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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I hear not one similarity other than the theme of the song. And the title. I don't get it.
  2. Zavvi have given me a £1 online token (for a joke), and I've been scouring all night looking for a graphic novel that's cheaper there than anywhere else. They have the shittest listing for all the books they do have, which doesn't help, but really, I haven't found much. I might just buy a CD instead.
  3. What significance? It just seems to make more sense that he has bone claws as his "power". It's been worked into his origins successfully since then very well IMO. Though I've not read the apparently very good Weapon X by Barry Windsor-Smith. Maybe that's gospel. ---- Not really relevant, but in the absence of the Funny Video thread; It might only be funny to me loving X-Men so much, but some of these had me in tears. Xavier: "Scott tells me you've acquitted yourself well as a field commander." Storm: "THE ENTIRE TEAM NEARLY PERISHED." Cyclops' attempt to punch Sinister. And when that green skinned woman falls onto the bus, and everyone just watches. When Rogue is pleading to that bug thing really passionately, and it just screams at her.
  4. It's not even called for though. I'm just stating fact. The VMA's (and most other MTVesque award shows) don't accept anything to be nominated other than what has been a smash hit, or at least by huge, radio-friendly unit-shifters. I don't believe anyone in their right mind can say that this video should be nominated as one of the finest of the year: It's in the best female video category, over much more deserving people like M.I.A, who, despite the controversy surrounding her video, managed to produce (well the director) a thought-provoking and original video that actually means something. It doesn't really matter if you like her music or not, the video for Born Free is much more compelling as a piece of art than anything on that list. (Just as an example) It's just a show designed to get record labels most valuable artists into the public eye even more. These awards don't mean anything.
  5. It's "meant" to celebrate the best music videos produced in the last year. It doesn't. It just picks videos from popular artists, so the general public will tune in and feel involved. Which is silly.
  6. She loves tempting fate though. The thing I hate most in films/TV shows, is when people don't realistically defend themselves against allegations/arrest and stuff, when they're innocent. Can't think of an example right now, but it annoys me. When they dawdle with explaining themselves/why they're in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  7. We're so obviously coming to the meet next year so it's fine. We could need to arrange. Like bring a gazebo with us.
  8. It is so good. I read it all in a day and a night. So gripping. I couldn't have waited 2 years to read it all. -- With the discovery of 100 euros in my room, I'm gonna not feel guilty about buying more graphic novels. I "accidentally" (as in, really shouldn't have) bought Batman and Robin: Batman Reborn Deluxe Edition the other day, and felt guilty about it, and so didn't buy Final Crisis. Now I can feel good about buying it! (TBF, B+R looks so stunning, and of course the content is brill, so it's fine.) Messiah Complex is also in my digital basket, and I'm in the mood for Pixe Strikes Back! :p I've heard good things about Messiah Complex, and I'm trying to fill my X-Men comic holes.
  9. What do you mean by that?
  10. Paj!


    I concur. Though at least they gave her a big speech thing before.
  11. Ell! Do you want to play in my X-Men mafia?!

  12. I love Groot. I've never read/seen him in a comic, but he stuns regardless. I love Nurse. "Fuck me! *crying and running from Vapor and Sandman, who're phasing really slowly through walls*" Also. I'm chewing on a plank of wood at Nightcrawler. At least if you do hit him, his life is half over. But he's too tricksy. Begging you to hit him while he darts around, defecating on all you ever held precious and sacred, just to show he can. I enjoy Scorpion. Satisfyingly weak-strong-without-you-realising. I love how everyone in this set feels like they're running for their lives, screaming, tossing anything and everything in their bags at their enemies. Bag-Man's terrifying. Ben Reily has got me shaking. Even without the AE power. Like just getting up in everyone's face, touching them in innapropriate places, laughing, knowing they won't hit 19.
  13. I thought you've read Astonishing X-Men? It's in that. A stunning part of it too. I simplified the descripton partially becuase I don't have the books on hand atm and can't quite remember how it was dealt with. It was done well though. Deep character analysis etc.
  14. Talking of shit things/bad music, the more I hear California Gurls by Katy Perry, the more I enjoy it.
  15. Jimbob, come and sign-up for my X-Men mafia!! (Please) (xx)

  16. IIRC, his powers activate, he knocks down a crane by mistake, runs away from a lynch mob, and is saved by Xavier then and there. I know in the Children of The Atom miniseries detailing their origins in more detail, he was given the glasses, but initially refused to join the school, instead staying on at high school with a criminal/abusive foster father. IIRC. I'm not sure. Then he obviously joins when he realises he has a shit life. It was recently revealed that his lack of control was a mental block rather than a physical one, and it was all related to his traumatic childhood. Emma Frost helps him confront his demons and he can control his optic blasts. However, it's only temporary/very hard to do so.
  17. Strangely it fits exactly with the picture of Havok they found as well. And yeah. Nicholas Hoult is the guy from Skins, and About a Boy.
  18. Either way... I just found the advert that still haunts my dreams. I remember being so impressed with the fact it was "real people transforming!". And I remember setting up a bucket of water when playing with my Street Sharks, just so I could dump Piranoid or whatever in it like in the advert. (Though I had a different version. Mine was cooler, and blue.)
  19. I'm semi-glad. At least seeing a million of a new pokemon isn't as bad as a million of the same-old, same-old.
  20. Where do you work?? The Ultimate Guides, if they've remained mostly the same as they once were when first released were always entertaining, with a lot of info about places and objects not often given in the comics themselves. For instance, in the X-Men one, it shows you detailed layouts of the X-Mansion, how Cyclop's visor works etc. Things brushed over usually. I always liked the Marvel Encyclopedia series, and then the big fat definitive one, of which DC had one too. Had basically EVERYONE in it.
  21. I've got some news for you. Fembots have feelings too. You split my heart in two. Now what you gonna do? Fresh out the BoxTheLatestModel GeneratorRunningOnFullThrottle Can I get a fuel up? Hit the bottle (reboot) I got a lotta automatic booty applications GotAC.P.UMaxedOutSensation LookingForABoyToManMyStation (reboot) R-r-rock the nation (rock it, baby) Fembot-Robyn
  22. It's not worth it. I got the digest versions cheap (they're like £5 each or something) of the first few years of the "new" team, including the DP saga. It's hyped up anyway. Good at the time/influential, but it's still Claremont writing... I actually own the issue with Cyclops holding her body. Seems to not be worth a lot though.
  23. It'd be interesting if they go the route of Xavier and Magneto's differences dividing their "team". I.e Mystique was once an X-Man, but followed Magneto in the end.
  24. 6, all rapid, so took ages. If you tried opening just part 1, it would ask "Where's part 2" and so on, but now it just forever loads. *shrug*
  25. I've spent the last 3 days "asquiring" the entirety of Age of Apocalypse, including the 10th anniversary issues, in complete reading order, and now it doesn't "work". It's just forever opening, and slows down my computer. Ugly duckling.
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