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Everything posted by YanRuo

  2. Behind, in front, above and around your cause.
  3. Gah! *Edgeworth's "beaten" pose* I just checked play.com for my orders, and they're still "processing" RE4. ½ of my orders are already in the mail, along with the Wiimote Power Station I bought... But it'll take almost another week for the zombies to arrive. Also, I recently bought a 42" HDTV and split the cost with my brother, so... I'm expecting a good arcade shooting feel to this one ^^
  4. Patch's first picture is Head over Heels. That's just general civilization
  5. I *used* to have a fear of the dark, but I got past that. Sometimes it comes back to haunt me, but not so much anymore than when I was a kid. Lately, though, I think I've developed a small new phobia. Aeroplanes often fly over our house, and I've found myself stopping whatever I was doing and secretly thinking which way to duck to get cover if the plane falls. It isn't a big fear, but it's annoying.
  6. 7/10 for the weirdo factor What is that?
  7. Haha. Ads are getting better nowadays. Lately I've seen several ads as good as this one.
  8. I ordered it from play.com four days ago! *sues play.com*
  9. Wait, how can you have it in the UK already? It's supposed to come out tomorrow!
  10. Surprisingly, that's pretty much the things I hate. Except: -I only hate it when a *bad* song is stuck in my head. -Finnish TV channels do that too. And uhh... with the same programs. CSI:Miami is always on at midnight, as is X-Files. -I have a friend who does the same. And it wouldn't matter if he was a good singer and/or the songs he sings are good. But no >.> -And flies. Ew. Ergh. And mosquitoes. Which we have a lot of in Finland. And in addition: -People who do stuff they don't want to do and wouldn't have to do, and then whining about it. In short, stupid people. -People who whine about having to go to school *too* loudly. Although I don't need to face that anymore after I got out of high school. -The PAL Area, aka Europe, getting movies and games a year (sometimes true) late.
  11. I'm gonna have to say Zelda. It'll keep you busy *at least* until you find that you need to/can get a second game.
  12. The four-letter limit also makes it easier to discern the playing area. So that the nick doesn't get in the way of objects and stuff.
  13. Glad to hear the game works that well. The reason I'm waiting for this game is that I've always been a die-hard fan of those arcade light-gun shooting games. Wii is my first console since NES, and with the WiiMotes how they are, a game like this was bound to come up sooner or later. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles will show some more traditional 'on-the-rails' shooting, later this year.
  14. I'm pretty sure I made a good choice then. The local stores tend to just slap a 50€ price tag to anything they see. EDIT: Oh, I just realised a cool thing yesterday. I bought RE3 a couple weeks ago (I know, I've been missing out), and on one of the streets there was a cinema. In front of the cinema there was a poster for, apparently a movie, "Biohazard 4". Now that I saw it again, I realised the '4' in the poster is the exact same 4 as in the Wii RE4 front cover. And the Wii edition, as far as I know, is the one called 'Biohazard'. IT MUST BE FATE~
  15. Miis for names would be kind of troublesome, in my opinion. Since the Mii itself wouldn't actually show up in the game, just the name. And if you want to play online, it's easier to get yourself a different nickname that way. Of course, the Miis could be implemented somehow... Don't know how though >.>
  16. Just wondering... what's the price of the game for you people? I got it for 38,90€ at play.com while I was buying a WiiMote Power Station, and considered it a good deal. Was it really or is it cheap because it's an 'old' game?
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