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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav


    If Sony don’t stop being cuntish, I think Epic should offer V-Bucks to those who have had to setup new Accounts to play on Switch. You'd email Epic both your Switch-linked & PSN-linked Accounts and they should give the Switch Account V-Bucks up to the value of what’s been spent on the PSN-linked Account - I think that’s pretty reasonable given future purchases won’t cross accounts. I can’t think of any reason for Sony not to allow the Save Data being shared between consoles other than they don’t want people spending money on the micro-transactions on other platforms.
  2. Microsoft had the best show, Nintendo had the worst, even with Sony’s daft “intermission”. Ghost of Tsushima was my game of show. Sekiro and Spider-Man looked great too and I’m looking forward to hearing more about Cyberpunk 2077.
  3. Kav


    Yeah, it’s not the cross-play that’s the big thing, it’s the locking of the Epic Accounts. The only reason I can think of them doing that is because they want any micro-transactions made being made on PS4 and not on a competitor platform.
  4. Kav


    I’ve emailed from the Fortnite website asking of the possibility of any workarounds to the blocked accounts linked to PSN and received fairly unhelpful replies.
  5. Kav


    Its not the big draw of the game, but it still sucks.
  6. Kav


    They’re arses. That’s the only real reason, haha.
  7. Kav


    Protect those children? It’s Sony that are blocking it!
  8. For me that was a poor showing.
  9. This looks sweet as fuck! Will get!
  10. This looks completely unadulterated, unabashedly, nonsensical fun!
  11. Cheers dude, although you just know it won’t be anything like that! Haha After Reading 907 this train of thought was running through my mind:
  12. Here was me saying I didn’t think I’d bother with it being a historical shooter but this game mode has me swooning. @Blade do you think you might pick this one up?
  13. Kav


    The WiiU had CoD games (Black Ops 2), as did the Wii. Black Ops on Wii was one of the best FPS games ever released, it was damn good!
  14. The One Piece hype is real. Another outstanding chapter from Oda. Fook me I can’t wait to see what unfolds from all this!
  15. The Promised Neverland chapter 89... how the actual fook do they plan on killing Lewis?!
  16. I’ve not played on my Switch in an age... since Monster Hunter World released... I’ve not even bothered taking it on my commute for a good while. Nothing on it, that I haven’t already played, is making me think “I have to play this” at the moment. I’m hoping for a good E3 from Nintendo as I’m becoming a little bored with the console at the mo.
  17. Zidane might be waiting for Deschamps to leave his post after the World Cup and is eyeing up being next for the French job. Abramovich has pulled out of Chelsea’s stadium expansion. Don’t think he sees why he should invest another £1bn when he isn’t being allowed in the country.
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