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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I would love a Loftwing in this game to soar those skies! Raising the bar indeed!
  2. They could do with making the stamina gauge drain a little slower when sprinting. Link can hardly shift at all because of it!
  3. Thank god! I went for a crap, came back and read Kounan's post and thought "Nooooo", haha. I can't wait to delve into this world, see all the races etc like you say Dazzybee.
  4. Gutted there are no towns or villages. In a land that big you should have some. I'm still not overly keen on combat. It needs revamping and modernising.
  5. Release date for The Last Guardian and the Spiderman reveal were my favourite announcements.
  6. Zelda and Horizon are the standout games of the show for me.
  7. Absolutely! I was still a bit reserved after the trailer but the gameplay has done more than made me happy. This game looks to be absolutely gold!
  8. The more I watch the more the game delivers! Why oh why did I worry?! I'm so loving this!!!
  9. Impression by Tphi... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-06-14-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-is-the-most-ambitious-nintendo-game-in-years Semi voice acting:
  10. I agree completely. Absolutely awful management of it all.
  11. A decent trailer, more actual gameplay as opposed to just chatter whilst NOTHING happens on screen!
  12. Worst E3 showing EVER. Nice Zelda trailer to start with, followed by epic bags of utter fucking wank drivel! Nintendo are absolutely rudderless without Iwata! What a joke!
  13. Looks nice but it doesn't stack up to a few games both out already and also shown at this E3. We need to see more gameplay because so far it's underwhelming.
  14. Yeah, the zombies swarming was great, fantastic animation on show! Funny how they left him when they reached him a couple times though, none made an attempt to grab the character at all, haha. Typical E3 demo!
  15. Does nothing for me as it gives next to nothing away. That, in my opinion, Kojima is also one of the most over-rated developers out there also means I have next to no interest in this. The only thing that keeps a sliver of intrigue within me is the PT demo and how I enjoyed that (for a bit, until it stopped being scary).
  16. The Last Guardian Horizon Spiderman Sea of Theives God of War Zelda..? We'll see soon enough!
  17. Im not so certain fans expectations are impossible these days. If you look at the worlds that some games have crafted, how beautifully intricate and alive they feel, how well animated they are, giving such a level of immersion, it's not impossible at all. Xenoblade Chronicles (minus the animation), The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Horizon (from what's been shown) all show beautifully crafted worlds that feel alive. If Zelda can capture that, improve on its jarring animations and provide the staple of the series in having epic dungeon design, then it will live up to and possibly exceed expectations! I so hope it does! Not long now.
  18. That's a given with Zelda games, even if we do love them, haha. This is the first time I've had fears over one though.
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