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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Not yet mate, I've not had replies from my applications. That's the worst thing, just not hearing back, even if it's a no!

  2. Yeah, I was just contracted covering maternity leave and it's ended now but I'm not having much luck finding something else so far... been over a month already now.

  3. I've got no job at the moment and a few of my mates work nights so I tend to stay up until daft o'clock chilling with them when they're off.


    I'll occasionally be found on Black Ops too though! Haha

  4. I just love the site mate! Sleep can't stop me being on here, haha.

  5. BARGAIN! Everyone that doesn't yet have this now needs to get it and join the N-E Clan's domination of the Wii! Welsh, you should post this in the Wii General Discussion thread too!
  6. I know Metroid Prime 3 isn't a shooter but it is played from the first person perspective so I feel it's relevant when saying it looks miles better than The Conduit. Granted they raised the bar on customization but I'm talking about raising the bar as an overall game, which it simply didn't. World at War was better, as was Medal of Honor: Heroes 2, both of which were released before The Conduit. The reason I am comfortable in saying Conduit 2 won't be as good as Black Ops is the same reason that I'm comfortable in saying that any non-Nintendo platformer won't be as good as the Mario's... faith! Faith in Nintendo, faith in Treyarch but a lack of faith in HVS after The Conduit, which was a distinctly average shooter, yet Black Ops is up there with the best.
  7. They've not raised any bars at all, the last 3 Call of Duty games on Wii are far better than The Conduit... and I'll go as far as saying that I guarantee that Conduit 2 won't be half as good as Black Ops is! Black Ops is the best FPS on Wii by quite a fair margin!
  8. Yeah I guess you're right. The graphics don't bother me though, I've got a 360 and know more people that play on a 360, but I'll take the Wii's level of control over the pretty graphics any day!
  9. I know for sure I'll play this, even though I don't have a PS3! I've made sure my mate lets me play through each of the games I want to when he gets them, haha. I loved Uncharted 1 & 2, although they were a little on the short side, I hope this one is a little longer.
  10. Am I correct in thinking that only 10 members of this forum have this game? Kav82 Zechs Welshgamer Ben Lostmario Mokong Ville N Overman sjwbond Pete95 That's a bit pants for what is quite easily the Wii's best FPS! I was really hoping we'd get a decent clan-base representing the site online... poop!
  11. I missed out on the Wii CoD's until just recently. I was always an avid 360 CoD player. This changed after I had played Monster Hunter Tri and had gotten to know Zechs better through that, before we always played MH3 he'd always be having a few games on CoD: MWR. When Black Ops was announced for the Wii I considered giving it a try sometime, knowing that Zechs would have it. To ease my mind I decided to pick up MWR to try out the Wii CoD and get used to the controls. Having done so, I can comfortably say; I'm glad I did! I much prefer the Wii version of Black Ops (I've played the 360 version a fair bit too). The single reason being the level of control you have. This isn't to say that I'm some kind of slouch on the 360, I was pretty damn good, but the big difference, and decider for me, is the speed at which you can accurately acquire numerous targets using the wiimote trumps dual analogue any day! If at all you're thinking about getting Black Ops for the Wii, I simply cannot recommend it enough, we already have a good little N-Europe Clan on the go and we're kicking ass online. It really is superb!
  12. Congratulations Mokong! You've a right little cute lad there, we're all chuffed for you!
  13. It's always been that much of a landslide! Which is a shame really as Black Ops on the Wii is absolutely amazing, I actually prefer it to the 360 version and I was a HUGE MW2 player!
  14. If there's one thing that disappoints me that kind of relates to this game, it's the lack of N-E forumites (yeah, I decided to go with forumites, I like it) that have it. There's barely 10 of us! I was hoping that there'd be a fair few of us and that we could both dominate the online world as the N-E Clan (which we do tend to do anyhow) and also have good laughs in private matches amongst each other. The game is outstanding, easily the best FPS on Wii and it easily has the best online system on the Wii... it'd be great to have a big N-E community on this. Still, I do love the N-E Clan members we already have! N-E FTW!!!
  15. Wired. It has a USB connector that you plug into the back of the Wii. The wire is 3m long which is about right given the distances I've played from the TV/Wii. It has a clip that you can move along the wire so that you can clip it to your clothing so the wire doesn't pull at the headset whilst you're wearing it. The headset itself has a volume control and a mute button too. It sits on the ear quite comfortably and doesn't weigh all that much, it really is surprisingly well built.
  16. It's very good, one of the best headsets around. I have a 360 and I'd say it's as good, if not better, than the headset you get with that. Seriously, it's a great piece of kit!
  17. A few of them do, yes. It gets intense... it's great!!!
  18. I've finished this three times in total, once on normal and twice on hard mode and absolutely love it. I'd actually say that I prefer it on hard mode too, the challenge it provides is great and I loved it!
  19. I'll probably start playing this online after Xmas, I'm far too into Black Ops currently to start this online, plus I've not yet unlocked all of the Custom Class Slots on CoD yet and that's my priority at the moment... I must have all the Custom Class Slot available to me so I can have my CoD experience perfectly set up!
  20. Headsets are definitely the way to go for communication in games and the Headbanger Headset is no exception, I have it and can firmly say that it's a great piece of kit! It doesn't work on Monster Hunter by the way.
  21. Bargain! Buy it if you don't have it already!
  22. When you're pointer goes off screen you can keep moving the reticle on screen thanks to the Motion+ I think it was used this way in Red Steel 2 as well as for the sword swings etc.
  23. She revived for the same reason that Ganondorf survived when the Sages tried to kill him with the Spirit Sword... the Triforce.
  24. This is a shame because you're missing out on so much fun we're all having. Especially seeing as CoD has delivered an online package unlike anything before it on Wii. It's easily the best FPS on Wii by far... by quite far!
  25. Guys, those that don't have this game already really need to get it! It's awesome! Us N-Europe lot are tearing people apart online... you need join the fun!!!
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