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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Can you unlock them all by just doing basic Smash battles? I can't be arsed with everything else.
  2. The general Miiverse community are so clueless it's unreal. Haha
  3. I saw Birdman tonight. I can't quite describe what it's like... but I really enjoyed it! Saw the trailer for Whiplash which I think I'm looking forward to more than any other film this year! American Sniper looks good too, love Clint Eastwood films.
  4. Haha, I would be gutted, same if it was another DKC... in fact, if it was any sort of platformer. I do want to know what they're working on though. I hope it's along the lines of the epicness of Metroid Prime!
  5. Teaser at the end of the Direct for Retro Studios' WiiU project, will announce a playable version at E3. I hope.
  6. The thing is, you didn't need to buy Di Maria and Falcao, instead of them he should've bought defenders, especially knowing that Vidic, Rio and Evra were going and Smalling, Jones, Evans and Rafael aren't really good enough. Rojo and Shaw simply wasn't enough, evidently. Literally everybody knew this.
  7. New weapons for me! I find I get a little bored using the same weapons too much. Once I've dialled down the new weapons I'll mix it up with the old faithfuls!
  8. You can't say you're doing better than last season when you're not though. Whereas this season Liverpool and Arsenal are doing worse than they did last season. Regardless of where Arsenal are and where Liverpool usually are, they're still doing worse than last season, that's indisputable. Of course injuries haven't helped but given the money Van Gaal has spent he should've bought more wisely. If he had bought defenders you'd not have had the problems anywhere near as much as you've had. Injuries are no excuse really, the squad should've been able to cope but the fact he didn't buy wisely enough for the team means you've suffered... that's just bad management, not bad luck.
  9. I'd not say it's United's doing that has you in the top 4, I'd say it's Arsenal and Liverpool's failings that have you there.
  10. I'm going to have to really get into gear this year and finish some damn games (some I only like to play in bursts to be fair though - Platformers) I've these to get round to finishing/starting: Mario 3DW NSMBU Wind Waker Pikmin 3 (just the final boss) ZombiU Rayman Watch Dogs Infamous Trine 2 Shovel Knight Child of Light Then I want to pick up these games that are currently out: Bayonetta Bayonetta 2 Farcry 4 Shadow of Mordor Alien Isolation All the while I still have to satiate my hunger for Battlefield 4 (LOVE it) and Smash Bros (only just got it). Then you've got games still to be released... mental!
  11. You've not got enough hair for it to fall out in chunks :p I think I'll pick this up at some point, it sounds great... I must get round to finishing some other games first though. Particularly ZombiU as that's another scare-fest I'm yet to finish.
  12. The reason I'm so surprised was that it said 2 working days and if you wanted next day delivery it was £5. Luckily I didn't have to pay any extra and it still came the next day... a weekend day too! I love my local Grainger though, I always have a good chat with them when I go in. It's why I never usually order online, because the guys working there know gaming and it's great chatting to them. It's funny, I'm known there as Nintendo Guy because I'm the only person that buys Nintendo stuff, haha.
  13. Kav


    Cheers for the Raid lads, it's good but not enough to keep me playing. I'm done with Destiny now until the next DLC. It's been really enjoyable and a great laugh gaming with you guys, special shout-outs to @Blade @MilaGi @Eddage @Map @Agent Gibbs... Raiding with you guys has been immense and so damn funny! I can't wait to game with you guys on other games too! @lostmario, my place in the Raid group is now yours mate.
  14. Man Utd without a single shot on target at home... oh dear!
  15. Kav


    The game is disappointing, haha. I've just got bored of it really, it's too repetitive. I've not even tried the Moon Raid yet though so I fancy doing that. I'm sure @lostmario would be up for VoG..?
  16. Kav


    I'm only up for the Moon Raid, can't be arsed with VoG anymore to be honest.
  17. Kav


    Any chance we can make it 20:00?
  18. It's funny, even as great as this game looks, I absolutely prefer the GC version visually. WWHD looks like a game whereas the original WW looks like a cartoon, the GC version is beauty that's second to none!
  19. Ordered online yesterday, arrived today. No special delivery or anything. I was expecting it midweek next week. Nice!
  20. That people don't get this is beyond me!
  21. Smash WiiU is £29.99 at GAME online for today only... http://www.game.co.uk/en/m/games/games/super-smash-bros/?&cm_mmc=Twitter-_-Digital-_-DOTDSmash-_-Link
  22. Just bought Smash WiiU online from GAME, £29.98, I figured I'd pick it up at that price.
  23. Just been browsing the Chelsea website and came across this little fact, my uncle is the 6th youngest player to play for Chelsea! Was chatting to my flatmate about it and figured we'd check out his career... Not too bad a goal-scoring record for a winger. Go on Uncle Mike!
  24. Just don't switch on any lights for the rest of the year. :p
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