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Everything posted by Jonnas

  1. Man, I remember playing the original Prince of Persia on a floppy disk. I really should give the series its proper shake, one of these days. As for the new game... I hate the main character's design, but love everything else.
  2. Kirby lore? More like... Magolor ... So, Rick is in Kirby Clash?
  3. The multiplayer doesn't excite me much, but the release of a brand-new 2D Sonic with proper physics does! I don't expect it to be as good as Mania, I just want it to be decent, and sell well.
  4. Man, that thread takes me back. I remember the times were "leakers" would go around faking interviews about what to expect of the next Zelda. Rereading that one in particular, it's so obvious that "Aonuma" is acting so overly passionate about Zelda continuity! There's another fake interview that I remember making its way to the N-E main page, but it's not this one. It's one that had the exchange: Interviewer: "Wind Waker's opening cutscene was the best part of that whole game" Aonuma: "Yes, I thought so too" So brazen The levels that the OoT/WW rivalry reached EDIT: Wait, it really is this one! Haha!
  5. Regarding what you spoilered... yeah, I thought that as well. Fascinating to see how lore can develop, internally To be fair, what you're describing is very likely non-canon Not the lore bits, just the... singular event that "caused all the bad things in Awakening". It's a bonus chapter that those characters aren't experiencing, so it probably happened at some other time, in some other fashion, with somebody else.
  6. I own the Fire Emblem Awakening artbook. Naturally, that's a game with gorgeous art behind it, so it's worth looking at, for sure. Even though I find most armour designs to be garishly awful, there's a lot of material as to how they were designed and conceptualized. The most interesting thing about it, is that there are a lot of developer notes actually left a few notes here and there. For example, they redesigned the Falchion only after finding a random piece of Archanea lore that said it was possible, they intentionally made Priam's Ragnell look old and cracked, stuff like that. Anyway, the real gem for me is found in concept artwork for the final boss, that is, the gigantic dragon known as Grima This page right here is how I learned that Grima's forehead... is actually a helmet! And it has a frigging human face underneath it! What the hell!? (Sadly, the only pictures of the book that I can find are these tiny pics from the FE wiki. Uploading pics of my own is troublesome right now, it's frustrating that Google can't help me more than this)
  7. I played the demo, and I thought the same. You are definitely correct.
  8. I second the following: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (the "Brotherhood" part of the title is important) Perfect Blue more of Attack on Titan And I add Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen to the recommendations. If you're up for something particularly quirky and off the wall, but really damn good, I recommend Mob Psycho 100 What do you like about Horror? The psychological and existential dread that certain works can leave you with? Or is it the creepy monsters and gore you fancy? A lot of Anime do the latter, but few do the first. I'm going to disagree with Eevil, and highly recommend that you start with the original Dragon Ball. It's a fun comedy-adventure series that gradually turns into an action-combat series, and it's very enjoyable throughout. DBZ follows immediately after, and leans a lot more into the combat-action side of things. Those two series are pretty much the core of the franchise. Dragon Ball basically became the codifier for action anime (like Naruto and Bleach), and it became so largely by chance, considering it started out as something else. One misses out on that evolution if they skip straight to Z.
  9. I'm a bit late to the discussion, but I'm happy the merger has been blocked. Thing was smelly af. I don't care that they did it via cloud gaming, anti-monopoly law can be that weirdly specific. As for the debate regarding the future of cloud gaming... I'm sure the technology will make it viable soon, but it's likely to be limited in scope regardless (beyond the obvious geographical limitations). By definition, it's going to be less reliable than an actual file/download. Anything that's fast-paced and dependant on precise controls (such as a fighting game) is likely to avoid that route, as will many things handheld/portable. But that doesn't mean it can't be useful as its own marketplace. You can have slower games (such as turn-based strategy, farming sims, etc.) run on it without latency/slowdowns ever causing much issue, for example. I can see streaming platforms adopt videogame libraries in the near future, even (just not very well curated ones).
  10. Excellent. I haven't been here for the past 2 weeks, so it's a lot to take in, but it's all marvelous. I already knew about Void Termina, so I was anxiously waiting for this latest update. I know nothing more, and can only patiently await with bated breath for more. I also assume Hyness' rant about "those who feared us" might refer to whoever built the Novas. (The moment DCubed said something about the Marx Soul description, I reread it and caught right away what he meant, even though I hadn't played Planet Robobot. Yay me)
  11. Remakes and reimaginings are WayForward's bread and butter. It's great that they might be picking up other Nintendo properties for their slick treatment. My personal prediction: Startropics
  12. The game finally released right as I was about to go on a 2-week holiday trip. Typical. Gotta get it. Game looks fantastic. These remixes are so good, I feel like crying.
  13. I can see Game Freak doing an Action-Adventure game. I cannot see Game Freak being able to produce even that screenshot, though. What the heck happened with their art style?! Or their lack of technological expertise?
  14. Blasphemous 2 was unexpected. I really should get around to playing the first game. Teslagrad 2 is frigging hype! I once again recommend everybody play the first one. The rest of the games on display seemed cool enough. Animal Well and Crime O'Clock in particular struck my interest.
  15. I just want a release date for Freedom Planet 2. I know the game has been released, and sounds pretty awesome, but I decided to wait for the Switch version Otherwise, I'm just going to bask in the cool ideas and IPs that Indie developers come up with.
  16. Loving these 4 remixes per character. For example, I wasn't digging the electric guitar on Nell's theme when I first heard it, but the CO Power mix gives it an upbeat techno ring to it that's much more fitting. Looking forward to hearing Sturm's theme in particular, that's one that really lends itself well to these instruments.
  17. I recall managing to beat Little Cup and Premium Cup with rentals only, but the regular Cup (the Lv.50 one) definitely sucked with how hard it was. If this is true, then all the rage I felt at that mode, at that difficulty... may be somewhat vindicated.
  18. Because I usually never watched E3 live, and only heard of conference events (sword-wielding Miyamoto, giant enemy crabs, etc.) after the fact, any excitement I usually had was mostly for particular games or trailers (Twilight Princess, SSB Brawl, etc.). However, I did feel more excited once livestreaming became a thing, but I still would only watch Nintendo Directs, never any conferences. I never had patience for long-winded speeches. With that in mind, my principal E3-specific memories are: A random TV program talks about E3 and is the first to tell me about the Gamecube: Seeing that oddly-shapped console, the handle on the back, the even odder controller, the fur on Fox McCloud, and ever oddest Pikmin... I was sold on the Gamecube's value right then and there; Reading about a bunch of minor reveals in a gaming magazine: This was probably 2005, because Advance Wars Dual Strike was among the list. I remember feeling like a kid in a candy store, awed at the amount of smaller-but-varied titles on display. These days, I can see the same by browsing an online store with several Indie games, but at the time, I truly felt the size of the gaming industry. Plus, the reveal of Dual Strike was a complete shock to me, loved it; I spent E3 week on holidays without internet, and when I came back there were three pages of news articles in N-Europe to sift through: Yeah. I actually felt the excitement and chaos of E3 for the first time, seeing all of those headlines cobbled together at the same time. Can't remember the year, but Super Paper Mario was among the news... so 2007?; Hero and Banjo revealed at the same Direct: I mean, yeah, I'm a simple man. Hero's reveal was cathartic, but Banjo's floored me. The true impact of watching these live; Metroid Dread is real. Also, Advance Wars just returned: If there had been a camera on me that day, I'd be rivalling Huber in viral reactions. So yeah, I don't focus that much on industry happenings, but it was a worthwhile event even for me.
  19. The mere fact that they bothered to change Marx's sprite to make him even more terrifying is nuts to me. They could've just recoloured him for the Marx Soul concept, but no, they really bothered to go the extra mile and distort his eyes and mouth even further!
  20. Love this. I love hearing tales of Kirby lore. I love observing the unnerving aberrations the franchise comes up with. And I love reading Glen-i's posts about minute pieces of lore and/or trivia that he's passionate about. It's a win-win all-around.
  21. I'm liking to read about everybody's hauls. Strange to see that you can get screwed whether you anticipate your purchases (like me with Shovel Knight) or leave them to the end (like @darksnowman with Severed). Hopefully we can now give our 3DSes and Wii Us the twilight years they deserve. I ended up with lots of exciting stuff to play on my 3DS.
  22. Well, now the collection's worth purchasing. After they release their DLC pricing flowchart, of course.
  23. That is... surprising, actually. Seeing Zack take the lead of the team is so weird, too. I wonder if they were already filming it before Jason David Frank's passing
  24. That... is a massive breach of a non-disclosure agreement, if true. Gonna be interesting to see how Sony reacts to this. (On the extreme side of things, one such breach once lead Nintendo to replace Male Byleth's voice actor... after Three Houses had been released. They found a new voice actor and patched out the previous guy's voice. Probably only feasible because Byleth talks so little to begin with )
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