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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I see why people say the game is uninspired and yes, it's art is poor but come on, this controls so well it really does make up for it! It just makes it fun, very fun, to play and who doesn't play games for fun?! Anyhoo, I've just finished the campaign, I played it on the hardest difficulty, which gave it a bit of a challenge and I loved it! Just because it's a "corridor shooter" it doesn't make it a bad game. It makes it different from most other FPS games out there and also feels like a "throw-back" to the Goldeneye era, which I thought was great! Can't wait to get this online once I get my broadband in!
  2. Welcome to the NHK Mobile Suit Gundam 00 seasons 1&2 Blood+ I enjoyed these and would recommend them to anyone!
  3. Well I'm loving the game, I set it to the hardest difficulty and I've piled right into it! It's a lot better than some people had made it out to be. Can't wait to get this online, the controls are simply perfect!
  4. Hope you lot will be playing this online because as soon as I get a phone line sorted at my new address I'll be on this all the time!
  5. I need to get a phone line set up at my new address so I can get online asap for this! I don't want to miss out on the online action for too long!
  6. I don't know if I'd complain at all. I don't think Zelda "needs" a change but if it has one, I'd still welcome it! I simply have complete faith in whatever Nintendo wish to do with the franchise!
  7. I feel that a change is needed like the change we got for Mario Galaxy. It still felt like a Mario game but it felt very refreshing! Zelda needs a change in a similar way so that it still feels like Zelda but whilst feeling new and exciting too... how to go about that, I don't know, but hey, that's why I don't work for Nintendo!
  8. I'd love to see a playable Yoshi... oh wait! Oh snap, this game is going to be so good! I thought Bouldergeist was awesome too, I'd love to see the Koopalings back (I know that they're in NSMB Wii but I'd LOVE to have them in this too)!
  9. "If we were just rating this on game control alone we'd give this a perfect score." This, along with the online is pretty much all I want from this game!
  10. ...no Wii Speak?! Is this 100% definite?! HUGE error if so!
  11. BOLLOCKS! I booked a week off work so I could hammer out this game!
  12. The 2 new hosts of the Triforces of Power and Wisdom! Facing off against both the Triforces of Power AND Wisdom would make for an epic battle!
  13. So I'm at a mates watching him play this and then we notice something... he's playing but there's no ball in the game! He's having to follow the trail the ball leaves when hit to follow the play! Hilarious! It was nothing a restart didn't fix though!
  14. Am I correct in thinking that there is only 1 living male Gerudo at any one time, so that the Gerudo's are all women but 1, that 1 being Ganondorf..? Well if so, this idea has just popped into my head... for whatever reason! Time has passed since Ganondorf's demise, with his death however, the balance of the Triforce has been upset. Nobody weilds the Triforce of Power any longer and as a result the other Triforce Pieces have dispersed from their respective weilders. They are not lost however. After time the Triforce found new hosts. The Triforces of Power and Wisdom are now weilded by people with their own ambitions, people that do not harbour ideals for Hyrule as a nation. The Triforce of Courage has also found a host, a host named Link. Link, however, is not as we expect. Link now stands as the lone male of the Gerudo Clan! Link must prove himself to the Clan as he reaches the age of adulthood and so sets off on a journey to prove his worth. As he arrives in Hyrule all is not as it usually is. Something is amiss and so he investigates... in doing so he meets a certain man, this man has a certain quality about him, something that Link relates to. It is a quality they both share... but not the only thing they share; this man's name is also Link! The Legendary Hero takes you under his wing and guides you on your quest to save Hyrule and finally gain the recognition that the Gerudo Clan really deserve! To be accepted as a province of Hyrule and to be known as it's people.
  15. Well I played this today at a mates and all I can say is WOW! I am buying this as soon as I get paid!
  16. Man, I would like that very much myself too!
  17. I'm in agreement with this, I want it to be absolutely the best it can be!
  18. It'd be a HUGE mistake if they don't include it!
  19. I think this is my only gripe with the game... but yeah, looks to have a good deal of replayability.
  20. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with fully customizable controls! Well, I'd like that but in reality my dream game is Zelda Wii.
  21. 1. Metroid Prime Trilogy 2. The Conduit 3. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 4. Red Steel 2 5. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
  22. If it nails controls and online then I'm sold... that's all I'm after with this!
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