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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Gorilla Man is from Agents of Atlas. They were in Thunderbolts recently (fighting the new team). Unless that's a different Gorilla. :p Started reading Walking Dead, cool so far, I like the art. Not stunning me, but then Kirkman's very direct approach often fails to stun me. It's very fast-paced, or rather...characters don't seem to dwell on things. But then it's arugable he's just aware of the medium, trying to combat the way most comics feel really short these days cause so much emphasis/page space is placed on events that previously would have taken a few panels to describe (in the olden days).
  2. £15 Better be good! The Wonder Woman DVD movie stunned, so I got this too; £5 £1.99
  3. Exactly what I did. I just started to rewatch the whole thing, just back onto Season 1, kinda nice now I can see what the titles were, second time around.
  4. Gorilla Man ruins the feel. If you just cover him up in the picture, the team is so much more concise and great looking. I still hate Spidey being in the Avengers but I'll live.
  5. I'm scratching my legs so hard. Been doing sketchbook shit all morning, but it takes so long to do anything of substance, and they look shit. Have to go in this afternoon (a couple of hours) to show my tutor, blah. Ugh. Done nothing that looks like 2 days worth. (It's not really two days worth, but still).
  6. But, if we're all honest, it would have been better to just not have them. Spoilers are the bane of my life.
  7. I agree with BSG, although worse were the unique titles for every episode, giving away CLIPS OF THE EPISODE YOU'RE ABOUT TO WATCH. Why?
  8. I saw How I Met Your Mother for £15 (season 1) in AchEmVie. I think I shall after college this afternoon.
  9. As I've always said, even I don't like all of Milk-Eyed Mender. YS is lovely, it's not scratchy like MEM, but still very much an acquired taste. I will just take a day off to lie on the floor listening to this upcoming almost 3-hour album.
  10. I'm pretty sure he's referring to Joanna Newsom. Or at the very least, Coolness' list. If not, ..eh.
  11. Frak. Joanna Newsom's new album details summary - It's called "Have One On Me" (Official cover. Such a statement, considering YS) - It's out on the 23rd of Feb - It's a triple album.
  12. Went into college this morning to have the head principal/head teacher/tutor look over my sketchbook, just cause I'm doing film and he loves. He prefaced it by saying "Just so you know, I'm going to be hard on you cause I want this to be good" or something, then said too many home truths/pointed out the obvious. Like not having everything come together yet ideas wise etc. Fair points. Though I'm never sure how to balance what I do in my book, cause this has been 2 weeks of RESEARCH, next two weeks are DEVELOPMENT etc. Different kettles of fish, just not sure what to put in, and what not to. But it helped...I need to get the mood in my mind of what I'm gonna make, cause drawing for the sake of it isn't helping anyone. Came home an hout after arriving at college, and genuinely did work, but it basically involved me watching scenes from films involving bathrooms, and reading some crazy guys analysis of The Shining. Will do some drawing tonight. Went back to college this evening as I agreed to help one of the tutors set up his awesome event thing for this weekend, The Hidden Door, a big art/music extravaganza, set within a maze in a warehouse. Basically just heavy lifting with a friend of mine for an hour or so.
  13. Oh I'm the same. But in terms of song titles, Patd just made up shit to make them sound more interesting. The songs were all over the place (enjoyable though) enough, it would have been nicer to have them named with relevance to the content. (since they clearly weren't) Haven't given A Fever... a listen in a good while in full, but I did recently listen to all of MCR's Black Parade, remembering the golden days of 2006.
  14. I do love interesting song titles. Titles that make you go "ooh! What does this sound like!" without being shitty Panic At The Disco nonsense. Especially if the title is simple, but not usually words found in song titles, like you, love etc. Recently Rope Burn by Janet Jackson did that for me. It's just curious. Pussy Control by Prince is also amusing. That's the one I've seen. Definitely can hear the Goldfrapp comparison, but their new single gives me the feeling it isn't them, and is more likely Knife/KarinFeverRay. And yeah Christina wouldn't release her stuff virally first, even though she could get some good hype going around the net with the list of collaborators suprising people already. (I suppose that's already happening a little)
  15. Because if it was upbeat people would complain that it wasn't respectful or whatever. Everybody Hurts being slow isn't what makes it a strange choice, more that it seems a bit patronizing? Or maybe that's just my reading into the lyrics too much (in respect to Haiti).
  16. But titles don't have to give anything away. And when they do it's intentional. Or rather, in the case of Finding Nemo of The Iron Giant, it's effectively just what the film is (about).
  17. I will watch How I Met Your Mother one day, I tried watching the pilot but it broke halfway and it didn't grab me enough to try and make it work. I did see one at a friends house the other day, and while I'm so bored of sitcom settings with the horrible fake lighting and canned laughter, it struck me as well written. Plus, since when did Alyson Hannigan have a lovely face?!
  18. Yeah, I know all that. I know it's not possible to have a film industry where people go watch films based on just the title (effectively the only thing that doesn't give away ANYTHING. Maybe the name of the director too.), just that people don't make films to have the twists/plots etc known about beforehand. But having the thing unwrapped before release is just what happens and is unavoidable...I never really debated that fact.
  19. As far as I'm aware, that was part of one of those intentional leak things, from some company or website or something that suggested it could be a variety of things, including Christina, Goldfrapp or The Knife. Came out a while ago (unless this is a new bit...don't think so). I really doubt it is hers (it'd be nice/great if it was though, but I have a feeling she'll be aiming for commercial success after a good 4-5 years out of the spotlight), unless it's been confirmed? Christina debuted a new song at that Hope For Haiti thing, but obviously a sad one. Sounded fine.
  20. Well the title doesn't have to be purely functional. "Movie in which a woman and a man fall in love" etc etc Titles are part of the whole thing, as Jay said. In ones in which there're "Spoilers" like The Virgin Suicides, it's intended.
  21. I said meant. I don't believe for a second that most serious film-makers would want details about the plot of their film to be revealed/known about before it's seen, in reality. Of course this is impossible. They need promotion, and the public need to be drawn in with trailers etc.
  22. Films are meant to be watched blind. I get actively angry when trailers are too exposing, though the worst are usually DVD blurbs. I cite it a lot, but thank FUCK I didn't read the blurb on the back of the Rosemary's Baby DVD. Tells you the literaly climax/twist/POINT of the film. UGH. UGH. In regards to posts saying ANYTHING about a film...with things like Avatar, it's kinda unavoidable. Everyone knows there's blue people, everyone knows it's like Pocahontas etc. It's hugely exposed. So in that respect, it's unfortunately unavoidable.
  23. That's why I didn't get what this was all about, no one was excusing him...chair just decided to talk about Rok (though realistically we all, or should be understanding of the fact, he probably had a hard time/life) as part of his awakening to the seeming lack of acceptance of transgender people in the world. I lol'd. I just imagined you shouting it really dramatically.
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