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Everything posted by Kav

  1. One thing I detest about this game is the matchmaking. If you've any sort of skill it always puts you on a team of the most useless of players! It's so hard to get a win when you game alone as you're just always paired with noobs! You can go on a right tear, have an awesome game and yet still lose! It's maddening...
  2. @Animal, the work you've put in is nothing short of amazing I must say! Kudos to you man.
  3. Handed in my notice of tenancy, moving in with the girlfriend in a couple months... the poor girl!
  4. Holy shit man, you've got so much fucking awesomeness to read!
  5. I do think it'd be quite funny for Guardiola to not have Champios League football next season! Like us
  6. Kav

    Battlefield 1

    BF4 has the right amount of customisation. It's easily my favourite multiplayer game... ever! I'd kill for a good N-E showing on BF5, it'd be awesome running squads!
  7. Battlefield 5 reveal tonight, 9pm GMT. [tweet]726063529388826624[/tweet] I'm really looking forward to this, I'm going to have to tell the Mrs to let me be for the reveal... priorities!
  8. One thing that an F-Zero would do is keep more of their existing fans from leaving. It's shrinking due to a number of factors of course, but one of these is that they're no longer releasing a number of the games we love. I know they'd have an easier time keeping me on board of they released an F-Zero, a Waverace, a Metroid (another generation missed)... as well as Party Chat of course. :p
  9. Would it be bad form of them to host an event on the anniversary of Iwata's passing, have a segment dedicated to his memory and his work and then reveal the NX console and games as a "for Iwata", as they say in their meetings?
  10. With the game as large as it is, I'd love to be able to traverse it using both Epona and a Loftwing. None of this lame Skyward Sword usage of Loftwings though, I'd like it so you could call your bird, get atop it and then just fly across the treetops etc.
  11. Having a say in this title and putting your hopes to bed is simply a silver lining to an utterly dogshit season for us. So we'll enjoy that. What was actually shameful on Monday was your players behaviour!
  12. I can't imagine they will do. I don't want there to be too many spoilers.
  13. If I hadn't such a damn backlog I'd buy it, but it's going to have to wait!
  14. I agree with Tphi. [tweet]728202174568763392[/tweet]
  15. Well I'll be watching the hell out of that! Will you be on Party Chat on the PS4 when it's on? Will you be too @lostmario, @Blade?
  16. Amongst these you have a plethora of other genres though and many games within each of those genres Whereas with Nintendo, you may have different genres, by not much choice within each genre. So it's not quite the same.
  17. It's not gibberish at all @dazzybee, the beauty is in finding the tactics that works and employing them with aplomb. So theres beauty in Leicester having won the league and it's why they've played the best football. It's a game that's played to be won, there's beauty in setting up the team to win, employing those tactics and then those tactics working and obtaining the win. Teams and fans that are happy playing "beautiful" football but not winning anything are those I feel sorry for. Leicester are Indy, Spurs are the Swordsman: ...but you're happy as the Swordsman because of the "beauty" he showed.
  18. Nothing has really interested me since The Walking Dead S2.
  19. Given how it's pretty much just Nintendo supporting their console and that its a game that is frequently mentioned when talking about Nintendo's catalogue that they could dig into to offer more diversity in the line-up of the console then I disagree with your comment. I still feel it's a very valid argument. Your comparison is moot because Naughty Dog isn't a console manufacturer trying to support a console they've made that needs all the help it can get. Also, mentioning how the competition haven't put out a game of similar ilk gives credence to Nintendi actually releasing an F-Zero to try and gain more of an audience that the opposition isn't catering for.
  20. The reason people slag them off is simple: jealousy. I'll guarantee you, 50 years from now nobody will remember Tottenham this season, they'll all remember Leicester! "Beautiful" football and "ugly" football are all part of the same game. You can't discount one style of play because you don't find it as entertaining. It's a tactical ploy to play that way and if it wins then it's the best. Winning ugly is still "beautiful", because it can be tactically beautiful. Those that don't learn to appreciate that will never become winners... because this season, Leicester have beautifully employed those "ugly" tactics to dismantle everyone, irrespective of the "beautiful" football they play!
  21. Football is a game. The aim of a game is to win. Leicester have played the most winning football this season. Ergo, Leicester have played the best football this season. This "we play the best football" is such a bag of shite. The best football wins, simple as that. You can play "beautiful" football and lose, that is then shit football. What's the point of "playing beautifully" if you're not going to win?
  22. Kav


    I'm not going to the wrong places, I'm just comparing the beers here to Bavarian bier... bought and drank in the brewery's themselves. It's just an unfair comparison, that's all. Haha I know it's not crap here, it's just not as (nowhere near) good.
  23. Ah! That made me feel a whole lot better after this awful, awful movie.
  24. The stars of the Zelda games has always been the dungeons for me and so the story was as important, but the fact of the matter is that a cohesive, well written and pieces together story would only enhance Zelda! The land of Hyrule is ripe for a story driven game, still with the main emphasis on dungeons, there's no reason it can't be done and in this day and age it's what I want from Nintendo! They need to bring Hyrule to life and really engage me like never before!
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