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Everything posted by YanRuo

  1. Apparently, so can't Daniel Radcliffe.
  2. Pancake: I recommend the Zen Touch 20GB. It's a bit large, physically, but it's rather cheap for a 20GB, and it can take quite a beating due to its tough build. Black-and-white screen, easy-to-use touchpad scrolling. Plus, it has a Random-button that plays all your tracks on shuffle. How cool is that?
  3. What I'd really like to see as an Assist Trophy, is something out of the Phoenix Wright games. Something like, Phoenix and Edgeworth appearing on both sides of the player(s), and shouting OBJECTIONs, thusly sending the player(s) flying back and forth. Man I'd love that. Of course they'd have to include a piece of music from the games.
  4. Seal - Kiss From A Rose There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea. You became the light on the dark side of me. Love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill. But did you know, That when it snows, My eyes become large and The light that you shine can be seen. Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey. Ooh, The more I get of you, Stranger it feels, yeah. And now that your rose is in bloom. A light hits the gloom on the grey. There is so much a man can tell you, So much he can say. You remain, My power, my pleasure, my pain, baby To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny. Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby? But did you know, That when it snows, My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen. Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey. Ooh, the more I get of you Stranger it feels, yeah Now that your rose is in bloom. A light hits the gloom on the grey, I've been kissed by a rose on the grave, I've been kissed by a rose I've been kissed by a rose on the grave, ...And if I should fall along the way I've been kissed by a rose ...been kissed by a rose on the grave. There is so much a man can tell you, So much he can say. You remain My power, my pleasure, my pain. To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny, yeah Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby. But did you know, That when it snows, My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen. Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey. Ooh, the more I get of you Stranger it feels, yeah Now that your rose is in bloom, A light hits the gloom on the grey. Yes I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey Ooh, the more I get of you Stranger it feels, yeah And now that your rose is in bloom A light hits the gloom on the grey Now that your rose is in bloom, A light hits the gloom on the grey.
  5. I like the eye piece. DON'T INSULT THE EYE PIECE. *lasers the unbelievers through his eye piece*
  6. I bow down to your writing skillz, Master Owario.
  7. My library only consists of good music. Therefore it's only 2067 items, 6 days, ~9 hours. Altogether it's 12.69 GB.
  8. I refuse to believe that a light-pistol shooter isn't worth buying. 'nuff said.
  9. A bit late, but yeah, it was Perimeter. I had to go somewhere unexpectedly. And now you won't be seeing me in a while again, because RE4 arrived
  10. First off, it's not C&C. Wow, wow, hold on now! "Disgusting?" That's an awesome game! Will reveal more of the picture soon if no one knows it. Meanwhile, hint: Russian-made RTS with unique gameplay elements. I'm fairly sure the game never made it to the US, but I think it got pretty good distribution across Europe though. The reason the terrain looks weird is because of one of these elements.
  11. I *should* have been working this summer. I had two jobs that were supposed to be certain for me, but I guess it just doesn't work out like that sometimes. So now I'm mostly just hanging out... If I have any goals for the summer, they'd be getting ready to start a new year in a new educational faculty, getting books and whatnot, finetuning my schedules... And, of course, random gaming, but that's hardly a goal.
  12. Seconded. Also, agreeing with "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" being an awesome song. I really need to re-watch Disney films... This time in English. Finnish voiceovering mostly sucks. Sure, they put their heart and soul into Disney films, but it still can't beat the original.
  13. Is it Sky Blazer (or something like that) then? The game looked kind of familiar... And now I remember playing it one or two times as a kid. Where, I don't remember :P EDIT: New picture! This time, something fresher, yet possibly as unknown!
  14. I'm *proud* to say that I've completed all Broken Sword games without walkthroughs. Also, The Longest Journey, not because it would have been hard, but because of the amazing quality of the story. And then just a few random games I've really enjoyed: StarCraft (which I need to play again, I didn't follow the plot when I completed it many years earlier), Original Super Mario for NES, Thief I and II.
  15. Ditto. First EVER game I remember playing was... don't remember the name, but some Olympic Sports game on the Commodore 64. It had 2P mode, and that was awesome.
  16. ^A few months old low-res picture from the Ylläs-mountain (altitude ~1km) in northern Finland. Note that my Mullet (notice capital letter) isn't included. Also note how I save money by wearing sunglasses instead of actual skiing eyewear. I also had diving goggles with me on the trip, I considered wearing them first. ^An awesome fresh spring in the middle of the endless snow. Taken on a skiing trip onto another mountain (one that isn't full of ski-lifts, fences and people).
  17. Definitely agreeing! Although I've never been to New Zealand, it's definitely on my list of places to travel to! I have a friend going to New Zealand as an exchange student for half a year (and another half in the US). I considered going myself, but I found out that I wouldn't be able to actually *learn* anything much in the schools, since Finland is ahead most countries (and way ahead of US). I'll just have to plain old take a plane there one of these years. I really enjoy trekking, and New Zealand would be an awesome place to do that in.
  18. So the Australian version had a Kangaroo instead of Epona?
  19. Well that's a given. You're in Britain, The Land of Eternal Rain.
  20. More like Zelda. See the heart in the lower right corner?
  21. And you can always try out Albatross18 to see if you like the game concept in general ^^
  22. In reply to Jamba, a Finnish game reviewing god wrote recently in his blog how now, when there are demos, magazines, websites, and tons of ways to look at the game and see what it's like before you buy it, before it's even released, people are just accustomed to that. Before he started Finland's most succesful gaming magazine, nothing of the sort was available and you just bought games with the little information, for example what genre it is, and you could really be surprised at how good the game is. Like he did with X-Com: Apocalypse and UFO: Unknown (the "two Best Games in the World") in his time. Recently, inspired by that, I've begun to buy stuff partly instinctively. That is to say, I don't read through all the game reviews I find to learn everything I can about the game. If it's been received well, or just seems like something I'd really enjoy, I buy it. I can always return it or trade it later if it turns out to be crap. Which brings me to another point: There's always someone who wants a game you consider bad. Find trading sites or threads on forums and use them! You both save money!
  23. It might've been brought up earlier in the thread, but... Did you know that this game is actually a sequel of a free Korean golf MMORPG called Albatross18? The characters are the same, and altogether the game is the same.
  24. Clues, please?
  25. Haha. Wanna take a race to the finish of the game? Not really though, I play games very slowly... I just checked yesterday, and RE4 is now in the mail. Will take a few days to arrive probably since it's UK to Finland. Hopefully it'll be here soon!
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