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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav

    Your last activity on this site was 24/4/10... man it's been a while! lol

  2. The thing that makes me laugh is even if they're buying it to cut it and try and annoy people, there's an extra +1 to it's sales figures... which is always good! lol
  3. I use mangareader.net it's a decent site with plenty of mangas, I'd say it's even better than onemanga was.

  4. I know, I just can't trust her... it's too soon for her to become one of the "good guys" just like that.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out with the other two of her (Alpha and Beta) turning up!

  5. Nooooooooooo! I just love the weapons, it's what makes Mario Kart!
  6. It's hard to argue with the figures, given that the Wii and DS are still outselling the competition year in year out. If the Wii sales do begin to become "weak" any time soon (still a far way off being weak Goron 3) then Nintendo will likely drop the price, maybe bring it out in even more colours and it'll start to sell more again. I think the only problem Nintendo created for themselves regarding their next console is their mantra of "it's not about graphics, it's about gameplay". So if their next console really is similar to the Wii but just more powerful, would a situation arise where people that bought into their mantra think to themselves "if it's not about graphics, but it's about gameplay; why should I bother getting the new console?"?! Considering the number of (I hate this term) casual gamers that bought the Wii, would they really think of upgrading it unless it did something new that other consoles weren't doing? If not, this could drastically effect sales of their next console! I'd still buy it though, simply because Nintendo make the best games, bar none!
  7. If I could choose the game... Ocarina of Time!
  8. Hi Ellmeister. I've finally got back into Bloody Monday and caught up with season 2... I read through it all from the start of the series to make sure I was up to speed!


    I'm loving how it's shaping up, I so have to thank you for recommending it to me!



  9. Hi Falcon, will you be making it online today? I'll join you if so!

  10. Yep! Some bosses do one hit kills too so it really can get challenging... but it is great, I preferred the game on hard.
  11. Kav

    Death Note

    I've got the manga, watched the anime, couldn't sit through the live action movies (they're just awful when compared to the manga/anime) and also have Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases which is the story of the case where L worked with Naomi Misora (this is pretty awesome too). I love Death Note!
  12. For anyone that hasn't yet played the game on Hard Mode, go for it! I found it even better on Hard! I just loved the increase in challenge!
  13. EA Grand Slam Tennis did... but other than that..? I dunno...
  14. I love the Wiimote, the motion controls make casual games and golf games so much more fun to play, but beyond that I don't see then being beneficial in most games. The pointer on the other hand is a MUST! It's made FPS games so much better it's unreal! In fact, pointer controls for targetting on almost any game is better than dual analogue. It wouldn't bother me at all if Nintendo's next console had a revamped Wiimote, albeit more precise, with a wireless nunchuck that also had Wiimotion+ in... that'd do me reet! Although I would like the machine to be a lot more powerful, not necesarrily for the graphics but just so the console could handle the big games... the poor Wii struggles running Black Ops!
  15. I use a high turn speed but with as small a bounding box as possible on GoldenEye this is 10x10 (as small as it goes) but I would like it even smaller... on Call of Duty my bounding box is only a few pixels by a few pixels (1x1). Both a small and large bounding box have their own advantages/disadvantages, it's just a case of trying each and seeing which best suits your style of play.
  16. Hope your elbow is ok Mokong, looking forward to seeing the fall mind, hehe. Have a great time out there... we're missing you on CoD mate!
  17. I didn't mind the campaign on this but I found the multiplayer to be too full of bugs and people choosing the never ending (well, 20 minutes) rocket launcher matches... but to be fair I never got involved in the N-E nights so it's no wonder I didn't have any fun with it. Gaming is always at it's best when it's with N-E!
  18. I see what you're saying, it's just that for those games you mention, one doesn't try to be like the other, they give different experiences and play styles (I can't say for Juiced & NFS as I haven't played either). As Zechs says, GE is effectively a "CoD Lite" with a Bond theme... it emulates things from Call of Duty but feels like a completely diluted and unbalanced experience.
  19. Beverage, as much as I think the Conduit is dump, that post is awesome! lol
  20. The majority of FPS games on all of the console are PvP based. Just for some reason on GE you lose all your XP and stats etc when the host quits... you keep them on most other games. One thing that gets me about these games is the "I'm not going to bother getting Call of Duty because I've got GoldenEye", that's like saying "I'm not going to get Mario because I've got Crash Bandicoot"... the difference in class of these games is so big! CoD is so underappreciated on this forum, given that so on many here got excited over the Conduit which was so substandard, you'd expect a better following for what is easily the best FPS available on Wii.
  21. Kav

    We miss you Mokong!!!

  22. In Metroid and Super Metroid, given the technical abilities of each console and the game engines themselves, how the hell are you supposed to show that Samus is scared of Ridley?! Never mind that, if you look at it this way; When you fight Ridley in the Metroid games he's always a tough boss. Hell, I bet some of us have died, even multiple times, trying to beat him. Given that, now consider this; On your experience of your battles against Ridley if you actually truly put yourself in Samus' shoes when confronting Ridley in any of the games, I bet you wouldn't have been stoic. Each time you've fought him the guy has nearly killed you. I don't care how many times you've killed something, if it's something that can kill you, you're going to be scared, much more so if it's something you have already killed! Something so terrible coming back from death to try and kill you again... that's more than scary, that kind of thing doesn't just induce fear. Something so powerful, so deadly that took you to within an inch of your life, coming back from death to kill you... that is truly terrifying! That scene was breath-takingly good! Those who say otherwise have simply been poisoned by all the rough, tough, bad-ass, space marine type games there are these days, where the characters are all butch, bland, monotonous non-entities (ie: Gears, Killzone etc... even Halo)! End of mini-rant.
  23. GoldenEye N64, back in the day > all (played now you see it hasn't aged well) Of the Wii FPS's, for multiplayer, both Black Ops (and MWR & WaW) and Medal of Honor H2 are better than the GoldenEye. The correct order goes: Black Ops>>>>>>MoH:H2>GoldenEye>>>>The Conduit
  24. The host lag in Black Ops is being patched with the forthcoming patch thankfully. If I were to rate these games against each other they'd go; Black Ops MoH:H2 GoldenEye Dog shit The Conduit ...yes, the Conduit was just that bad! lol
  25. It's better than losing everything... AGAIN! They just didn't pull it off quite as well as it couldve been done.
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