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Everything posted by Roostophe

  1. That was the problem my parents had with naming me. My mom wanted it as Rhys, but me dad preferred Reece. Thank fuck that didn't happen. I'm not overly fond of my name but it's better than fucking Reece/Rhys/Reese whatever. Anyway, the reason I'm telling you all this is because I just wanted to waste your time. Sorry.
  2. *subdued yet delighted fist pump*
  3. It's just the one person. He does a lot of excellent vids like this, including a one-man Wind Waker performance that is actually, as you and chair always irritatingly say, stunning. Anyway, I was told to Google "limewire lol" and click I'm Feeling Lucky. Now I suggest you all do it.
  4. In honour of your birthday, I just blue myself. (And other Arrested Development references.) Happy birthday to our dear Xpert 11 League Administrator and Match Report Writer.
  5. We've had a bit of nice weather here in the past week or so, plus we all know that spring is on its way. I feel this song perfectly illustrates the current weather and as we enter spring: Audio
  6. Nice one, Milner. 2-1 to the Villa. First Premier League win in March in about five years. Also, next season, we will see Doncaster, Preston NE and all the others join Portsmouth and perhaps Hull and Burnley in the npower Championship. Stupid name.
  7. Seven points clear now. Just need to win against Ell on Friday and I'm champion. Seven players in the X11. Go me.
  8. Huh, my third-ever victory against Haden. Huh, I've got three players out for the next game - one injured (only light, but I'm not going to play him.) and two suspended. Also, I'm officially back in the Xpert Leagues now. Got a brand new team in the Golden League. Just have to wait now for the season to end.
  9. Why am I not surprised by anything in this post? You must watch The Lost Boys. Kiefer Sutherland's a vampire in it! A fucking vampire!
  10. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-? The Lost Boys is one of my favourite films. R.I.P.
  11. Happy Birthday Gizmo. : peace: Happy Birthday Roadkill. : peace: Happy Birthday Android. : peace:
  12. I think I've only heard 5 AFI songs - GNG, Miss Murder, Love Like Winter, there was one on Tony Hawk's 3, and some random one Scuzz used to play years back. So I've obviously never heard anything from the albums you mentioned there, but if I was to compare the difference between unknown song that was on Tony Hawk's 3 and the random Scuzz one and compare them to the remaining three then there is an obvious difference in genre. And I'm spent. EDIT: The Tony Hawk's 3 one is called The Boy who Destroyed the World. Thanks, Wikipedia.
  13. Such people need to die. Hard.
  14. Knew we get Chelsea. But at least we're off to Wembley, again. I was also asleep at the time.
  15. Congrats, DuD. I've been thinking of returning to the Xpert Leagues and go back into the Golden League. Have a new team created for the next season, and start right at the very bottom. Didn't have that with my old team; dunked right into mid-season with a crap team.
  16. Shurrup about Kate Bush. [/stunning Music Thread hate] Sorry to hear that, I hope you're okay.
  17. Even if it had been awarded it would have only been 2-1. Meh, I'm just happy Blues aren't going to Wembley. :grin::grin:
  18. 11 years of seeing suddenly unseen with one picture. Life = No longer worth it. *Gunshot* Oh, I missed; I saw Piers Morgan.
  19. REVENGE is sweet!
  20. 14 years we've been waiting. Can't hurt to wait a bit longer. FA Cup, lads, make it happen!
  21. I'm fucking bricking it over tomorrow.
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