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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I was amused by the absurdity of everyone screaming and throwing bricks at him for not doing anything bad. There was no weight behind anything I said.
  2. I'm pursing my lips so hard.
  3. To be honest, I don't care what you spend your money on, I'd probably spend it on the same thing. I just loved that everyone was calling you disgusting.
  4. Don't Be Stupid! (You Know I Love You)
  5. He's filth, don't come in here and tell us otherwise.
  6. Why is everyone else seeing Moon without me?!
  7. I liked that. It was satsifyingly conclusive.
  8. Villan, you disgusting, embarrassing fuck! *readies pitchfork*
  9. YOU'RE RELATED TO SAMANTHA!? Seriously though, that's cool/interesting. I meant to watch that episode, will do at some point.
  10. Doesn't everyone hate Pablo Honey? I've never given it a listen, and I think I've heard Creep a grand total of once in my life.
  11. For me the blue and white Pokemon screams Sawblu or Altaria, but that's just me. It could be Wingull, Pelipper and so on. The hungry purple pokemon seems to most likely be Swalot.
  12. Message to Haggis, Cobra Starship's new album is "out now". I gave it a listen since the cover was so appealing but it's not really my thing. I like the title track for it's use of 'Hot Mess".
  13. You disgust me with your ignorance. *swirls cape and marches out of the room*
  14. Dun dun dun! / I have nothing. 2 ancient rocks could be a reference to the Regis? But they don't evolve into Regigigas. Solrock, Lunatone, they don't evolve. Ooh! Fossils? But that would make no sense.
  15. EDIT: Deep personal introspection. (to Fish) EDIT: This was to Nightwolf. (below) I'm ambivalent. Probably Cider. Magners, but only because I'm most familar with it. Or something like Vodka and coke. I'm don't know much about alcohol, I just drink what I'm given and decide if I like it or not. (and then buy that at a later date because i know I like it etc) If you could sound like any famous person (speaking voice, singing voice, burping noises, whatever you desire), who would it be?
  16. What he said. Each album feels like a real move into a different sound, but it's neither forced or...necessary. It just feels natural. I like all the albums I have. (all the "good" ones axcept Amnesiac)
  17. I think Kid A, OK Computer and In Rainbows are all as good as each other. The Bends is just below, becuase it's not as interesting or brave.
  18. The X-men series. (Not future installments which will be as shit as Wolverine, but back when they were good) The Scream Series so I can run around screaming, but not take it seriously. Nothing else. I'd rather be in stand-alone films. At a push, just another comic-based one probably. Your treasured Pokemon partner, which you've had since you first started your journey all those months ago, is about to evolve into it's final, awesome form, complete with awesome strength, finesse and power. But it's desperate NOT to evolve, and begs you to stop it. What do you do?
  19. I forgot I'd said anything.
  20. It's more the fact you avoided comics because the art wasn't all clean and glossy. As I say, I like Jim Lee, he's an awesome artist, but it gets sickly after too much of it (and like I say, everyone looks like supermodels with the same faces). There's not enough depth for me. But then I complain about stuff a lot. When it's personal preference.
  21. My failometer bleeped slightly. Frank Millar's art is fantastic in Year One, and if I may say so, a lot more appropriate for Batman than Jim Lee's. Jim Lee is great, I'm not about to tell lies. But it's very glossy. Fits in with Hush, which is effectively Batman vs. ALL HIS GREATEST VILLAINS IN THE STORY TO END ALL STORIES! ROMANCE! INTRIGUE! SUSPENSE... But yeah. I get sick of seeing the same female and male faces recycled the whole time in Lee's work. I find Batman drawn by Tim Sale or Eduardo Risso a far more compelling figure. Risso's stuff is wonderful in colour too. But yeah, I personally prefer the grittier stuff for people like Batman and Daredevil, since it fits a lot better. For me, anyway.
  22. Where are these Nintendo avatars from? Like cubes, Nintendohnuts, etc. Coolness; 9/10 Avatar 5/10 Sig Too similar to the avvie, but worse, and I hate the writing. Mine's pretty shit. Carnivine is intentionally blurry, like he's pressing against the screen, bit i dont think it translates.
  23. Oh of course. That won't help my poor level 28 Crobat. I do love him though, he's like my mascot, since he's too weak to be on my actual team, but is the only one that can Fly me around places.
  24. I quite like Autoamerican. Blondie's albums are all pretty good listens, but more often than not, people only ever hear Best ofs.
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