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Everything posted by Roostophe

  1. Ell, when have I ever not cared about this game? Everyone knows I take it way too seriously.
  2. Thank you, Jagielka.
  3. I've listened to Please Please Me, Revolver, Sgt Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour, Abbey Road and Let It Be. Each of them have their own moments and I'm finding it bloody difficult to say "Yes, this one is my favourite Beatles album." I plan to listen to the others soon. I'm marking Rubber Soul as next, followed by the White Album, then trawl through their earlier stuff and finish on Yellow Submarine. That's the plan, though. Might end up changed but I dunno...
  4. *sigh* I'll take my anger out on Madpool... EDIT: Seen I'm not playing on Friday...Madpool need brace themselves. *Form trains*
  5. Beating Guitar Hero 1 and 2 on Expert. Beating "Through the Fire and Flames" on Expert (Guitar Hero III) Beating Rock Band 1 on Expert Drums Beating "The Endless Setlist 2" on Rock Band 2 (six hours solid, no toilet breaks, batteries even lasted the whole time.) Getting a medal on every planet on Lylatwars. There must be moar...
  6. I also have a blank slate with my iTunes and binging on the same artist, but I like silly listing games such as this so I'll join in. I do have my last.fm, but it's all dominated by J-Pop/Rock. You'd have to go down to No. 24 to find a non-J-Pop/Rock song (Twist and Shout by The Beatles with 62 plays) Anyway:
  7. Fuck it. I was hoping we'd get silverware. I would much rather end a soon-to-be 15 year wait for a trophy than get fourth place. Oh, well, pretty happy about Baggies coming up. Congrats. If Wolves stay up, and they probably will, next season we'll have the biggest teams in the West Midlands in the top flight. And Birmingham City too.
  8. ... ...
  9. ^ 17 years they had the Carlsberg logo on their shirts. It looks so strange without it.
  10. I would wish you a happy birthday, but the CIA have got me pushing too many pencils.
  11. Got a new youth talent. Fuck yeah!
  12. The way I see it, there are no other users who are awesome enough to contribute. You all suck, non-contributers.
  13. Got me some Hendrix, although it was just Spanish Castle Magic. (It were on Guitar Hero 1. Well, an instrumental cover version of it anyway, but it was still on it!)
  14. I'd call fucking bullshit. But then, I am biased.
  15. +9 increase, no reduction. 8 visible changes. Otto Sheldon is now an 11. I've never had a player with that skill. Brian Little is struggling to go up to 7. I might sell him. VIP's can have him for 2m. As for originals, I've still got Monington and Bond. But Nugent and McGrath have been in the squad for just over two years now.
  16. And now for some actual feedback... That was actually quite amusing. I liked it. Are you sure it wasn't at all influenced by Jam? One thing was the music. Idioteque in the Easter Egg sketch fit well, I thought. Fake Plastic Trees in the car driving bit, maybe not so much, but we couldn't hear it. And Barry White's singing kinda got in the way of your voice in the last sketch. Overall: Not bad. I wouldn't mind seeing more.
  17. Now I know how those Wimbledon fans must have felt back in 1995.
  18. Congrats, Paj. Although I say it with some envy because I was today told I cannot take an A-Level course at college because I'm "too old" - It was for 14-19 year olds only. That means I would have to look at adult courses but, alas, they don't have what I'm looking for... Fuck's sake. Can't get a job for love nor money, can't even go on a college course. Give me a fucking break, somebody!
  19. The days of a 9-1 thrashing are long in the memory, my good hoovering man. Stick to simply hoping to stay up is my advice to you. :wink:
  20. I lost to Secret, but shit's all academical really.
  21. I used to spend ages on Area 51: Escape, on Agent, trying to complete it in under four minutes, and then try to beat my time over and again. I've still got it, it never left me.
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