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Everything posted by Meik

  1. Wow, this thread is on the road to opening a large can of worms.
  2. This happens to me with practically every single thread I open. I have problems when it comes to replying to threads where I have nothing short of an obsession with the subject in question. It's come to the point now where I rarely post. Even replying to this thread was a struggle.
  3. I invited you back after I kicked you, I meant it as a friendly joke. I don't remember booting you a second time. If I did and didn't invite you back, I apologise.
  4. Meik


    I came into this thread expecting discussion about this. I am disappointed.
  5. Agreed, excellent idea. Rep point for you. But seriously, I do second this notion.
  6. I'll be playing. Chris, I hope you'll be joining us? Oh wait.
  7. Live play seems smoother, less laggy and generally a lot less painful than in Burnout 3. The interface is quite similar to that of Halo 2's - you can invite friends to form a party in the lobby, then you can take them into whatever game mode you wish. You can make public, private or closed parties (no more of that password bullshit). And finally, finally, you can access your friends list by just pressing Y wherever you are before you join a game. I haven't played it extensively so I can't comment on the ranking system, which I heard is generally better and more fair. As for the game, well.. it's Burnout 3 on steroids, with a lot more polish and an extra lick of paint. It's well worth the purchase if you own it's predecessor, and is essential if you've never tried it before and you have a remote interest in racing or destruction. Make sure you buy the Xbox version, if given the choice - custom soundtracks ahoy!
  8. If this is the acapella act where they do a great Tetris bit, then yes, it is indeed brilliant.
  9. For Scotland!
  10. Meik

    Halo 3

    I heard a rumour that the next Halo game will include Master Chief and an array of various guns. You will also be required to shoot stuff. I know this is true because a Bungie employee told me. I know he was from Bungie because in the pregame lobby he had "bungie.net" next to his name.
  11. How is the Xbox Live play? Please tell me it's even a little bit better than Burnout 3's. I can't get this until tomorrow, see.
  12. I quickly whipped this up, because I noticed that this thread has a serious lack of Jack Bauer.
  13. Going to Germany for 2 days starting tomorrow for a first-time visit to a world-class theme park (Europa Park) is most excellent! Having to get up at 3am tomorrow morning and driving 3 hours down to Stansted, however, is not excellent.
  14. Hooray! Best game ever.
  15. Legend. That is my favourite sub to get from Subway. I trust you went with the Sweet Onion sauce?
  16. Rules have been altered at the top of the page. There will no longer be anybody's "turn" to post - you can post a screenshot whenever you want. I'll throw another couple into the fray. (Quite possibly the best game ever.)
  17. That is correct! From Curse of Monkey Island. I edited the rules so anyone can post screenshots when they like, just as long as the thread doesn't get clogged (no more than 5 screenshots active at a time). Also, try not to post pictures of characters or any artwork. Lets keep this solely for screenshots.
  18. I think it'd be a better idea if anyone was allowed to post screenshots, just to get this thread moving a bit quicker and keep it entertaining. So, feel free to post your own screenshots here. Lets try and only have a few screenshots doing the rounds at any one time, otherwise it'll get too clogged and screenshots will be lost in the abyss. I'll make a leaderboard if this turns out to be popular. Here's the next one:
  19. Other than the region-encoding on UMD movies, there is no reason why you shouldn't buy one in the US. You may even luck out and be able to find an original 1.50 PSP, or you can ask about such a thing in the store. I know that you know why version 1.50 is awesome. Anyway, this link shows you how to find out what version you're buying before you actually purchase it. Edit: You can charge US PSPs up over here using any standard PS2 power adapter.
  20. Please tell us about this wonderful-sounding spread. As for me, I had a king prawn balti that I made myself. Pretty good, but I should've put more chilli in it. I also didn't have any naan bread/prawn crackers/poppadoms. 6/10 Edit: Typo on poppadoms, I don't think "poopadoms" would taste very nice.
  21. You were the first person to get it, well done. It's the awesome teacher from Battle Royale. Your turn to post one.
  22. If I watched it for the first time right now I would probably laugh at it too, but when you watched it as a 5-year-old it still leaves a "this film is terrifying" mark in your head.
  23. I'm sure you know how this works. You post a screenshot from a videogame, movie or TV show. Others guess what the screenshot is from. If you guess correctly first, you win a point. Anybody can post a screenshot when they wish, even if they have not guessed one - but lets not get the thread clogged up with loads of unanswered shots. Rules: 1. Try to keep the images smallish (similar to my first one) - this lets our 56k friends play too and keeps the thread neat and tidy. 2. Don't directly link to websites hosting the image, upload it to imageshack or photobucket, or your own website. This saves bandwidth and also makes it harder to guess what the shot is from. 3. Change the filename of the image! An image named FINALFANTASYVII-87.jpg isn't really that hard to guess. 4. Don't make them TOO hard, but don't just take a screenshot of Gandalf or Darth Vader. 5. Try not to clog the thread up with too many unanswered screenshots at once - lets say if there are 5 or more unanswered screenshots, hold off posting any more and try and guess them. I'll get the ball rolling with an (incredibly) easy one:
  24. Steven King's IT, that film still shits me up. Failing that, the original Japanese version of The Ring watched by yourself at night can be pretty creepy. I also used to be terrified of ET as a kid, but I doubt that will satiate your horror film urges.
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