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Everything posted by Davey_T

  1. Im talking about myself :P. Im shit on melee and iv only played it for about 2 hours in total. So im only going for a laugh and to get the figurine
  2. :|. That makes me feel like shit. Come over to the UK for a laugh
  3. Same. Going to get owned
  4. I use Total Video Converter but im not sure about converting protected files. Its free anyway so you could just try it
  5. Yeah. I know everyone goes on about smash, ixnay, americana etc. They are seriously brilliant albums but theyre all over 10 years old and The Offspring just arnt the same now unfortunately.
  6. Me and my mate applied for the Sheffield tournament and get a confirmation email saying we're going to Newcastle instead haha
  7. New Alkaline Trio album = balls New The Offspring album = balls New Less Than Jake album = win New Slipknot song = win Set Your Gaols album = awesome All my opinion before everyone starts going crazy :P
  8. These easily. Gorgeous
  9. Dont know if this had already been said but according to an interview here there will be no split screen multiplayer
  10. Im on talktalk and i used to be able to download pretty fast on p2p but now i think the ports closed and its so slow now .
  11. Id be going if my mate had any money. Weekend tickets inc camping going for around £100 quid each on ebay. Gutted
  12. Iv always preferred pes to fifa but with the Wii theres many different control methods that could be used. Hope they improve on the bad points of pes wii
  13. msiwind.net pretty much covers all the info you'll need
  14. Only gripe i have with the wind is the ridiculously small track pad :/ Much smaller than the eee 900
  15. For a couple of hours.
  16. Is it worth getting a smaller battery, no bluetooth and smaller ram though? Well worth the extra few pounds imo. Think im going to get one but il wait until they start shipping the xp versions with 6 cell batterys. Dont know when that will be (N)
  17. One of my favourite bands easily. Absolutely love all their albums. Siren Song Of The Counter Culture is my favourite album probs but Revolutions Per Minute is amazing too. Love them loads
  18. Davey_T

    Wii Fit

    Just got bronze piggy after nearly 3 weeks which isn't bad. Got a routine of doing some muscle ones then finish with a 10 minute free run.
  19. Ok this question has proably been answered loads of times but iv searched and cant find any answers My wii is being rather noisey at the moment and iv no idea why. Like a constant rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr noise. Any ideas?
  20. Yeah i looked at specs and saw that its a bit heavier. Not by much though (around 0.2 kg?) which is mint. Theres hardly any info about it on the internet though unlike the eee pc 900.
  21. Ok cheers. Iv read a few websites about copying data from a cd onto usb/sd but i thought borrowing an external cd drive would be much easier. Wow that looks a lot better. Il have to rethink now. Any really bad points about it? Is it much bigger/heavier than the asus eee 900?
  22. Im thinking about getting Asus eee 900 with linux but i want to install xp on it. What would be the best option, using an sd card or a usb stick? Or something else like an external cd drive?
  23. Really hope the album comes out/gets leaked before Leeds Fest. Going to be good hopefully
  24. They could have more songs than previous titles, include Create your own character,venue and song and even use an added peripheral like an effect pedal or something. Dont want it to turn into Rock Band though :\
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