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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Ok. Even so, could be construed as such. It's out here in a few weeks anyway.
  2. Stop encouraging illegal downloading! ---- Just bought off iTunes, the awesome Lycanthropy by the awesome Patrick Wolf. I have The Magic Position and bits and bobs from Lycanthropy and Wind In the Wires, so I decided to get his first one in full.
  3. It's more likely a coincidence than you might think. When I see "Welcome to Paj Meen Ah.org!", that's when I'll panic.
  4. I hate when people say "Two Face was rushed", when he's a main character throughout the entire film. If you wanted a cheesy supervillain (obviously you do if you think he only existed in the last section, and that wasn't enough for you), go somewhere else than Dark Knight. Or understand that Harvey Dent isn't different to Two Face...
  5. Keep meaning to. Street Horrsing or whatever it's called is on my to-get list. That's why it felt wrong that I liked what I heard from her "solo" album. I dislike things like Jonas Brothers more, since at least Miley Cyrus is making decent pop music, so it's allowed to be on the wrong side of cheesy/trite...Jonas Brothers personify everything I hate.
  6. I never fully got into Finalk Fantasy III. I dunno, RPG's have to GRAB me to get me into them. Only RPG I ever finished was Tales OF Symphonia. That's my "regret" not finishing yet one. Lots more though.
  7. Looks good, and that effort has been and will be put in.
  8. I'm gonna get a tattoo too! I just want a word or phrase though, full pictures in my experience turn out ugly and hideous. Maybe not to the people who get them.. I want a song lyric or somethin'.
  9. My mum, being the former late-hippie she is, likes it! But she says it was defo what caused her to go off the deep end tonight.
  10. Dramatic. My mum and sister were diagnosed with pnemonia (the "ok" kind), and they've both been ill for AAAAAAAAAAGes, but yesterday my mum got scarily breathless during/after lunch, and my aunt and her went to the hospital. She was generally fine aftwerwards, and got medication. She was fine all of today, until after dinner. She was a bit breathless again, and eventually got way worse. She couldn't stand up straight and stuff. So yeah, crying sister, consultations over the phone, family members around, ambulance arriving etc. We thought she would be overnight in hospital, and after lik 40 in "obs" in the back of ambulance parked outside, she came back out, and she was much better. So it's not as bad as we thought. It might happen again, but we know to directly ask for an emergency ambulance. Minor drama, and quite horrible for my schoolfriend who lives with us, but isn't quite on "family" terms with us...she didn't know what to do! (Plus, though we aren't gonna be blunt with her about it; It was her incense candle things that set my mum off badly tonight...)
  11. Exactly. ---- As a critic of "manufactured" and "twee" music like Jonas Brothers and stuff, I keep getting strange compelling urges to get Miley Cyrus' album. I have the single Fly On The Wall, which surprised me. It's a seriously good liitle pop/rock gem, a lot more substantial than people like the Saturdays. I've onyl heard one other song by Miley Cyrus (7 Things) which wasn't as good, but the part of me that unashamedly loves poppy music is slowly giving into her pleasingly low voice. Admit we all love the "deep" bit of the chorus;
  12. Merriment ensue!
  13. Can you just send me a non-precious copy of them or something? (If you have something of the sort) I can't look at 20 quid or however much it is.
  14. What everyone else said, basically. Gives him a place to fit in, plus they are more effective in large numbers etc. He can be beaten. Rogue wasted him back in the day, using Ms.Marvel's powers (much weaker strength/durability than he has, plus she had no experience with them) and her mutant power. I loved that storyline.
  15. Hulk would bore me as an Avenger (in the film). I assume it'll be the old "member of the team but goes on an uncontrollable rampage, meaning his teammates must stop him!" I'd quite like if they did it based more off the Ultimates, especially if Wasp was a mutant, as that's a nice linking of the movieverses.
  16. That would be DC's Justice League. Avengers are very much their own entity. Each characters solo adventures (back in the day I read Avengers) kinda took second place to group commitments, rather than the other way round. It felt to me. (Just cause I love this pic)
  17. Jay...why do you stay up for days at a time, again? Is it unintentional/laziness...or what?
  18. Yeah but it's expensive, and I'm more in the mood for Ult. X-Men. Phoenix? is by Kirkman, I know that much, yeah. I only read The Tempest and Most Dangerous Game arcs by him, IIRC, so not got a feel for his writing. I recognise Millar's anywhere, and Bendis' brief run was funny.
  19. Ok, for those who read the later issues of Ultimate X-Men... If I've loved it as a series the whole way through, should I buy thes issues I don't have in tpb form? I stopped just before Magnetic North and stuff (IIRC). Are they at all good? I heard it drops off in quality a bit, and I know Bishop/Cable and shiz eventually appear..
  20. Ironic is the worst song on the album. Not because of her "mistakes", though. It pales in comparison to every other song. Shame it's the one everyone knows though.
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