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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Of course. I've sent out messages to people who haven't signed up yet.
  2. They've cast so many stunners already. Alive Eve is probably the perfect Emma Frost, aesthetically.

    Sign up for my X-Men mafia game?

    From one accie to another. :p

    PLZ. kthxbai

  4. Hey, do you want to sign-up for my X-Men mafia game? Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaseeeeee! from one Hannah (well...Miley) fan to another? x

  5. I'm in two minds. The best comedic things I've ever seen never have it. Like Arrested Development (though that's kinda an unusual sitcom, if it can even be classed as one) and Nighty Night. Things like Friends I find amusing, and has a lot of nostalgia attached to it, so I kinda ignore/accept the laughter there. Same with Will & Grace. I think it's just a staple of those "staged" sitcoms.
  6. VMA's are nothing and mean nothing. Like most award music award shows. It just rewards the popular.
  7. I still need 4 more people.
  8. They're mutated humans. What I find more disconcerting is that they eats tons of concrete. They must have a super digestive system.
  9. I couldn't sleep last night and ended up reading the second entire half of the Bendis/Maleev Daredevil collection, as well as most of Uncanny X-Men Sisterhood, which only came yesterday morning (but is incredibly short, so it's fine). I need the next Daredevil collection to come out!
  10. Ok, let me look for it. Someone posted a photo of a long poster from a con of some sort I think, on CBR. It had the phrase on the left, and Kraven on the right, amongst the city, and it looked like he was holding onto part of the letters also partially visible in Nova's poster. EDIT: Can't find the image, but just confirmed that indeed, Kraven is on the shortlist/teasers, as well as Falcon, on the CBR forums.
  11. Good stuff.
  12. Sights and sound pull me back down. Another year. I was here. I was here. Whipping past the reflecting pool, me and you, skipping school. We make it up as we go along.
  13. I don't have any particular "phobias", though I have a real thing to do with the extremes of being closed in (specifically having my arms restricted), and then fear of not being kept in or protected in situations when I may as well be. Like on cliffs and stuff. I'm not scared of the height, just the lack of safety. And I think I hate most when people just take it all in their stride. Walking/leaning over a cliff edge POINTLESSLY. When you can see the same thing from a good distance away. Ugh. My aunt and cousin did that in Orkney right after I asked them not to, and I just walked off. I'd rather leave, push them off myself or jump off myself. I can't BEAR the moment/s when risk is most high. Either do it don't, fate. I famously said I'd rather just jump onto the tracks of the german subway than watch someone dance really close to the edge. At least the "......!!!!..!1!!" -ness wouldn't be there. That's more a hatred than fear. I also can't look at soles of feet, or broken/bloody fingernails/toenails. I can't look when people prick their fingertip in films and squeeze a drop of blood out. Just typing made me take a really weird intake of breath. Ah, jeez.
  14. They added a kinda cool bit in the late 90's revealing his not-so-clean past with Mr. Sinister and how he actually led the Marauders (mutant evil people who work for Sinister) into the NY tunnels and then carry out the Mutant Massacre, a big event in X-Men history, causing a lot of pain and suffering to the team as well as the Morlocks, the kinda ugly/rubbish mutants that lived in the tunnels undisturbed and peacefully for years. He didn't realise what was going to happen and left, after saving a little girl (who would go on to become the awesome x-woman Marrow). After years of not telling the X-men, when they found out, they dumped him in the Arctic to die/find his own way. I liked that. Then he just came back. And no one really cared. Which annoyed me.
  15. He basically stayed the same as the cartoon for so long in the comics people realised he was just a bit of a caricature/undeveloped. Rogue got a life, he didn't. They're over now and she's gonna be banging Magneto soon enough anyway so it's fine.
  16. I mentioned only a few pages back how I hated him and hope he goes the way of the dodo (he's done nothing of note in X-Men for years), but I've read X-men Legacy and he has a semi-interesting subplot now involving the resurgence of his evil Death persona/powers. Presumably similarly to Archangel's. (I know this means nothing to you, lol). For some reason, none of the X-Men he possessed/tried to kill whilst Hellbound have brought it up since escaping Hell. Maybe they thought it was a symptom of the place itself.
  17. Really? It was nothing compared to any of the DC ones, and was neutered to the point of ridiculous as to what it could show. No guns, no actual violence, nothing dark or scary. The colours are horrid too. It also has the worst sound/image editing ever. That, and I hated Mary Jane's default outfit.
  18. Well, Daredevil's title was always Like Uncanny X-Men and Amazing Spider-Man etc. I'm fuzzy on how the title would be applied to anyone else. Daredevil has it because he's blind, but all his other sense allow him to perceive stuff to a higher degree than anyone else. So no fear. Sort of? yeah.
  19. The newer animated versions are better/more accurate than that 90's one. (Imo)
  20. It's one in a series of posters teasing who will be the "New Man Without Fear". Daredevil, (the former) is having a bit of a meltdown atm. So far, Black Panther (above), Kraven (the Spider-Man villain), Gambit and Nova (uber cosmic dude who makes little sense here) have been teased.
  21. Not really. There were cooler fish in the same tank.
  22. I got bored of Brightest Day at about 3 or 4. --- I'm loving Bendis and Maleev's Daredevil so far. I enjoy how he's not done all that much ass-kicking...since's "just a normal man with super senses". It focuses a lot more on the organised crime bosses, and of course them revealing his identity to the world, something most superhero characters never go through cause it would change the dynamic of the comic too much. Vanessa Fisk is the boss.
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