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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I’m loving the portability of the Switch as it helps keep me busy on my commute... but as a multiplayer console it’s pretty awful... The WiFi is crap and connecting 2 or more Switches locally is even worse!
  2. Well the vote on May’ Plan B is the 29th so it won’t be long until the next steps in Brexit come about. I reckon we’ll move towards Parliament taking control or an Election, following a No Confidence vote, to prevent No Deal.
  3. The thing is @Fierce_LiNk we’re not past the point of ifs & buts yet... that May’s Deal was rejected so forcefully has kept us in this position. The EU want a closer Deal, they’ve said so themselves, they’d likely agree to extend Article 50 should Parliament take control and put forward proposals on a new deal:
  4. I reckon an Election will be incoming as I think Yvette Cooper’s amendment will pass next week, which seeks to extent Article 50 and rule out a No Deal Brexit. There’s a big suggestion that this will lead May to trigger another Election (because she doesn’t want Parliament to take over the process) offering up a vote on her Deal or No Deal in another manifesto... then if she’s voted back in, she can ignore the Parliament standoff we currently have and be shown to have “saved” Brexit. The Tories really don’t want to risk avoiding Brexit as it’ll split the Party in two - that’s the reason they called the Referendum in the first place don’t forget! If it doesn’t pass and May doesn’t move any further on her Deal then it’ll look like we’re heading for a No deal, at this point another vote of No Confidence will likely be called... would the Lib Dem’s & Tory Remainers really risk a No Deal Brexit or would they finally put Country before Party and put it to an Election..? If that were to fail, then Labour would support a 2nd Referendum. Both the Tories and Labour have to be very careful in the steps they’re taking, otherwise they’d face destruction... most Labour constituencies voted Leave and most the swing constituencies they need to win also voted Leave. Too early a call for a second referendum will ruin they’re chances in any future elections.
  5. I reckon an extension to Article 50 & a General Election is incoming.
  6. @drahkon my head is exploding with all that’s going on in The Promised Neverland... what a manga!!!
  7. So May has finally asked for cross-Party support, having refused it since the result of the Referendum itself. All the other Parties have said that they won’t talk unless No Deal is taken off the table, but May won’t budge. Come Monday, May has to provide her Plan B to Parliament... should she not have one, as is being suggested, I’d expect another motion of No Confidence soon thereafter - possibly after “private” talks with the DUP to see if they’ll get onboard (which they might if there’s no movement on the Backstop). EDIT: This just in: So the dates of next imagine we’ll be seeing any further motions of No Confidence will be after Monday and/or after 29/01.
  8. This needs to be a budget release.
  9. Finished it just now, really good read and has set up the second book quite nicely, but leaving enough open to not really know how it will go.
  10. I’ll not talk about the past couple years and how that’s gone, as we all know what a shit-show it’s been. I’ll just talk about how I could see things panning out from here and what my viewpoint on it all is. So, May’s Deal. The meaningful vote on the Deal is the 15th, should it pass we leave on its terms on the 29th March. However, it looks highly likely to fail. Following this, thanks to Dominic Grieve’s Amendment, May then has 3 sitting days to provide her “Plan B”, this would be Monday the 21st. It’s widely expected that Labour will table a Vote of No Confidence in Government following the Deal failing to pass Parliament, whether they do it immediately or wait until after the deadline for her Plan B passes is yet to be known - one thing is for sure, they will need the DUP backing it for a No Confidence vote to pass. Should a No Confidence vote fail, there’ll be a push for a “People’s Vote”, with Remain on the ballot. A possible ballot would be: 1. Remain 2. Leave - should you wish to leave, would you leave with; A. May’s Deal, or B. no deal. I’m sure Parliament will try to ensure No Deal isn’t on the ballot but I believe the Government will push for it to be included. Should the No Confidence vote succeed, May will have 14 days to try and get her Deal through Parliament but if it fails a General Election will be held. This will give the Parties a renewed opportunity to adjust what they’ve offered over the past couple years. Given the Party’s stances on Brexit and the various factions within each Party, I’d imagine they’d pledge something along the lines of the below in their manifestos: Tory: Vote on May’s Deal or No Deal Labour: Vote on New Deal or Remain Lib Dem: People’s Vote* SNP: People’s Vote* Green: Remain UKIP: Leave with no Deal *I believe a “People’s Vote” will be promised against whoever gets in Government, but with Remain on the ballot and No Deal off it. Either way, it’s pretty much inevitable that Article 50 will be extended. For a Referendum (People’s Vote), a minimum of 22 weeks is required, as cited here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/constitution-unit/sites/constitution-unit/files/the_mechanics_of_a_further_referendum_on_brexit.pdf Should an Election be called it does not require as much notice as a Referendum does to be held (only 17 working days, as linked) but Article 50 would still be extended for campaigning & any negotiations that would follow. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/60646/election-rules-chapter6-draft_0.pdf Many point out that the EU have said that this is the only Deal available and that there will be no further negotiations. However, Guy Verhofstadt (Brexit Coordinator for EU Parliament) stated on the Marr show that this may change if there was a change in Government, as that would lead to “unknown territory” as a new Government’s Brexit position might change. He’s also said how the EU would be happy to have a closer relationship than what May has arranged with her Deal, just last month: Given all the above, I want a General Election. It’ll allow for a renewed take on Brexit, as well as dealing with many issues that are being completely ignored; the rises in homelessness, foodbank usage, poverty (including in-work poverty), issues with Universal Credit, NHS underfunding, austerity etc., the scandals as FLink pointed out; Grenfell & Windrush - 80% of Grenfell families still haven’t been rehoused, after having been told they would be within 3 weeks after the incident itself! We need the Tories out, they’re callous and cruel policies are killing people, a People’s Vote alone won’t change that. One thing to consider when talking about an Election vs People’s Vote is that there’s no majority for any form of Brexit in Parliament, so a People’s Vote is pretty much an eventuality... this is why a push for an Election gets my vote.
  11. Picked up The Wolf by Leo Carew, the first book in his Under the Northern Sky series... it’s also the only book currently, the second, The Spider, is due April. Only half way through but really enjoying it so far.
  12. I don’t do resolutions but getting married and having a baby meant a fantastic 2018 for me. Just going to enjoy it all this year... as well as not sleep much!
  13. Right?! I had this feeling once I saw Emma’s reaction but I thought “no, surely not”... still blown away though!
  14. @drahkon have you read Promised Neverland 118..?!
  15. You’re not. I’m the same. I just wanted the characters unlocked and all I now care about it Smashing, don’t care for other modes.
  16. Local wireless is wank. How’s it keep buffering more than when playing online?! 3 systems connected to play and it’s awful.
  17. I think he just thought it was a 'bracket' competition rather than a drawn one. If there is a conspiracy where they already know who's going to play who, why would they let Craig Fucking Bellamy know? Surely Bellamy would know how the competition works, given he’s played in it and has commentated on it before..? As to why he’d know, who knows... I’m not buying into it myself, just think it looks suspicious. As you say, he may have just got his wires crossed.
  18. Here’s Craig Bellamy letting slip that City drew Burton a full day before the “live” draw took place...
  19. Unlocked all characters now... King K. Rool is definitely the most overpowered character in my eyes.
  20. Finally played and finished the Torna DLC and loved it. This really is a must-have for the system!
  21. I loved him at Chelsea, but he’s clearly lost what made him great. His man-management was on point during the first Chelsea spell, at Inter too, but since Real he lost that... he appeared to have it back at Chelsea in his second spell but that disastrous 3rd season, after the incident with the Club Dr (Eva Carneiro), cost him. I think a number of things contributed to his downfall, all stemming from his time at Real. As much as I hold him dear for what he brought to us, he isn’t a Special One any longer... he’s a Special Once-upon-a-time!
  22. Can’t believe they haven’t nerfed King K. Rool, he is god-tier!
  23. How can anyone forget Luigi?! lol
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