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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I hate these type of games! Not for me this one.
  2. I'm half tempted to pick this up but knowing I'd be able to get it much cheaper on elsewhere is a big thing stopping me. Skyrim on the commute though...
  3. So pretty! My Mrs' son will absolutely love this! No doubt he'll want it so I'll not get it on PS4, XBO it is.
  4. Wasn't overly impressed I must admit, few games did anything for me. Still very intrigued by Sea of Thieves though... oh, and I loved the look of Dragonball Fighter Z!
  5. I'm not watching live this year, I'll catch up.
  6. For the second time in a year the Tories have put Party before Country with the EU Referendum & GE2017. They have shown with absolute clarity that they cannot be trusted to look after us, the people!
  7. This is what will keep the Tories in power... [tweet]872384722802003972[/tweet] UKIP don't want a Labour government at all costs so they'll let the Tories have a free ride. Vote Conservative, get UKIP!
  8. Sounds more like DLC than a new game.
  9. Half-baked FIFA: [tweet]872027525555396608[/tweet]
  10. [tweet]871682620110905344[/tweet] This move could well go against him, but I love the fight Corbyn is showing, he's showing who is really Strong & Stable!
  11. Kav


    I love fighting games... and this is fairly lame. I'll not be buying this.
  12. Tory MP, his Agent and a senior Tory official have been charged over the Election Expenses scandal. [tweet]870572536723107840[/tweet] I hope this is brought up in Question Time tonight! Recall what May said about it at the time? [tweet]870579133042053121[/tweet]
  13. Brexit negotiations... Tory Team: Boris, Davis & Fox Labour Team: Starmer, Gardiner & Thornberry The Labour lot is a dream-team in comparison! Did anyone watch Question Time? If you have questions over Labour's ability to handle Brexit, Barry Gardiner answered them all, I felt. He was superb last night... the guy was hitting home-runs all evening! Showed he's far more competent and knowledgable than Davis!
  14. Nintendo best improve on this shower of shite solution!
  15. No Theresa May is better than a bad Theresa May!
  16. The way I see it is that the engineers have been trying to create "the perfect species". They created humans which were a failure of this process. The humans (Weyland), in-turn, created David and gave him thoughts/self-consciousness (the big error). After coming to understand what the engineers were up to, David thought that he was created by Weyland for the same reason the engineers had created humans (given that he is superior to humans)... and so he felt he must carry on that work... and got a bit of a god complex in the process. Given that the engineers had failed, he saw them as unworthy and so eradicated them, then carried on their work to create the xenomorph...
  17. Corbyn came out of it pretty well. May had a poor showing overall but ended strongly with people thanks to another sound-byte. I hate how people lap that shit up. A meaningless slogan, said repeatedly, it resonates with idiots. Best thing to come out of it: #TheresaMayBlowhard
  18. Had a game of Munchkin again tonight with the Mrs and her brother (he has the game), it's such a laugh, I love the game!
  19. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    That's what parental controls are for.
  20. Given we won the league I'd say it's blue, with just a tint of red in it.
  21. Firstly, Arsenal really deserved the win! Secondly, their first goal was handball and how it was given was beyond me as it was as clear as day. Thirdly, what the fuck was Moses thinking the dirty cheat?! What makes it worse is that Fabregas was completely free on the edge of the box! Fourthly, why when we're chasing the game did Conte bring off Costa when Kante was on a yellow? May as well throw caution to the wind and go for a goal. Lastly, we were absolutely awful today, our passing, pressing, control... all of it, it was all completely off.
  22. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    The tiniest of baby-steps in the right direction. But FUCK ME, why are they so fucking backwards?!!!!!
  23. I'm not sure if I'll bother... if it was built ground-up for the Switch then I'd be all over it, but another port..? I dunno.
  24. Kav


    [tweet]867757156291969025[/tweet] I'll finish Zelda just in time for this!
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