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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Don't worry, in The Ultimates vol.1 they fight the Ultimate Skrulls, so you deal. The Kree won't be in it. I predict it to pan out a lot like Ultimates vol.1, only using Hulk a bit differently so he gets more screen-time/becomes a tortured hero as opposed to making it realistic (a psychopath).
  2. Brothers And Sisters Season 4, 'Time After Time' Pt.1 I think I'm the only person in the UK who still watches this, but I love it. This season has definitely been one of the most enjoyable so far, but then it's the only show I've watched "properly". As in, from season 1 until right now, all on TV when it's meant to be, so it's hard to compare fairly as bits kinda blur together. But yeah, shocking revelation in this. I don't know what I'd do. You'd just feel so empty inside. I love how in the 80's flashbacks, they actually cast really good people to play their younger selves, all getting the voices/speech patterns right, as well as faces. But yeah, I was left spent and gasping for more.
  3. Glee XXX parody trailer. Effectively NSFW cause it's innapropriate, but it's not visually explicit or suggestive.
  4. - Went into town this morning to get my mum's essay/study thing bound for her while she was at work .She's now finished all her university shizz she's been doing constantly for 5 years+. Which is good. - Sent Chair's present/s off. - Was gonna go outside and do some driving theory revision (we awkwardly have a fair amount of shared green space, lots of trees and nice things, but I can never truly relax because everyone's windows are too near you, anyone could be staring at you), but then it went grey/nondescript. - Thought people might go out tonight, but it seems not, which is okay, I feel content.
  5. I HAVE Fire Snakes you insensitive bastard. And my favourite song I'll never love is July Flame by Laura Veirs. EDIT: And No Cars Go too! Though I've never listened to it, so that's fine.
  6. Can people put 1 or 2 (I don't want it to be huge) songs in this playlist for me? I need more new sounds to hear. Things you think might appeal to me, but at the same challenge. http://open.spotify.com/user/dodoriazarbon/playlist/6AbsiKt16Z07vCjl0ksVGu
  7. I think we were all stunned that Tori Amos won the first one. Plus the fact that no one from the first game is in this, people have had to delve a little deeper and root out their gems.
  8. So yeah, Chair and I have a tradition of making joke cards for the various birthdays, like taking a pre-made one that could inspire jokes (just an image though, not a "joke" card), and then adding to it, referencing past funniness. I've been making his "card" for his birthday on Monday, and was almost sick from laughing. I know you're not meant to find yourself/your own humour funny, but I genuinely almost wretched. I can't breathe. EDIT: CONGRATCH Fierce one. You've done so well.
  9. Why? They stated actively that the whole shizz was that the title is a misnomer. They advertised months in advance that Black Lantern Firestorm is on one of the covers, as a sortof teaser thing.
  10. My cunt itches for the suffering of innocents. ^ An excerpt from the script for the Power Rangers movie I'm writing.
  11. Well I got Discovery first...I will get Homework though. I heard HAA isn't immediately stunning but I remember you saying ages ago to give it it's due. And I lied, I did actually have Digital Love. But then that doesn't really count, everyone has that.
  12. Yeah Dry is awesome. I prefer it to Rid Of Me (I feel they're a pair, since they were recorded while PJ Harvey was still the name of a band, not just her). I love Wuh-WUH-WUH WAH-TUR-eh-ur! --- Acquiring Discovery by Daft Punk because I feel out of the loop owning nothing by them. I've heard the album before, but everyone gives me dirty looks when they find out I'm punk-less. Although a classmate offered me money for my entire iTunes library today, after saying she wanted to eat my iPod, it was so good. Which was really odd. I was like "That's..really illegal." (the paying me, not the eating.)
  13. I tell you how I feel, but you don't care I say tell me the truth, but you don't dare You say love is a hell you cannot bear And I say gimme mine back and then go there, for all I care! I got my feet on the ground And I don't go to sleep to dream You got your head in the clouds And you're not at all what you seem. This mind, this body And this voice cannot be stifled by your deviant ways So don't forget what I told you Don't come around, I got my own hell to raise. Sleep to Dream - Fiona Apple
  14. I've been revisiting some of my favourite summery albums; Foxbase Alpha by Saint Etienne Young Forever by Aberfeldy Grow Up And Blow Away by Metric Tidal by Fiona Apple (I consider this summery...or rather I associate it with summer)
  15. David Bowie - Heathen £1.49 I absolutely fucking LOVE this album cover. And apparently it's a good album. (Only listened to a little bit on Spotify)
  16. I'm so tired. Didn't even do that much today either, a lot of walking to and from college though, as I went out to film shizz a few times. A fun day though, one of those ones filled with entertaining conversation. The joke of the day was that my directorial debut would be an arthouse porno called What Else Can You Do With A Hose?, a spiritual sequel to the lesser known, non-pornographic What Can You Do With A Hose?.
  17. Loving LCD Soundsystem ('s new album) so far, considering the random here-and-there tracks I'd heard before didn't particularly grab me. --- Ys, f crs.
  18. I'm behind on TWD...I just finished 67. (Read up to 66 a few months ago) A friend of mine is lending me We3 soon I think, we're pooling our resources to bathe in Grant Morrison, I lent him Arkham Asylum.
  19. Well I meant more like "an adult of generically young age". Some maybe in the middle of uni, maybe having a job, maybe this, maybe that.
  20. Which one? Goldfrapp have remixed them twice (or more).
  21. How old are you? I thought you'd be 24 or something.
  22. To anyone whose interest was piqued by Christina Aguilera's new album having so many amazing collaborators (Ladytron, Le Tigre, Sia, Santigold etc), prepare to be disappointed/horrified. Previews for all the new songs Just absolutely, ridiculously awful. And bland. (relative to her previous stuff, regardless of what you think about them)
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