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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Yeah, it's brilliant. I think. I love the bag bit. Though you're meant to.
  2. Nothing here to fear I'm just sitting around being foolish When there is work to be done. Just a hang-up call And the quiet breathing Of our persian We call Cajun on a Wednesday. --- I like Wednesdays. When I visualise it as a day, it never suggests misery or possible badness. It's not "good" either. So yeah, kinda in the middle.
  3. They're 3D glasses. (I'm pretty sure)
  4. I'll watch it for the nostalgia/potential lol-factor. I like the first 2, and elements of the third (i.e Parker Posey).
  5. "Political fashion"? Yes.
  6. Same. I'm all plans and plotting, as opposed to action.
  7. Decided I'm just going to live my life in worship of Anya from Buffy. Everything she does and says makes me laugh. Watching Once More With Feeling for the first time and had to pause as I was in hysterics over her verse about bunnies in I Got A Theory. I need to make a shrine or something. She's my greatest joy.
  8. He should get his girlfriend in on a Lonely Island track. I'd buy that. :p
  9. The Lovely Bones I haven't read it, so I have nothing to compare it to. I actually quite enjoyed it...it was interestingly/beautifully shot, and I personally liked the "limbo" bits. It was all over the place tonally, but at least it was effective in what it tried to do. It was really tense, or beautifully uplifting etc etc. It wasn't perfect though, and the actual effects of the main event of the film on the family could have been looked at with more realism/in more depth.
  10. Wolverine and Spider-Man. On two teams? ... ... ... ...
  11. *winces* *leaves thread*
  12. I too hated that there were 3 pointless water HM's. Sad that it was the only glaring thing to redo in this remake but they left it in. *rolls eyes*
  13. There no way that is NOT "Rice". Reece is the best, because of Terminator. Then Rhys. Then Ri'z.
  14. WHO ELSE REMEMBERS THIS?! I DIDN'T UNTIL JUST NOW. My favourite advert when I was 9.
  15. Hmm. Have you spoken to him since this term/this year started? You could try and see him in an easy context. Amongst others or something, so it's less "...". Although it's good you finally "know" in some way. Cause that whole thing went on way too long. It always seemed like he felt Paddy and I were intruding. Except that one time at the festival where he was jovial to any and all. But I'm over it in the new context everything has been placed in. (Plus we were technically just randoms to him anyway)
  16. Went to college this afternoon after spending the morning taking photos. Didn't actually talk to my tutor about my work, but being there helped solidify my ideas a bit. Also talked to the other two tutors about my Kingston interview. I was stunned by a playlist of Britney Spears remixes I made. Come on Diplo. Also Martha and Rufus Wainwright have been coming from my speakers a fair bit since Tuesday. I'm such a fan, but feel like I don't know anything they're telling me, or that I haven't been listening.
  17. G.I Joe was better. As a whole it didn't take itself seriously or come across as unfinished and half-hearted. Like Wolverine does.
  18. Robyn's new song "Fembots" streaming on her site. I like it.
  19. Are they the same person or just distrubingly similar twins?
  20. A lovely issue. Though it did feel a bit like...
  21. I Love You, Philip Morris Quite amusing and nice overall. I liked Carey in this, his zaniness was only slightly present and it worked in the context. I just hated how
  22. Thats what I thought too. It needed to be sillier, or include the actual band to show that it's a parody if it wanted to come across correctly to the masses.
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