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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. If it's any consolation, I watched it on Youtube last night and it sounded strange. Then listened on iTunes and it's way different. The production/sample from "Are Friend's Electric?" kinda reverberates in the actual song, but that's all compressed and tinny on YT. dunno why.
  2. Her shouting is really unappealing in that song.
  3. Fucking hell! Trying to read TWD 61, which is for some reason a weird "widescreen" issue. Adds so much, but for some reason comical keeps closing itself down before I can read the last few pages.
  4. I thought after posting maybe it's just buses in Edinburgh? We have to put the change in the little box, if it's over the amount needed, tough. No change or anything. As far as I know.
  5. You shouldnt really get on a bus without the right change, buses have to keep to their time. But if loads of people did it, I assume it's a weird bus?
  6. Yeah but I recently actually listened to her music and it's pretty good (late 80's - late 90's anyway). Strangely forgotten tunes that are way better than what her brother was doing during the 90's/00's.
  7. Started off my vinyl colection shopping through second hand music shops, based on the covers, if I know them already, or if I'd heard good things. I'll get into just buying joke jazz music from 1950's Turkey once I get going with this possible new hobby. Can't be arsed posting pics, but I got Faith by George Michael, Madonna by Madonna, Around The World In A Day by Prince + The Revolution, The Whole Story by Kate Bush and Touch by Eurythmics. £12.50 total. I had my eye on that David Bowie album with the cover by Gilbert and George (or looks like it), but when I went back to get it, a whore had taken it for her own.
  8. I don't think sex(uality) and Superbowl go together. Her career hasn't recovered since Superbowl 2004. Such a stupid thing to be so controversial.
  9. *muffled mumblings* Anyway. This song is stuck in my head, from upcoming concept album about Imelda Marcos by David Byrne (and Fatboy Slim) and about 50 different famous female vocalists. This one has Florence + The Machine in it.
  10. Is the fucked up proportion intentional? Makes the first one looks weird, and the bottom one has an inflated left boob. The shading on the top one is nice, but the massive head/shrivelled arm just ruins it.
  11. I was comparing their old stuff and their new stuff. No one said whether it was great music or not.
  12. Is that a rip off of Paris, Je t'aime?
  13. Seems like people read more Marvel books than DC...but maybe I'm imagining things. In other news, just finished Walking Dead 47 (powering through) and I'm too scared to go on. In any other comic it'd be like "realistically nothing'll happen to x (see last panel), they're main!", but then Kirkman fucks with you and kills mainies every day. I gasped at
  14. Going into town bright and early tomorrow to start my record collection by rifling through record/charity shops. I'll work on getting a working record player some other time. :p Also got some big art and rock event thing I helped set up (I.e physically set up the wood and shit) at some point...the college kids can't decide on a time to go.
  15. 3rd gen was fine, but just a few forgettable ones. 4th gen is the only gen with (some) fucking awful designs. Spiritomb...fucking hell. Even the starters lacked OOMPH, except the Piplup family. Stunky..also bad. Just lots of rushed looking designs.
  16. Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth is one of my favourite one-offs. Lovely art. Lovely story.
  17. I love how the characters in The Walking Dead could translate to a stunning videogame.
  18. Because they used to be successful but have a little bit an "edge" to them. Mutya Buena's voice was kinda interesting, and their production wasn't complete bubblegum pop. Songs like Freak Like Me (sampling Gary Numan), Overload etc are definitely out of the ordinary pop songs. Now they just sound like every other girl band around with the current popular sound. You can just hear that none of the original members are left.
  19. Fuck that shit! It's so stupid. Just develop the introduced non-main characters. Wait, while you're at it, develop the MAIN CHARACTERS. Kurt, Finn et al are fine, but Mercedes, Artie and...*thinks* Tina? are stupidly undeveloped. Mercedes is written like a main character, but she's so one-note with no backstory/relationship with any of them (unless you count the idiotic story of her not knowing Kurt was gay). Ugh. I hate things you could write better yourself being on TV. I'd rather just have a joke web-series of Sue's Corner (or whatever it's called), since she's the only decent character. In other news; I spied Emma from Glee as the Coat Wench () in HIMYM.
  20. Back. Basically he said I shouldn't go out in my own car cause we spend half the lesson undoing bad habits I pick up that way. Which is fair enough. He said I'm actually a really good driver once he gets rid of all the stuff I bring in from my own driving. Eh. I can't really imagine a time where driving will ever seem particularly calm for me...I'm constantly mentally screaming at the possiblity of touching parked cars.
  21. After I posted I saw a bit where he's like "So that's what we did, we went to the zoo, ate at a restaurant, all that..nice...stuff", and it shows them having sex. So that made sense I guess. And when it freezes as Victoria is about to tell her embarassing story, and that skips through it to their reactions. So yeah, I'll eat my words.
  22. Driving lesson in about 2 minutes approx. I always detest the time running up to them, as though they're really horrible experiences. But they aren't at all. Dunno. Maybe it's the perceived pressure/judgement etc. Although my instructor is nice etc. Drove with my dad this morning, which was helpful, but I still can't like understand the road when it's not all set out. I actually changed down gear and stopped perfectly at a junction, before realising it was still a green light. :X Road works had confused me and I'm too mixed up to change down gears properly.
  23. I knew he was alive cause I did a series of Catcher In The Rye essays spanning 2 years (don't ask), and so when bored, I'd just read about him and his few other books. IIRC he was living with some way younger woman, or maybe that was years ago prior.
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