F1 has been as interesting as it has these last few seasons since the early nineties.
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