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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Don't forget they have a strict time slot to adhere to, better to have an edited programme of actual questioning rather then most of the air time being taken over by tussles between protesters.
  2. I had a UPS collection scheduled for 7am (the "latest collection available time for my area.") It's now 9am. When will they arrive? Mysterious forces of nature abound!
  3. You NEED a career in IT somewhere.
  4. Eenuh, if you're a failure then what hope is there for the rest of us? 0___O
  5. Awesome race, drama all over the place. I was hoping Barrichello was going to take it to the last race but Button definitly deserved it. Some great drives from Webber, Kubica and Lewis too. Kimi did well to carry on after that quick toasting shortly after the start I thought.
  6. Unless the strippers have moustaches and are squirting brandy from their teats, I don't wanna know about it.
  7. Oh man, I hate clubs with an absolute passion - I often long for a time when going to a "club" would mean going somewhere with lots of big leather furniture and moustaches to drink brandy through.
  8. Props to Kobyashi - maybe it's just that he thrives in those conditions but the kid's got talent. I always root for any Japanese drivers, just because I feel there's something vaguely wrong about Sato being their most successful one to date.
  9. Well India actually makes some sense because F1 has at least a small (for India) but dedicated following that can be expanded on. Korea on the other hand is just a government with more money then sense.
  10. Everyone seen the Yas Marina lap footage yet? That pitlane is bizarre.
  11. Huh, tried Tversity when you mentioned it. Eets awesome. =D
  12. Damn, my team played well and still got beat. Snatched from the jaws of victory and all that.
  13. Today while doing my volunteer work I was told that everyone used to assume that I was about 27 or 28 because "I never behaved childishly enough for my age." I took it as a compliment, but I really hope I look young for someone apparently already racing towards their 30s.
  14. Good lord everyone, whats with all the drama? DRAAAAMAAA! Now I'm goona go to bed and finally finish off this cold. You kids shurrup and be peaceful with each other now - if I have to come and sort y'all out I'm coming with ma' belt.
  15. I'll go with that. Vote:Paj
  16. Whoo, Happy Birthday Hellfire & Brain Twin! Never stop being AWESOME!
  17. Popcorn trick! Don't even go to the cinema, just ram that sucker into a big tub of Buttered Uncle Sams Finest and waddle straight in there.
  18. Quick question: Last night my console succumbed to the infamous RROD, yet all seems perfectly fine today. Exactly how concerned should I be? 'Cause if it totally nackers itself right around MW2 coming out I'm gonna be pissed.
  19. Man, I had the worst night last night. Some kind of crappy chest cold made it incredibly hard to breathe if I tried to lie down and go to sleep. Eventually got about 3 hours sleep after 6:30am. On the plus side I went to lunch with family today - pizza and ice cream always improves any situation.
  20. gaggle64

    DUST 514

    I'm getting a a pleasant sort of Planetside-esque vibe from the whole thing. I love the whole idea of MMOs where players have collective control over it's outcomes. I loved Eve but it was just too much of a timesink. This sort of thing is right up my alley.
  21. Hmmm, I can still win this but it's all in the balance. I get the impression that by going into this as the favourite everyone saved their best players for me and took defeats against my rivals in the process.
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