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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. That was lovely. I found it to be satisfying without a big fancy climax. --- Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson's album is out next month, here's a full song from it. VERY different to her solo album of Tom Wait's stuff, that divided people down the middle. This is a more upbeat, and shows off her voice more/better. No YT link, but this takes you to the streamable version; http://www.popsugar.com/3194790
  2. What I was going to say. Spider-Man on film is truly awful, considering the source material is SO GOOD. I mean, Spider-man being one your favourite super-heroes feels like it should be cliched, but he's a great, great character. Tobey Maguire acted like a depressed camel throughout all 3 films, with perhaps the second one being the best the series got. (As Doc Ock was done nicely, and overall, it flowed well, IIRC) Nothing like Peter Parker. As much as I like Kirsten Dunst, she didn't feel much like Mary Jane, one of the few superhero wives/girlfriends to actually have a personality. But yeah, looking back, I really really don't like how Spider-Man was done. I do like the second one, might rewatch that to remind myself why, but no, Iron Man is miles above Spider-Man in terms of successful adaptation to film. ---- Hunchback Of Notre Dame 9/10 Always loved this, love how it's so fucking dark. Like...religious persecution, analysis of the evils within people who hide behind roles and so on. Only things I don't like were the Gargoyles (though not as bad as I remembered), they were the token kids'll-be-entertained characters, but didn't really work. The music wasn't that memorable outside of that Out There song, but I don't think it was really the main focus.
  3. Slaggis, I gave that Ashlee Simpson album a listen, remembering I loved her first single whenever it came out (years ago). It was awful. I don't think she actually sings. She sort of drawls through the songs. I mean, I knew I hated Outta My Head, possibly worst song of 2008, but she sounds like a drunk trying to impersonate Avril Lavigne's No Doubt obsessed evil twin. On the plus side, Rule Breaker made me lol. "I BREAK THE ROOLZ! I'VE GOT A TATTOO!" I am being too harsh, she tries to be interesting, at least. EDIT: It's awfulness did remind me how much I used to love L.O.V.E, Pieces of Me and La La.
  4. Yeah. I considered that. Even so...I'd be okay with it if it was say...friendliness/happiness. Since that's a PAIN in the ass to max out if the Pokemon isn't on your main team.
  5. Is this the thing that levels your Pokemon up as you walk? How exactly will this work, I wonder? Since It'll feel a bit...empty, if you come back after leaving it on Pokewalker for a while, but not playing, and your Pokes are all overleveled.
  6. I love the power creep though. I was just on Pojo.com, reading their reviews of variosu cards, and things like "50 damage for 3 energy cards is rubbish" were being tossed around. Considering in the day, Kadabra's Psyshock stunned us all.
  7. Why don't you?
  8. Normally this could/would be true, but I've got Dry by PJ Harvey on. In whose wake all else shrivels.
  9. I love: Ms. Moonstonemarvel: Agh! I don't need this shit! Morgana Le Fey: You stand in defence of Victor Von Doom, whore?! Ms. M: "Whore"? Nice. Lady, you are crazy! And I have an M.D in psychiatry, so when I say you're crazy...you're crazy. *Morgana swings pink energy sword of death, but...* Ms. M: Yeah...Intangibility. How about you? *BAM! Morgan is blasted off her steed*
  10. Project Rub isn't crappy! And considering you claim to be the master of collecting Ds games, how long has it taken you to get that! I got that like...with my DS. When it came out.
  11. I think Chair has the right idea in general. Technically he's perfectly correct that there's a better chance of getting mafia by lynching someone than not (obviously :p), but also games where nothing happens during the day are boring.
  12. I have! It didn't jump out as great but Tim Sale's art does.
  13. So much wrong with that paragraph. The spelling, the fact that a supermarket being lucrative or not has nothing to do with how hard it is to find... *cries into a dictionary*
  14. Gorebyss' friend must be Huntail. (or possibly Clamperl, but I doubt it)
  15. I'd live for about 300 years too. However, I'd really want to choose "However long it takes me to accept and comes to terms with my own mortality and death in general", since I'm so very scared that when I'm 80 or something, I'll still be as maddeningly scared of death. If you had to go on a cultural long weekend holiday with one of the following, who would it be and why? - Kim Basinger, - Ron Perlman or - Salma Hayek.
  16. Fairy Tales are well known for being warning tales/moral fables, as much as whimsical stories. They left out the part in Sleeping Beauty about ogres and cannibalism. (IIRC) Also, in The Little Mermaid, before she stabs herself, to win the Prince's affection on land, she doesn't just give up her voice. In human form, every step she took caused excruciating pain (like standing on a thousand daggers or something IIRC), and then at one point the court force her to dance at a ball. And she does. And in the end, the Prince doesn't even choose her.
  17. No, it died. However, the universe was revisited a few times in the awesome Justice league Unlimited series. (cartoon series) Grant Morrison wrote Arkham Asylum, and he's writing the Batman issues I currently get, so yeah, they're good. Don't get Detective Comics or any other batman comics, dunno what they're like.
  18. Avatar
  19. Well...Batman just died, so... There's like a zillion different bat titles out there, from the main continuity ones, to various ones just about Batman adventures. My way of thinking is going into the shop/wherever you'd buy them, and just choose ones you like the covers of. However, the front of comics often tell you if they're part of a story arc, so I like to get the start of an arc. I just started on the new title, Batman And Robin by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. That's set in the present though, so no Bruce as Batman.
  20. I still have no idea how to work *torrents* and will never know why when I try, they don't work. So it might be harder than I thought/more time consuimg to get everything I want.
  21. I finally got my Mac into allowing comics I order off the internet to be readable. Catching up on some Dark X-Men. AND SOON INVINCIBLE!
  22. I'm marvelous.
  23. They really shouldn't even try though.
  24. That's lovely Letty. Although I would have clapped if you'd just shaved it all off.
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