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Everything posted by Davey_T

  1. Me too and i did not for the same reason as well
  2. Iv got New Found Glory on saturday in Nottingham and Slipknot on the 12th in sheffield. *Looks at sig* Oh and Hit The Lights on the 6th! :P. We are the same person i think
  3. I know its absolutely rediculous. I mean just look at this: How can he get away with that?
  4. I cant believe how good this season is. This last episode was amazing.
  5. Smile Like You Mean It and Mr Brightside are one of favourite songs ever but Somebody Told Me is just terrible. Hate that song
  6. The Gaslight Anthem, Frank Turner or Polar Bear Club anyone?
  7. Fuck yes. Absolutely love him. Cant wait to see him next year with The Gaslight Anthem
  8. I really want to see them in Leeds but iv got no one to go with :/.
  9. A - Alexisonfire B - Brand New C - Comeback Kids D - Dashboard Confessional E - Enter Shikari F - Finch G - Gaslight Anthem, The H - Hit The Lights I - I Was A Cub Scout J - Jimmy Eat World K - Killswitch Engage L - Less Than Jake M - Machine Head N - New Found Glory O - Offspring, The P - Prodigy, The Q - Queens Of The Stone Age R - Rise Against S - Saosin T - Thrice U - Used, The V - Velvet Revolver W - Wilhelm Scream, A X - Y - Yellowcard Z - Zebrahead Cant think of an x =( Gizmo: Me and you have listed quite a few of the same artists (H)
  10. It makes me sad that i can only play this on the 2nd to lowest graphics setting. Suppose i should be grateful it plays at all seen as though my computer is nearly 4 years old. Hope i get into like i did with the old ones
  11. I think everywhere that sells them (pc world, currys etc) are all £280. RAM is really really easy to install. Just need a small-ish screwdriver and follow these intructions: http://netbookmag.com/2008/07/07/tutorial-advent-4211-memory-upgrade-msi-wind/
  12. Yeah iv got one and so has Jordan. Love it to pieces. Bought an extra gig of ram for about £10 and it runs like a dream. I tried the Asus 1000H in Pc World the other day and i just hated the keyboard. I also prefer the look of the Advent over the Asus which is a shame because i thought the old Eee pcs looked brilliant
  13. 57 is absolutely amazing by Biffy and its the only non puzzle song they played at Leeds fest. Shame for everyone that hates Puzzle but i love it so
  14. http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1402781499.1225289723@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccccadefhmmddhdcflgceggdhhmdgmi.0&page=Product&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null&sku=219404&category_oid= Really nice small quick netbook for £280. Much better than the Asus 1000H in terms of build quality and keyboard in my opinion. Only down side is the battery life is shocking but there are bigger batteries on ebay which would gives around 4 and a half hours charge
  15. Why the hell do Wii owners get only 3 songs off Metallica's Death Magnetic but 360 and ps3 owners get the full album. Was really looking forward to downloading the whole album =(. As another note 8.8 is really good. Why did the wii one get 8.8 but the other two 7.9? Already read 6 page review of the 360 version and dont relly want to read the wii one
  16. Iv only just thought of something today which may stop me buying the full band. Will i need a wii remote to plug into each instrument? Because you know... i dont have 4 wii remotes
  17. Yeah i was trying to find my brothers music on his ipod touch but couldnt find any. I know it works for other ipods though, you'd just have to rename everything.
  18. Id just like to say, Four Year Strong = fucking amazing
  19. Im drinking cans of this at the moment. Pretty nice even though i cant really tell to difference between these and normal cans :/
  20. Rise Against leaked a few days ago. It came out 2 days ago in Japan so. Its pretty good but their other albums areso much better
  21. Leeds would be awesome. Me and Harribo live in leeds in the same flat so we could always go there at the end of the day . Id be up for Manchester too
  22. Sorry i didnt go everyone. I really had no excuse apart from being lazy :/. Il come to the next one for sure
  23. I predicted Rachel to win and Mikey as runner up . Got the rest wrong though. Wish Mikey or Darnell would have won. Loved them all the way through
  24. The punk one :P. Yeah one of Gaslight's main influences is the Boss : peace:
  25. I do but its stupid. Oh well. I like the album. I dont like The Unforgiven 3 as much as the other songs but im sure it will grow on me Edit: The Bronx ftw. Cant wait for their new album Anyone like The Gaslight Anthem? The hype as huge for them at the moment and i didnt really get them until i listened to their latest album a few times. Sort of like a punk rock Killers. Really good
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