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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. That's not funny. That's disturbing.
  2. I never knew that. I thought the entire thing was the Nostromo. Oh well. *has to reconsider all he's ever thought to be true*
  3. I love the obvious addition to my Immaculate Face folder in the back. --- ANYWAY --- I love how I imagined her singing "Holler" by Spice Girls when you said that. ---- I'll forget. I'm so tired of having bad memories thrown back at me.
  4. Yes. Has anything ever been more appropriate than what you just said? *plays "A Man" on the harmonium as he departs the thread*
  5. Veronica Guerin Was just on, about the Irish reporter who famously got too close to the gangsters she was investigating, despite not even being a proper investigative reporter. Cate Blanchett is always welcome. Noticed Colin Farrell cameo too. Good, Joel Shumacher does have some good films under his belt in addition to the shit ones. Some very nice direction. 7.5/10
  6. *I wonder why I didn't alternate which hand I used while fishing for the keys? That would have minimised the pain. Oh well* *It would be cliched to choose the one nearest me, or the one nearest Jill. But then I would be actively avoiding cliche by choosing the one near the TV, which to me, is cliche, so it would end up being less cliched for me to just choose the one nearest me, since thinking logically, If time permitted, that's easiest to try, and then if that doesn't work, the next one is right there. If neither of those are right, depending on how far away the TV is, Jill is possibly screwed* - Stacey thought. Stacey grabbed the one nearest her and tried it.
  7. Well don't they (the two guys) go down to fix whatever was broken in the landing? (IIRC, Ripley comes down to inspect progress) But I can't remember if it explicitly says they leave the planet again...is there not another bit in the cockpit? Either way, it doesn't matter if it's left ambiguous or not.
  8. (A) Maase's reply was unintentionally hilarious.
  9. Religion just annoys the pants off me. Sinead O Connor earned my utmost respect when she said she's "Trying to save God from religion".
  10. Mine are from a set of really cool art card things that are meant to be propaganda from the show, so the quote is kinda like the ones during WWII and the "red scare" of being suspicious.
  11. Realistically I'd just tip over the box, emptying it of water, and then try each key. But that's not an option/Stacey is the stupidest bitch ever, so I'll B) Make her squeal.
  12. Paj!

    Trauma Team

    Apparently she's "Forensics", so that explains the leather dominatrix outfit. ... However, I'm more confused about how that other woman can work in a kimono.
  13. Last I heard racism was illegal.
  14. I was watching Caprica (the new spin-off from BSG) and it like snapped in half half-way through. Annoying me! Probably a sign I should revise rofl
  15. Marilyn Manson's contribution is puzzling. I like the start of the remix though. --- Regina Spektor - Far is now streaming online, in full. Not going to spoil it much for myself, but I'm truly in love with Dance Anthem of The 80's.
  16. I had a good time on the chat last night. I'd go back to it.
  17. Hmm. It's alright. I like the drum beat (heavy drums are always welcome) and the bits like "GET CHO AHMAH". Otherwise it left me with nothing. I wanted the car to explode behind her, not just turn into a firework display.
  18. Next storyline in our X-Men comic?
  19. I've heard Battlefield once or twice and couldn't tell you a lyric or how it goes. I mildly liked No Air, but overall, not a big Jordin Sparks fan.
  20. Stacey stumbles Straight on, realising how anti-cliched it is to go straight ahead, and wondering if she'd outsmart her captor this way.
  21. I have to say that Transformers (and this one) really set the bar high, special effects wise. They are truly spectacular. As in, they look real. So when films like Wolverine, that are also meant to draw in the big bucks have seriously subpar special effects, it's justa poor show. Doesn't redeem them as films though.
  22. Was it someone here (Dan myabe?) that said Little Boots wrote Stuck On Repeat with Kylie Minogue in her head? I read that somewhere. I'm really liking the album in full now, after a few listens, but I just keep imaging Kylie Minogue singing the songs instead. Dunno if that's god or bed, or means nothing. Suppose LB just like the kind of pop song Kylie does..
  23. I've lost my Cold Comfort Farm. Joy. Exam's only on Tuesday, and open book, and everything... EDIT: Calm down, I found it. Stella Gibbons, you wily minx.
  24. What an unsurprising review.
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