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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I've had a few doctors handle my baby-makers.
  2. This really is true, the Model 1887 is so good it's silly!
  3. Well I prestiged tonight... and I'm gutted to have lost all the weapons and perks etc. Ah well, it'll be fun doing it all again!
  4. What a game! What a game! Been playing 2p today with my flatmate and we've had such a blast... Wow!!!
  5. What's a shame is that I'd be on Smash Bros all the time if online was any good on it! Instead I have to make do with Modern Warfare 2 on my 360!
  6. Half of me doesn't want to prestige as I really don't want to be losing all my stuff, but then again, a few extra custom class slots would be nice... although extra slots don't seem like much for going through it all again and again (I couldn't care less for extra titles and emblems). Anyhoo, finished my evening on CoD with a nice 20 kills to 0 deaths with 2 assists. I'm getting better, I had a few flawless games tonight. I was rubbish when the game first came out, ending games with scores like 8 kills for 12 deaths!
  7. Loving the M16 (of course) and also the ACR, the gun is so accurate, hardly any recoil at all. Does anybody know if you get anything for prestiging at all?
  8. I'd be happy with visuals as good as Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 1-3, Wind Waker and Super Mario Galaxy ( to cover a few genres and styles). I just don't get it when games look worse than these when the machine is easily capable of it!
  9. Having played it, I'd say don't boycott it. You'll be missing out on one seriously amazing game!
  10. After hearing Reggie say that it was back to side-scrolling, that's almost a carbon-copy of what I thought/did! Haha
  11. So how many of us are getting this? If there's a few, I may well get it myself! I did love it on the 360!
  12. Kav

    Tekken 6

    The lag is really getting to me, I'm almost losing faith in this as an online game! It hampers your combo strings and sometimes makes reversals redundant! Still, I do love Tekken. I need to get some practice in though as I'm shockingly poor compared to how I used to be... I can't even remember half of everyones moves (
  13. Haha, a lad I know has got a lifetime ban for having/playing an illegal copy... yes, the copy I played at his. I told him he shouldn't play it before release date, but still, oh well. That's why I won't get mine chipped!
  14. I don't know if this has been mentioned already but my mate has just told me to find this Deadmau5 tune... AWESOME!
  15. Well, I've applied for another 2 jobs today. Both within the Export Industry which is where I want to be, having worked there previously. Although one of the jobs closing dates is today... I hope my application made it in time!
  16. I'm not too sure if this has already been posted elsewhere, but... Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is now a movie: http://uk.movies.ign.com/dor/objects/664420/prince-of-persia/videos/pop_mov_trl1_110209.html
  17. If they get the controls right on this then I'd recommend it over The Conduit... by far! You know, I wasn't planning on getting this after being so annoyed that MW2 wasn't being released on Wii, but seeing as a fair few people seem interested I may well pick this up. Although I really do wish MW2 was coming out on Wii, it's amazing, really really amazing! I can't wait to get it.
  18. I know a guy that has this, yes illegally; the naughty boy, and I have played through the campaign at his. All I can say is wow! Seriously, wow!
  19. Kav

    Tekken 6

    Azazel is a major pain in the arse! Argh, so cheap!
  20. Kav

    Tekken 6

    I've just got the game and I must say, I love it! I haven't played Tekken since the release weekend of Tekken 5 so I feel a little rusty at the moment, but yeah... this is more Tekken goodness! On a quick note, having briefly played it, I'm liking Dragunov he's an awesome character!
  21. The problem I find that I'm currently having is that the jobs available to me don't pay enough for me to be able to continue living where I do... or many other places nearby! Pants!
  22. This is very true, I love this place! The funny thing is, I can't go on other forums... I'd feel like I'm cheating on this one! Haha I love you guys!
  23. Death Note is better than anything... ANYTHING!
  24. Avoiding this place like the plague, I was getting enough grief off my mates! Haha
  25. Twas a good weekend for Chelsea all in all.
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