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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Do you know what Invisible Woman is meant to be like though?
  2. Fixed! Incidentally, I saw a dwarf gourami for the first time a few weeks ago. I didn't know it was a real thing. P.s I need 4 more people! Well, I can change it if no one else signs-up. But it's less fun.
  3. Well depends on the stunningness of this one...I liked my old Avengers one from HCR, how the characters only featured in the next one if they survived the first one. Could do that here, and obviously have some that aren't in this one inthe sequel etc. Up the ante. *plans*


    I love my choice of villains in this one.

  4. Yeah realistically I was going to, since I had an epic role-planning sesh this morning, and I'm really happy. That said, I'm not mafia expert like Chair..not sure how balanced things are, but we'll see. Also made effort of giving each role PM a little picture and description thing (since people won't know a lot of the characters). :)

  5. Once enough people have signed-up, should be good to go fairly soon. I'll be done with roles soonish, so yeah.
  6. Yeah, I thought that was actually fine. Everytime she's run off in the comics and tried to live her life, Storms always legtimately made the points that Rogue is good and it's rude not to help whilst having Ms. Marvel's powers. So fair's fair. But the movie one had nothing to gain by staying a mutant.
  7. When will you lend me your fucking shit? I need that and Robyn in m'life.
  8. You can't not lie on the floor in reverance.
  9. I've read a few of the Joker's Asylum issues, just of the characters or artists I love. Like the awesome Clayface one last month drawn by Kelley Jones. --- Also, I've not started on Shadowland yet/caught up on Daredevil, but I hope Gambit does go somewhere else. He feels like excess baggage in X-Men atm. He needs to go. I do like his current predicament though. There's also a Kraven teaser for Who Will Be The New Man Without Fear stuff.
  10. Inspired by ReZ starting his game, and the new forum overhaul, I wanna get back into the possibly-returning Mafia craze. I died first in Pokemon, so though I'd plan another mafia game to run after/at the end of ReZ's. Hope there's interest. ---- “…Every few millenia, evolution leaps forward…” They fight to protect a world that hates and fears them. Slowly but surely, the odds have been stacked up against them. As the mutant race comes closer and closer to extinction, and desperate measures have to be taken, has humanity’s tolerance of “Homo Superior” reached it’s breaking point? It's Homo Sapiens vs. Homo Superior Are you ready to fight for your right to exist? sign-up below 1. Cube 2. ReZourceman 3. Dannyboy-The-Dane 4. Jayseven 5. Eenuh 6. Diageo 7. Chairdriver 8. Zell 9. MadDog 10. dwarf gourami 11. Nintendohnut 12. Daft 13. Jonnas 14. Mundi 15. Nintendo-master 16. Moogleviper 17. Dyson 18. Ellmeister 19. Coolness Bears
  11. I love having grown up in Edinburgh. It's a brilliant city. It's probably the most attractive city I've been to in the UK, and layout-wise it's brilliant. I can walk home from town easy (safely), whilst enjoying lovely joke streets along a river/through a crematorium, past stunning houses etc. They've torn down all the ugly tower blocks from the majority of the main/inner city, except for 2 right near the docks, and they add cause they're bright yellow. I'd love to come to uni here from somewhere else, but having come from here, I want to actively leave home(town) to go to uni.
  12. I've been eBay/Amazon-sellering it, but I'm a cheapskate. Got first 2 volumes for about a fiver each, third for £3 something. It also has brilliant covers for the individual issues. Which I always appreciate.
  13. Excerpts from Wiki: But it's fantastically scripted and plotted (so far), and as with all his stuff, is always compelling and full of really great ideas and concepts. It also lets the story unravel as you read it, and isn't full of stupid exposition like a lot of superhero comics (this isn't one). But yeah, it's insane/awesome. And really interesting.
  14. Edward Norton as Banner is fine, IMO. Banner is fairly nothing as a character (in general). Jessica Alba as Invisible Woman and Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man are the worst. He sucks the entertainment out of the films, which are otherwise mostly enjoyable. And basically isn't Peter Parker at all.
  15. Daft, I recommend The Invisibles. I'm only like a quarter through it all, but it cries your name. Wiki
  16. Yeah, I started reading X-Men almost directly after AoA, as Onslaught was starting/being hinted at. This will be my new mission!
  17. I will one day read that. And that's a brilliant deal. ReZ, Scalped looks interesting whenever I see the covers, but I can't be arsed. I might do eventually. But I've also not read Chew after issue 1. Not cause I hate it, just cause I'm not in the mood.
  18. Never read it before. I heard you HAVE to read Superman Beyond, which is in the trade apparently, as is Resist. But yeah, I'm always up for his stuff in general. And I'm willing to seek out issues that might help explain stuff etc.
  19. Loeb is shite now. Not that Hush was particularly great. It was really just villain after villain after villain. If Jim Lee hadn't drawn it, it wouldn't be so well known/loved, IMO. By Arkham Asylum do you mean the amazing graphic novel with painted artwork I recommended? If so, you're right. It's brilliant. READ MORE BY HIM. -- I'm going to buy Final Crisis soon, amazing price on Amazon, and from what I read, I'll get a good idea of what's going on as I've read all of Seven Soldiers and other tidbits that apparently if not read, make it confusing.
  20. That's a shame. All throughout Inception I was thinking about how much the Astral Plane and combat within it is a part of the X-Men mythos.
  21. The Fountain
  22. Because it would have been silly taking time to explain the strength and flight. They tried to ground it in some sort of realism. Storm and Magneto could barely fly, it was more levitating. Even in X3, Storm, with a lot more control over her "flight" only uses it for short distances and in combat situations. (I do agree that the comic/cartoon Rogue was a more compelling character, but they needed the "new recruit" character to be someone sympathetic/to be indentifiable with.) Rogue's powers were stolen from the Avenger, Ms. Marvel. In the comics, she's now lost those stolen powers, and FINALLY gained control of her "curse". She can touch people now without her power automatically coming into play. In combat she now borrows her teammates powers, a little bit each (she can control how much she takes/it hurts them too now) and combines them all together. She's also in charge of all the younger mutants who don't fully comprehend their own power; she can take it and learn to use it along with them.
  23. I've never felt attraction over a long period of time, in the sense of being attracted to someone who doesn't know, it being stressful etc. I just find most people good-looking/attractive in passing, and then realise I'm over it. *deleted paragraph detailing my internalised self-loathing being a part of it*
  24. I'm actually quite looking foward to Incredible Hulk. I've got quite into Hulk of late. :P It's offering me old-school feeling superhero battles, and World War Hulks has been pretty epic so far. Happenstance, where's Ultimate Avengers 2 issue 6?? That's not out yet, is it?
  25. Supermarkets.
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