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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I thought there was a woman in the A-Team? Bearing in mind I've never watched it and the only knowledge I have is that Mr.T and that guy..Rod? were in it.
  2. Is she still pissing in the river? /10 There's Colonel Dirtyfishydishcloth./10
  3. I didn't cry, my mum did. It's like...I'd prefer we all went off to live our lives. It would be worse If I had no friends and was just sitting in the house all day or something, but I'm having loads of fun at art school with loads of new friends, and Chair will have loads of fun with new friends in Oxford too. So it's all good.
  4. Oh I'm sure, I just felt like pointing out that I love her one.
  5. I jokingly read the novelisation of 52, which basically cut out the crap and told Batwoman, Renee and Booster Gold's stories.
  6. Most people having sex at 13 are chavs. Filthy filthy chavs.
  7. He left for Oxford this morning, we won't meet again till Christmas, best friends etc.
  8. John, I'm going to bed. It's been courageous, it's been warm, it's been big. And I prefer you now than I ever have in my whole lah-hyfe. Much luck and love for Oxford. Have loads of fun. I'm listening to Honestly OK by Dido for the first time in honour of you. After it's over your memory will disappear like tears in rain. The thread may now be re-railed.
  9. 10charhahahaha
  10. I'm apparently going to see Michachu on Tuesday as a friend's birthday present. He might be lying though. I have much love for them.
  11. I'm noting this in my lyric book for your future album.
  12. Strider TRUDGING a-LONG-! Have your cake and eat it before I shove it in my bag.
  13. I love how that went down in history for a few years. I never got to see that, but then you were in the top biology set (but I did it longer).
  14. In chronological order; P6 (whatever that is for English people...age 10 approx. Primary school) we watched the famous "My body's nobody's body but mine!" video about molestation by uncle told by women and men in dungarees. Geits (our fa fa word for the year after P6) we did it in Sciene, so nothing sexy, just the hard facts. Then I think we did the bit about erections/wet dreams and such 2 years later in "Thirds". We watched the worst video ever. A boy interviewed amongst a group of his peers was like "I just remember it going all...blue.." and all the class started laughing. Year later (at the start of GCSE) we briefly did the sexy bit (featuring condom parrot) and then did STI's for the rest of the topic. I also remember we did shit stuff about erections in PSD later on..some awful video with a character called Johnny Boner or something cringey. Bit like Mr. Bananagrabber.
  15. Thanks for my letter by the way. Oh wait, my mum got one. Not me. (She cried btw, not even being sarcastic this time)
  16. We had an ornamental ceramic parrot that served as our "banana". More penis-shaped.
  17. I love how every year this comes along and I love the idea, but then realise I can't be arsed.
  18. Worst trailer for a film ever? Up there with the Rosemary's Baby blurb in terms of ruining a film before you see it...
  19. I don't like using Spotify, as it feels really unofficial when you listen to stuff you actively want to own on your iPod. Like it's someone else's iPod. I'll give albums I have a passing interest in a listen, but, for example, I plan on buying the new Plastic Ono Band album, after hearing some tracks live, so I daren't spoil nyself by listening on Spotify. Same with that song.
  20. The twins went through because they want ratings, and they'll get people talking. Which adds to the shitness of this show, as they can't sing. Young blonde guy goes through = screaming 12 year old's vote. (and Slaggis' But yeah, My Sister was just like "OMG YAH MY FAVE SO HOT)
  21. I knew the song was popular, and I'm watching the TV more that X Factor is always on in the living room, and I saw it used on some TV promo, really innapropriately, and I was like "...". Please stop using popular songs badly to try and look cool. I'll buy it once my Mac has been remajiggled.
  22. I don't know why, but I lol'd at this. -- I'm in the "Who gives a shit?" camp. It's not like he was 8 or something, which would be interesting on a scientific level. This isn't newsworthy, especialy after the pointlessness of the other one earlier this year.
  23. X Factor is now worse (...) than before after copying the Britain's Got Talent format. Now there's a braying audience to cheer on the idiots, they get the complete piss-takers coming on just to be on TV. I know that bit's over, but even so. Pissed me off. Plus the fact they put the twins through, just to be the "villains" of the show. To get ratings.
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