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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I posted this on Facebook: I see shares of a petition going round calling for a 2nd EU Referendum. I voted Remain and will not be signing said petition and I think any petition should not even be considered unless it obtains more votes than the Leave campaign acquired... 17.5 million. Otherwise, what the fuck is the point in democracy?!
  2. I loved Skyward Sword and loved the controls but I'm ok if they go back to buttons. FPS games though were the dogs' bollocks with the Wiimote! I'd certainly like the difficulty ramped up. I know it was just a demo but those Bokoblins could not fight for toffee! Taking more damage isn't enough, they need the AI to be better, the fights need to be more tactical.
  3. Happy birthday dude!
  4. I've not suggested how it works, nor said we just "pick and choose" what we like. I mean that, as a part of a severance package and the agreements with the EU within, if we can stay in the Single Market then it would be good. Of course deals will have to be struck for things to happen. I've not suggested otherwise.
  5. It's probably not as bad as some people are making out (a lot depends on the severance package though). If we can retain membership of the Single Market then most of my worries will be allayed. Now I hope for reform of our own Parliamentary system and a call for a Snap Election as I don't feel the Tories are best leading us in this direction! Both campaigns were fraught with lies and skewed figures/details. Vitriol directed at voters isn't right. We should live by our decision and find a way to unite to get through it.
  6. Currently doing it at the mo.
  7. Oh I'm enjoying it still, just not loving it. It may yet grab me as I'm still only a tiny bit into the game... but I don't feel like I need to put it on whenever I've spare time.
  8. I could not care any less for Gwent... I can't be bothered with a card game.
  9. Something just isn't grabbing me with this game. I really thought it would but it just feels it's lacking something that I can't quite put my finger on.
  10. I went on and give the Charge Blade Striker Style a go... didn't get to use an Art as I killed the monster just as it charged. The Charge Blade is still an absolute beast of a weapon, even if it has been nerfed a little from MH4.
  11. Following on from this video (which if you've not seen, please do watch), Professor Michael Dougan speaks on immigration... https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2016/06/20/eu-law-expert-responds-industrial-dishonesty-video-goes-viral/
  12. So on Monday myself and 4 colleagues were sent to one of our locations in Scotland on an overnight trip. I didn't want to go but the company had already booked it without asking me and told me so afterwards... urgh. So yesterday evening after spending the day at our work location (a paper mill), we went back to the hotel to check in... yet unbeknownst to a single one of us on the trip, the company hadn't paid for the hotel rooms, just reserved them. Now when I've travelled before they've paid, as they have for my colleagues I was with, but this time they hadn't... and hadn't told even a single one of us at all. So we were then expected to pay for the rooms and claim it back. Which my colleagues did... ...myself however, I wasn't having that. Our company always somehow find a way for fucking us employees over, they've tried to do it with me in the past with a contract I agreed with them in regards to out of office hours working, and so I wasn't having them fuck me again. So I called my manager to let him know of my displeasure and that I was refusing to pay for the hotel. His stance initially was "I don't know what you expect me to do" to which I'd said I didn't know, but given that he is my manager that I figured I was best letting him know of my anger and that the cost of a train ticket home was less than the hotel room so if I was forking out for anything, it'd be that. After a bit of back and forth he said he'd pay for the room on his card, which he did. Today, as I'm on the train back after another day at our site up here, my colleagues at the office have said its all kicking off with management and senior management. Looks like I'm in for some "meetings" when we get back in work tomorrow. It pisses me off royally, we'll see how they go tomorrow. At the moment I'm still raging with the company as its not the first time they've done things like this and yet they try to put it on us employees... I'm not having it!
  13. A must-watch... an actual expert (Professor of European Law) talking about both remaining and leaving.
  14. [tweet]743907416111190016[/tweet]
  15. I've been watching tonnes of YouTube videos of people doing all sorts of amazing stuff. The game is blowing my mind! I'd kill for Nintendo to release the demo that was at E3.
  16. The environment in this latest Zelda is on a whole other level to other Zelda games... and on another level to many, many other games. To talk about about in such simple terms as the previous Zelda games doesn't do the game... ...wait! I was about to say "do the game justice"... but that's not right. This wasn't the finished game. This was a small demo!!! A tiny portion of the game world and the level of interactivity with the environment was simply outstanding! It completely took my breath away in places, the things you could do, and I've not seen anything of the like on any other game at all, never mind just a small demo!!! Hell, you could run into a band of bokoblins, go to a nearby tree and lay a bomb by its base. You then climb the tree, get into a position in the branches and snipe at the bokoblins with your bow and arrow. When they run towards you in the tree, you could jump out and paraglide away slightly, detonate the bomb you laid, causing the tree to fall on them! Of course it may not work as its not scripted, but the fact you can even do it is astounding and I can't think of other game worlds allowing this kind of interactivity. Some of the examples people are giving of how they've tackled certain things are simply immense!!!
  17. I wanted to watch this earlier but couldn't, just seen it now and some of the things they spoke about... HOLY FUCKING SHIT! AWESOME!!! :bowdown::bowdown:
  18. I know you didn't @drahkon.
  19. Haha, it's just talking about the world itself obviously, given how the demo was void of story and that they removed the towns etc from it... but for just a demo that was said to show just between 1-2% of the game, man they've built the world right! My post is only meant to allay any worries people may have over the game as opposed to stoke any fires in debates.
  20. Eurogamer decided not to go with just one game as Game of Show, but said this about Zelda: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-06-17-eurogamers-best-of-e3-2016
  21. I've just told my girlfriend that she'll be a Zelda Widow when the game is released... she's prepared for it and accepting of it thankfully. #priorities
  22. I think it'll be more in depth of you choose it to be, considering they've said you can beat the final boss without experiencing it, people could play the game and think it has almost no story.
  23. Yeah @Daft, I read it, Batman too, enjoyed them both... the poor cat! Haha
  24. All we know so far is that Hyrule has fallen into ruin and Link has been woken from 100 years of slumber to save it (without going into any more detail that may spoil). The story from there won't be done in cut-scenes and well told narrative, given how it's been said that you can beat the final boss without handing had any sort of story explained to you. The story will come from speaking to people, getting their accounts of what happened. Perhaps reading entires made in diaries and books etc. The story will be there but it won't be told, it'll have to be found... just like it was in Metroid Prime, and I love it like that because I feel it will have been my story and not someone else's told to me because I'm the one shaping it and shaping how much of it I learn. It's a brilliant decision to do it this way, in my mind! Everyone who plays this game will have a different experience of the game to talk about. It'll be great!
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