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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Paj!

    Trauma Team

  2. Hai thar. :awesome:
  3. Av: Could be more defined. 7/10 Sig: 10/10 Really like this, and quite original looking...not just a copy and paste. Really great. Love BSG SO MUCH.
  4. I'll be anyone. Stacey even. But if someone wants the role, I'll be the friend or boyfriend./ I'll just be Stacey.
  5. I love how you've become my psychoanalyst. Punish my for bringing my feelings into this? I honest to god, hand on my heart, swear on my family's life, couldn't give two shits about what you think I do. I didn't know you even killed me in X-Men, I was just having a laugh while I was alive. It's a game...(not to you, though?) "Lies all lies" was a just a jokey throwaway reponse to the silliness of before. You're a paranoid fucker. Anyway, turns out you were good, unfortunately you were the most likely mafia member we had a lead on. Unfortnuate, but you phailed at defending yourself, as I had only your character name and nothing else (hence my apprehension to lynch when I revealed what I knew) Anyway, it's night now.
  6. It's on the album too! I can't actually remember how it goes, but I'm giving the album a run through now, so I'll listen out for it.
  7. I originally used "amazing", "brilliant", but then decide just to stick to the black and white facts.
  8. Well we had no better leads at the time. I'm so sorry. I'm still not sure what I've made up about you. All I know is that you are Bowser, which you admit. You then accused me of everything under the sun, all ridiculous, which I *correctly* rubbished.
  9. Last night, I dreamt I was on some sort of "trip" with people from school. Not close friends, but still friends. We were at some sort fo holiday house and were just chatting around the sofa, with the TV on in the background, when I overheard the news reader announcing "Beyonce Knowles sudden death is being investigated.." I was really distraught (in my dream).
  10. The only songs that really stick out for me at the moment are New In Town, Stuck On Repeat and Remedy. And Earthquake, but I'm not really a fan.
  11. To kill me? Right... Allthough, if you turn out to be good, I'll probably be a target, true. Oh well, we went on a hunch (since Bowser is..y'know, evil), and you came across as evil.
  12. Ok, very poor choice of words, it changed what you were trying to say completely.
  13. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON ABOUT? If I could quote PM's, I would. And sorry, what would a "good" Bowser look like? "Vicar Is Bowser, but don't worry, he's good!". Um No. Get a grip and accept death. I even waited after telling everyone, since it hadn't been established if Bowser would be in the Mafia or not. I'm not sure it even has now, but you're a known villain, and nothing you've done so far has swayed anyone. In fact, your incomprehensible made-up ramblings only make you sound worse. If it turns out you were good, then you should have defended yourself better. Or not resorted to making up shit paranoid things about me. Some of your friends'll have me offed soon I'm sure. What did you learn last night? (this might have been established, can't remember) Did you? I honestly don't remember/CARE!? It's a mafia game! All I know was that I having fun imitating the Dark Beast.
  14. Because Tori Amos and Britney are so similar, with Tori really being generic within her genre. Unless by "generic", you mean synonymous with myself? That's fair enough, but I get the feeling that's not what you mean. In which case i'll just say lolwut. Anyway, I was thinking about Moon Safari by AIR for my one, actually, but I think a lot of people know it already. Still, I think it would be perfect, as it has loads of different styles on it. What an indictment on yourself (and me, as realistically, why on EARTH would I choose an album that chair and I have listened to a zillion times?).
  15. I'm sortof aware. But I think you exagerate it as a victim. I did not mean to offend. Why on earth why I try to offend someone? That's like I get off on people being hurt, when I actual fact, I don't. Like a normal person. I saw when I wrote that, that it has the connotations of just being a phrase to ry and lessen an insult, despite the person meaning the insult. It wasn't an insult, and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But think what you want, this is an internet arguement. I agree, completely. :awesome:
  16. They've made some very good songs. I own the album with Beautiful Day, but never intentionally listened to it. I don't like that song anyway.
  17. For heavens sake...I could just lie, and say that I thought any album chosen would inspire the same amount of interesting discussion, but I didn't. Sue me. I even stressed I wasn't trying to attack you at all. (or "belittle you") I listen to Britney Spears, too, ffs!
  18. Alright Bowser. I love how there is no evidence of a personal vendetta (I don't think I've ever actuially "spoken" to you before), yet you blame it on that! That was the We're going to beat your shell in.
  19. Oh Jesus H. Something that will inspire interesting, maybe conflicting (even better!) discussion. I might choose Drawing Restraint 9 by Bjork, an overlong soundtrack that is very abrasive, just cause it'll be interesting to see what comes of it in people's reactions to it. I don't even like it much personally. But the reactions I'd be interested in. I'm just saying choose an album that will surprise/inspire discussion. Even one that is unusual or abrasive and uncomfortable. But as I say, choose anything you like. I'm sorry for attacking Britney Spears.
  20. Well I'd try and choose something that people might not know/have overlooked, that I think is diverse or interesting. To me, I can tell when an album is "interesting"...maybe I'd be completely wrong, but that awaits to be proven or not. I didn't assume anything. I know that's not all you listen to. That's just grasping at straws though. You know what mean by "interesting discussion". I'm not going to "ban" any suggestion (If I'm even going to run this), but I just ask to consider what would inspire discussion/surprise people (if it is someone Britney-esque, who people have a preconceived idea about), that is interesting.
  21. Not me personally, but ones that can be discussed. No offence (you know I like pop and whatever more than most here), but a lot of discussions of more trashy, fun, partying pop music here by you and others is just "LINE IN ALL CAPITALS!" then someone else goes "ANOTHER SONG LINE IN CAPITALS!" "WOO!" etc. I'm not dissing you or anything (no malice behind what I say),but for the purposes of interesting discussion, not everyone would find it interesting/appealing.
  22. Dubious in my eyes. But then it's Clarmont's thing to do. Plus I found it unbelievable that if Rogue was THAT amplified, she wouldn't have killed Storm. But yeah, ambiguous power and so on.
  23. As opposed to "Got up, had breakfast/ my job sucks/ exams suck / life sucks etc/ partied".
  24. I was thinking of him, but not in a mean way , just that no purely pop-punk stuff, it should have variety etc. In The Zone by Britney Spears, in my eyes, would be eligible. It's great. The first and last time she sounded like she was a proper artist. Then she went crazy. But yeah, nothing else by her would really be appropriate, since people would slate it or rate it, with not middle ground, and no discussion.
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