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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. That video was nice. I love how Love.Angel.Music.Baby is the quintessentially satisfying pop album to listen to. It has awesome beats the whole way though, Gwen Stefani's voice, and every song is decent, and uncliched. Stil holds up 4-5 years after it was released against newer pop shit. It's so...sharp, while being smooth too. Of course her second album was shit.
  2. I only saw the first half, so long ago that I might as well not have seen it. It's on my "to-see" list.
  3. I feel that visually, as well as the fact no other mutants have that similar powers, he just stands out like a sore thumb. It's these solid red lasers (on a visual level) that come from his eyes. Other energy powers seems to emanate from the body as a whole, which just feels more natural. And yeah weather/magnetism control is more alien, but again, the forces seem to pulse and wrap around the body, which acts as some kinda core..or whatever... Just my nitpick. I dont think about it when reading X-men though.
  4. I was using Perplex on you anyway. I only have 1 damage, I was just trying to show you. She can pull it off, sometimes you're on the edge of reason, I won't lie to you. That photo isn't a very good example of your croissant though. :p
  5. I have to say, I think I partially love X-Men so much because they don't spend loads of time on originas of powers. However, mutants with "unnatural" powers annoy me. Like Cyclops. His powers feel too random and unnatural, compared to telepathy or element control etc. I was thinking about this the other day. In Ult. X-Men, Jean Grey talks about not worrying about all the dirty thoughts you instantly think of when you know you're talking to a telepath, she's seen them all before etc, but that must be just..whoa. To see constant like...rough sex behind someone's eyes would, as you say, change conversations. But then you;d get used to not being a prude or whatever, and realise that EVERYONE had these similar thoughts, just not out loud etc. Interesting topic though.
  6. He's very good in it. I forgot he was in it, and kept wondering where I knew the voice of Steve Trevor from. He and kelly Reilly (think thats her), who's Wonder Woman have very good chemistry, unusual in an animated movie! It's also very digestable at like 70 mins, but very well paced too! [/stops going on about it]
  7. An "Original Animated Movie" by DC. Just on DVD. (Possibly TV in US, but made for DVD) Really good though. VERY surprising. I mean, JLU had moments of this kinda humour/maturity, but was still hampered by being PG. And WW is still a kickass cartoon in the vein of the best action that JLU offered.
  8. Wonder Woman (2009) So fucking good! Exceeded all my expectations. Could actually be a 15. Way more brutal than I thought, actually having beheadings, impalings and general brutality and joking about sex and death all over the shop. Very funny in parts too. I just love how DC is so good on the animated front. Seriously great, especially as a fan of the character, it dealt with her "origin" exceptionally well, in a mature(er) way (than I thought they would). 8.8/10
  9. I'd be interested as to how "telepathy" is actually defined in your opinion...it's very loose in Marvel/DC.
  10. That's generally a recipe for a good comic. Similar ideas have been done before, but they've usually been good. Reminds me of things like Kingdom Come (sort of).
  11. I want to adapt To The Lighthouse into comic form, as it wouldn't translate to film (evidenced by the rubbish film that exists) faithfully, yet it could work in comic form, if it were painted really beautifully. However, it would feel so pointless...people should just read the book. :P
  12. Tower Of Terror isn't a rollercoaster. However I love it (the one in Florida). That and Dr.Doom's Fear Fall are epic, as they actually inject real fear into you, and you feel properly on edge, something roller coasters don't actually do (to frequent riders).
  13. ReZ and I talked about it already etc.. Those are really good pics to visualise the chars, ReZ. However, I dislike Paul Weathers' design. It's too...gruff for what I imagined in my head as you told me. I imagined a younger looking person, a bit more finesse than fury. I think that'd work much more with the fact he's a novice magician, and the muscle is really Aaron (whose design I like).
  14. The new album is alright. Although it gets a bit samey after the first few...it's not "fiery".
  15. Eternal Sunshine or Recall. Quickly.
  16. It's not "crunchy" per say. Unless you have MASSIVE sugar granules on yours.
  17. I've never been to Busch Gardens, shamefully. As I've been to Florida 7 times... :p
  18. http://superdickery.com/ Guaranteed hilarity. Especially the comments under each cover.
  19. Diluting would be making them worse. :p Unless they're REALLY complicated, in which case, dilution could be appropriate. I'm about to interrogate you about it on MSN!
  20. Well I obviously forgot what my exact written response was the other two times...at least the consistancy validates that my opinion is set. I'm taking you neither seriously nor not seriously...you weren't making a joke...(or if you were, it wasn't very funny).
  21. See, I was right!111!
  22. My response to it hasn't changed. Why does that matter?
  23. Scotch pancakes are shit. The small fat ones. The only true pancakes are the long thing ones, homemade. Had them this morning. My family has a tradition of making really good ones.
  24. Not sure myself. Eventually he stops losing health...which leads me to believe that you have to destroy the pearl, maybe?
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