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Everything posted by Davey_T

  1. I agree :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XpaB7ya16Q Amazing edit: thanks guys edit2: just realised im on that video. 2:50 behind that guy with the girl on his shoulders :P
  2. Fucking amazing. Beating Liverpool feels good (Y)
  3. Barnsley for the fucking win! What an amazing match
  4. Non-Alcoholic: Used to be orange fanta but since they reduced the sugar it doesnt taste half as nice. So probably Cherry Coke (Almost put cock then). Alcoholic: Ermm Skittle Vodkas pretty nice but maybe a lil too sweet so it would prob be Carlsberg. And warandchaos how can absinthe be you're favourite? :S Clearly way too strong to taste anything lol
  5. We need to arrange a date and time for it so people can try and get online at that time.
  6. Rage and R.E.M = brill. The rest is fairly bad minus Biffy and Feeder. Well done to the organisers for getting Rage though
  7. Prob around 2 months
  8. Davey_T


    Did anyone else find the relationship between Juno and Mark a bit... wierd?
  9. What was so amazing about it then?
  10. Davey_T


    Ellen Page was brilliant but the film wasn't.
  11. Juno Ellen Page was brilliant but the film was pretty bad. And to be up for all those awards is a joke
  12. Cannot wait!
  13. Yeah basically. Iv used the phone for the past 2 years when buying leeds fest tickets and its worked really well. Try both at the same time and see which gets through first (Y) Ahh well. Have fun though :P sure you will with Rage and all
  14. I think theres only me online so its pretty pointless
  15. Why would they bother changing it though? I know a lot do its just fairly pointless
  16. Yeah. Their first album is unbelievably good. Leeds fest here we come?
  17. It doesnt... :P Apparently Incubus are great live when its indoors but at festivals theyre terrible
  18. This got dispatched 8 days ago from Powerplay Direct and its still not here =(
  19. 14 in a park with 4 cans of carling :P
  20. No cross-region unfortunately
  21. Online is amazing. I really love campaign too and at the end of each level it gives you a score depending on what secondary objectives you did which is good. Makes you replay the levels where you didnt get 100%.
  22. How many has this sold in Japan upto now?
  23. ^^^^^^^^^^
  24. Pre programmed messages
  25. People seriously need to get their act together and buy this game! Online is amazing Couple more questions: in the online lobby theres symbols next to 'Game Name'. Like EA, ff and a shield. Anyone know what these mean?
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