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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Yeah but I actually do, as you aren't annoying as a poster or anything. You're worth it. [/L'Oreal] It's just slowly peeling away from you!
  2. *nods sadly* But maybe Ninty and others will get more money out of multiple spin-offs and rehashs/sequels of the original game..?
  3. New Look have good mens stuff, and at least stuff from there isn't as expensive as from Topman, and not everyone else is wearing it. However, those Kyoto/Kyuto or whatever tops are the few I literally take no heed of.
  4. I know the wink signifies jokiness and stuff, but if you actually meant that, I could lose all/any faith in you.
  5. My lord. TK is right actually. And it's a character I wouldn't object to being, either.
  6. Since any chance of decent revision for the A2 papaers im doing in the upcoming month obviously isn't going to happen, I'll give myself a post-new year resolution to drill procrastination out of me. It's a serious problem I have...unknown depths of laziness when it comes to revision.
  7. Exactly. Though I suppose it's the "ooh...will he really do it!?" factor that's supposed to reel them in.
  8. Avvie: Would work better if it was centerable, but I don't think it is. So Sqaures are my preference. 6/10 Sig: Kinda like this..boring but not. 7.9/10
  9. NO! I fucking HATE those "Kyuoto/Kyoto" tops! Everyone has them...what the fuck? Those kinda vague designs from countire/suniversities you dont go to/that don't exist are fine, but when everyone has them... The other one is cool though.
  10. I love how it's impossible to guess the emotions on either of our faces in this. I wish I had decent hair. It's got me looking so crazy, my baby.
  11. Seriously people! This is no time for not being bothered to take part!
  12. There better be enough room for the life, cause that list is so good. Basically all the cool crew.
  13. Don't know what Hypemachine is, but if something is an unofficial/non-commercially available remix, it's generaly (in most cases) fine to share. I THINK the same is with stuff that is no longer commerically available...not sure.
  14. ^ Loves it. Soundtrack £7.99 I had to. Possibly my favourite film...and the soundtrack is amazing. ---- I recently got into a huge love affair with Liz Phair, who very famously made one of THE "indie" records of the 90's. I have all 3 of her "good" albums, and yesterday decided to get infamous pop album. It's not that bad! I like a bit of pop, and though she's a lot better at her indie stuff, it's better than a lot of pop music around.
  15. I HAVE to do some real work today. It's literally ridiculous the work I haven't done for my exams. I deserve to fail them all, seriously.
  16. I personally prefer The Dreaming. It feels more interesting than all her other albums.
  17. Go as Britney Spears/Amy Winehouse. Manky long black wig, smeared make-up etc. Hilarity sure to ensue.
  18. Music is very highly regarded it seems (In a book of "essential albums", it lists Like A Prayer, Ray Of Light and Music). I however, am not a fan. It doesn't flow all together as one, and some of the songs sound SO cheap compared to others. WIFLFAG is one of her best songs ever though. And yeah, Hard Candy is her only "bad" album I own. -----
  19. Damn, that's awful. Seriously.
  20. I've been searching for an Mp3 version of Llorando (Crying) by Rebekah Del Rio since I saw Mulholland Drive. I bought the song she did for Southland Tales (2 films I watched back to back she was in - coincidence? Both trippy?!) a cover of Star Spangled Banner, but I finally found the edit of Llorando from the film for DL on her official site. I might have to the full original at some point. Why? Because it literally caused my heart to break into little bits. The song, the context of it in the film..the direction of that scene. God. HOWEVER...I don't want people to look it up, as Youtube vids of it include movie footage that could be considered spoilers. EDIT: I feel like a fool! If I'd just typed in "Mulholland Drive" in iTunes store, it was right there! To commemorate the occasion, I bought the entre soundtrack, along with 16 Reasons by Connie Stevens, which for some reason isn't on it.
  21. I'd give it an 8 at best, personally. It's good, and in many ways, I like the fact it isn't smoothed out to be more "film-like".
  22. I'm on Mac OSX, and now idea what program I would use to zip. I use Stuffit Expander to OPEN zip files... --- Does anyone here get to into what they're listening to, and end up doing really random things? I realised I scratched myself on my shoulder and was chewing (seriously) my headphones cable whilst listening to May Queen by Liz Phair. If I was actually into heavier metal stuff, I would probably end up in some kinda trance, in which I went on killing sprees or somesuch.
  23. I did 2 lessons of Judo when I was 6. I was beaten to the floor by my female friend from Hong Kong/Australia, who I'd forgotten about until this thread reminded me.
  24. As someone who has/had/has massive hair, I say keep it. It's more of a joke.
  25. It's a rollercoaster ride from then on. Well, not really at all as exciting.
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