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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Avatar was shite! It was Disney's Pocahontas in space. Exactly the same film!
  2. I think the New 3DS XL is fine. I don't get any hand cramps from playing at all. The little "analogue" nub is great to have for changing the camera too (no replacement for an analogue stick of course, but it works well enough). It's a nice bit of kit!
  3. What. The. Fuck...?! http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-04-15-some-people-are-upset-the-new-mirrors-edge-locks-abilities-behind-xp-upgrades Things like quick-turns, 90 degree turns, rolling and tucking your legs up when jumping are unlocked by XP... seriously?! What the fuck kind of daft shit is this?!
  4. Oda has been god-level for so long now, I can't even begin to describe just how good One Piece has been for the last God knows how long!
  5. NX Zelda What Retro have been working on The Last Guardian Shenmue 3 They're the big 5 things for me (I hope we see them all).
  6. I reckon it'd fair well enough to justify the costs of porting it over, that's if it is also x86 architecture... if not then the time and cost of retooling the engine etc, paying another team to oversee its development... it's just not cost-effective. For me, the x86 architecture is the most appealing of all the NX rumours so far!
  7. Hybrid with x86 architecture and cross-platform play and it'll sell. I actually don't see any other way it will (just a hybrid would)
  8. I'm not a fan of locking weapons and Star Cards behind the DLC, if they give an advantage over those without the DLC, as it becomes pay to win. CoD has handled it better in that the new weapons aren't locked behind the DLC and you can get them without paying... even though it's a lottery as to whether you get them. I'm still not sure if I should buy the season pass, I'm playing it a lot more lately but I'm not sure just how much more I will be as the year goes on... especially after moving in with the Mrs in the summer.
  9. This is a BIG problem! It's not just how long it takes to find games too, it's the game modes you might want to play too that you struggle with. On CoD for the WiiU you can pretty much only get games on TDM and Domination, all the other modes just don't get played as there's not a large enough userbase. Now if Nintendo were open to cross-platform online, as Microsoft have said they are, this would alleviate this problem a bit.
  10. Part of the blame must go to Nintendo though. When EA are having to spend more time and shell out more money on a WiiU port than any of the other consoles due to the different architecture, things will have to suffer so they can reduce costs. If they used the same architecture then the same EA teams would've handled the WiiU versions for porting. WiiU games just weren't cost effective enough to warrant them being on par with this counterparts on other systems.
  11. I don't think it's safe to say at all @Kounan! MK8 online options were worse than MKWii's! At least on the Wii game you could create a group and search for games online as that group, as opposed to someone having to search for games and then others to then join them. Look at the lack of options for teaming up, changing weapons/clothing etc in Splatoon... it's awful! I don't have any faith in Nintendo to get it right, never mind say that "it's safe to say".
  12. My problem is that there are too many uncertainties with Nintendo and online. It's all well and good me saying "if they have Party Chat, then yes"... but thinking about it, there still aren't certainties with their games. Will they have gimped online options (I'm looking at you, ALL their online games)? Will the games even have online (I'm looking at you Nintendoland, SM3DW, Pikmin 3)? I'd need more assurances to say yes.
  13. I think just randomly searching online and came across it when it was N64-Europe. I liked what I saw and always have.
  14. If they get Mario and Zelda out of the way, they can then concentrate on Metroid, Splatoon 2, Waverace, F-Zero and other big games that will flesh out the schedule... right? One can dream!
  15. As someone who loves anime and foreign films, subtitles don't bother me in the slightest and I certainly don't think it loses anything at all if it's in a language I don't understand. I still connect to characters just as much as I do with languages I do understand. If they did voice acting in Hylian with subtitles I think I'd prefer that as it gives some authenticity to the world. If it was English voice acting I think I'd feel that it loses the feel that the land is Hyrule.
  16. I find I agree with @Zechs Merquise on this... I get what @Ashley is saying but just tend to agree more with Zechs' points.
  17. But people do moan when the Gamepad isn't shown why it's good in games, so people have a right to moan when VR isn't shown why it's great in games... no? Quick post whilst I'm in the airport, only skim-read to be fair.
  18. Taken from the Pokemon thread... In all honesty, I couldn't even manage to bring myself to chat to another girl for a good 8 months. And yes, I've met better since, the Mexican girl I was with was a wonderful lady, I thought the world of her but she wasn't the one... the one I'm with now, I'm certain of it, is though. I'd happily have gone through one hundred heart-aches to have met this girl. She absolutely brings out the best in me and makes me feel like I need to be the best for her. When you do find that one, as you are to her too, you don't break up. You'll find her mate. Firstly, before thinking of loving someone else though, you must come to terms with it ending, why it ended and also that it ended is best for you. When you've come to terms with that, feel who you are, because it will change you somewhat, for the better. Once you understand who you are and love who you are and who you can be, then you're ready to think about loving others again.
  19. You've still not said why it shouldn't be done if it was done how I outlined. The reason I'm giving that it should be is so that people who don't have a handheld but would like a Pokemon main series game could buy one. The handheld version would still exist in tandem with it and you could game cross-platform. So then why not? Why will you not answer?
  20. Would you say the DLC is worth the purchase then guys?
  21. Smash Bros did it... but also, you'd not have to buy it twice, just the one you'd prefer, unless you wanted to buy both!
  22. Then why should it not be done if there's a portable and home console version that would work as below?
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