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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I bought: Watchmen For my friend's 18th Birthday! and also got him a Hannah Montana card as well: He doesn't even like her! :p Not that exact card.
  2. Mostly Icecubes and Lolly's but sometimes when I'm allowed out of Gaggle's Freezer I can haz chinese.! I like this phrase. @Letty: Your Hair Looks great! :awesome: @Dannyboy-the-dane: I always read it as Danny the boy dane! So my days! ohohoho! I've mainly been working since whenever I last updated Knee on my life. Cinema is good but I haven't worked Wednesdays yet which is meant to be seriously busy as it is only £3.50 that day! So I have that to look forward to this week. Along with Season 2 Volume 3 of Hannah Montana which should be arriving in the post tomorrow! Last Night after my work shift I saw G-Force with my Sister and Nephew! Which leads me onto today where I went to my friends 18th Birthday where he was having a GRAND LUNCH! which was delicious, I only recently got back and had dinner. Now I'm ALMOST stuffed. Me thinks I has room for strawberries though!
  3. amazing. err.. my dad is now retired.
  4. Zing! Pun of the day! made me laugh anyway.
  5. I'm glad he's been promoted to regular I'm fed up of them having villian's who are just wasted with in a few episodes. *is still mad about Adam being taken from him* :p
  6. Woah! the quality of those pictures are cleeear! also nice purchases! recently I've bought to many Jawbreakers.
  7. New Miley Cyrus song, yay! Party in the USA! :p Also just listened to some Old School Lady Gaga - No Floods and Goron got me listening to Illmatic again! and this song stood out upon this particular listen, The World is Yours
  8. No. But I think I'm too poor for this generation! CURSE MY LACK OF MONEY! *shakes fist*
  9. Oh, N-Europe I feel like St. Augustine of Hippo after his conversion by Ambrose of Milan. I'm in a random SHOUTY mood but not like angry but just a bit of a mental scream! All that means I'm in a good mood! I had my 3rd day of work yesterday! This time I wasn't short in my till AND I had to clean the pick and Mix Machine which is a gargantuan undertaking and took a full 45 minutes to get it looking like the inside of tin can. The other days I've spent watching Movies and on Monday I went to the Cinema with my Sister to see My Sister's Keeper! Now onto today which has consisted of me being in my pyjama's (until moments ago) and watching How I Met Your Mother. That and the new awesome I've found of playing Space Invaders Extreme on the Xbox with Fever Ray Triangle Walks Rex the Dog Remix on loop in the background! Oh and things are going to move up a gear into win! As my friend is coming over at midnight. good times.
  10. random memory of the day: S.C.G. saw me get attacked by a phone! seriously it launched itself at me I swear on Mary Jane's life that thing wanted me dead.
  11. I've just seen this thread and the memories of my fish have come flooding back! poor fish didn't know what was about to eat them. My sister had a gold fish, I don't remember the name or anything but I do know that it ate my fish! I've owned 3 goldfish in my time all eaten by my sisters fish and then that one died of Obesisty. It's a tragic family Drama but with fish. :p PS: SORRY TO HERE ABOUT YOUR FISH LETTY!
  12. Wahey! I found it! I knew I made this before.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your day is Snorlax or Ronflex or Relaxo! here is a picture of nosepass
  14. Recently I've been listening to Fever Ray - Triangle Walks (Rex the Dog Remix) I found it on my iPod and had no idea I had it.
  15. Okay, Cube is good. he appears to have a powerful voice!
  16. Sorry! yeah the other day I forgot to put in a target. Today I found out someone is good and has a powerful voice!
  18. So I took the gun, thought it might come in handy.... guess what? I JUST SHOT A BEAR!
  19. Requiem for a dream A beautiful tale about addiction. The film was bleak and unsettling and vaguely disturbing not visually but psychologically. The final ten minutes of the movie is intense and the music is just wonderful. 9/10 (6 and a half Bears out of 7)
  20. Welcome to my everyday world. :p
  21. I wish you 3 oversized different shades of Blue; HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!
  22. No idea who is good. I've only made one investigation thus far.
  23. Yep I'm an Investigator. I targeted Eenuh last night and found out she is evil!
  24. Oh bums. Well Eenuh is evil so... Vote: Eenuh Town's people please trust me with this one.
  25. I has information in exchange for protection.
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