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Everything posted by Davey_T

  1. Thats rubbish. I want to play a Guitar Hero not a Rock Band clone and besides, it will be mega expensive to buy all the instruments like it is for Rock Band. Not impressed
  2. The Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It
  3. Davey_T

    Wii Fit

    You mean pound? Haha :P
  4. Davey_T

    Wii Fit

    Whats everyones workout schedule like? I usually just go through all the muscle exercises then try a long run but its gettting pretty hard now. So i might try and do arms one day and legs the next? Dont know how effective it will be. Never do yoga either and maybe i should
  5. Im not even sending mine back. Really dont see the point to be honest. Unless game shops stop accepting the old one but i doubt that
  6. I missed the chance to see Muse at Leeds Fest. I hate myself everytime i listen to them
  7. Yeah but at least it cant be Nintendo to blame for that. I want voice chat but i dont think we'll get it for a long time if ever
  8. Yeah Hume would be a nice addition. Also one of or two of their defenders would go down nicely as they had the 2nd best defence in the Championship this seaon
  9. Fucking Wednesday finishing above us. We've been above them pretty much all season :/
  10. Davey_T

    Wii Fit

    Got this today . Is there anyway i can check my bmi and weight without doing a body test?
  11. Davey_T

    Wii Fit

    This post is up there with the best haha
  12. Ffs... Tempted to sell my wii one and get it for the 360. Would have got it for the 360 in the 1st place but didnt have one then
  13. Not sure why they're put ai players in the competition but oh well. Keep getting around the 2 minute mark which is pretty bad
  14. Argg. Wish they were clashing with Rage. Seen Gallows twice and im not bothered about seeing them again. Less Than Jake clashing With Rage is horrible :\
  15. My driv lessons were £15 . Good luck anyway Strider. Bought GTA 4 today for £45. Glad my brother is paying me for it when he gets money (Y)
  16. They need to get rid of the blue shell. Everyone says it but its true. Hate the thing
  17. Ahh yeah i suppose. Same for the Slipknot, Tenacious D then Metallica combo. Would have preferred Tenacious D, Slipknot then Metallica but oh well.
  18. Theres no reason for Down to be special guests as they're not playing any other festival. Will most likely be Story Of The Year, Paramore or Plain White Tees. Feeder are huge. Much bigger than Avenged Sevenfold and arguably bigger than Slipknot Dont think this is true. Someone from Gallows came on Punktastic and said they were offered to headline the Lockup on the Killers day and took it. Dont know where that rumour came from. But yeah the annoucement was pretty good. absolutely gutted about Less Than Jake clashing with Rage but wht can you do. Saw them in 06 and i doubt il ever get to see Rage again. Alkaline Trio, Goldfinger, Pennywise and a few other im happy with.
  19. Davey_T

    Wii Fit

    Cheers. Seems like a silly question but iv heard no one talk about it. Id prefer to know how much i weigh than my bmi
  20. Davey_T

    Wii Fit

    Is there actually a way of finding out how much you weigh using Wii Fit?
  21. They've also done a remix of Brand New - Quiet Things That No One Over Knows and a Dahboard song Its called The Quiet Screaming
  22. Having beat both these teams playing today this year.... Want Liverpool to win. Prefer them over Chelsea
  23. What? Which european festivals are you talking about?
  24. Go on the mario kart channel in game and download it to desktop from there
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