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Everything posted by Meik

  1. Meik


    Usually when somebody mentions Halo 2 it gets locked by a mod and the creator is told to take it to the Halo 2 thread. Though I suppose it's alright if it allows Jordan a chance to take a pot-shot at it. Great modding, guys!
  2. My letter of complaint: Concerning your 21/10/05 episode of "Hot Tub Ranking": Me and "the guys" usually get together every Friday night to watch the much-loved Hot Tub Ranking to participate in judging the 5 women ourselves. We generally have a great time, and it is a vital session to our bonding as friends. We got together on the 21st October at the usual time of 11:30pm to watch this week's episode, and we were shocked and appalled to find that the usual hot women were replaced by scraggy men. After staring at the screen for 10 seconds not knowing what was going on, we looked at eachother and the verbal abuse started flying at eachother and at the TV. Our much beloved "Ranking" had been defaced - it had been pissed all over. We turned the TV off in disgust and then started having a fight. I lost an eye in the fight, and I have now lost my beloved friends. This is all due to your ridiculous defamation of the usually-incredible show. Due to this incident, I don't think I shall ever be watching Channel 5 again (now that the Friday night softcore porn has gone, your channel doesn't have anything to offer.. except for Gladiator on Sunday, because Gladiator is awesome) and I shall be recommending to my friends that none of them watch it too. Very disappointed. For shame. Thoroughly annoyed, Mike. PS - You couldn't of picked a more terrible host for the show. I hereby volunteer to do the job on future episodes (as long as you bring the women back).
  3. One thing is for certain.. there is no stopping them.. the birds shall soon be here. And I, for one, welcome our new bird overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted 24-loving forum user, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.
  4. 1. Pick a girl you like. 2. ??????? 3. Profit!
  5. These are somewhat in order. I took into account the release date and amount of information available. If I actually knew anything about it, Halo 3 would be top of the list, for example. 1. The Movies 2. Shadow of the Colossus 3. Mario Kart DS 4. Halo 3 5. Perfect Dark Zero 6. Twilight Princess 7. Kameo 8. Kingdom Hearts 2 9. Metroid Prime 3 10. Half Life 2: Aftermath
  6. 24 spoilers a-plenty in this post. When Jack storms the compound where Teri and Kim are being held. When Palmer and Jack meet face to face for the first time. When Jack kills Victor Drazen and unloads bullet after bullet into his body. When Jack finds out his wife has been killed. The interrogation of Nina - first time Jack has spoken to her since Teri's death. Jack shouting "TELL ME WHERE THE BOMB IS!!!11one!1" over and over. When Mason sacrifices his life to explode the nuclear bomb. When Palmer looks out the window on Air Force One to see the nuclear explosion in the distance. Season 2 finale in the Colosseum; Jack RUNNING UP A WALL and breaking a guy's neck. Jack playing Russian Roulette with Ramone Salazar and that cop. Jack killing Chappelle. Jack cutting off Chase's hand with an axe. Jack breaking down and crying in his car. Tony suddenly appearing in Season 4 and saving Jack and Audrey. Chloe getting a rifle and shooting that guy in the car. Audrey's ex-husband dying due to Jack; Audrey going mental. Air Force One going kaboom. Palmer's re-appearance in Season 4. Season 4 finale; Jack "dying". Walking along the railroad into the sunset. Loads more, but that's all I can think of right now. In fact, just put the entire show in the "Best TV Moments" list.
  7. Nobody play with Chris, he is a lag magnet. You could say he's a lagnet. LOL LOL LOL!!11one!1
  8. I used to own that Intelligent Cube game, except it certainly wasn't called that over here. I can't remember the name it went by and i'm too lazy to look for it. It was a dull, yet somewhat utterly addictive title. Yes, Kurushi. That's it. +1 imaginary rep for altheman.
  9. Wait, so you mean BBC2 aren't showing Season 4? Well this is a bit of letdown.* *This is actually a huge letdown
  10. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but what video formats can this thing play? Do you have to convert all your existing videos to some rubbishy format, like on the PSP?
  11. This is the point I am trying to get across, though. Most of our patrons are the sort of people who just come in by themselves and have a quiet cigarette and a pint - these are the sort of people we're going to lose, and that has come straight from their mouths. I'm not saying everyone is going to vanish, far from it - but the single regulars are the ones that pretty much sustain our income. I've got nothing against any of you for wanting to get rid of smoking in public places - like I said before, I hate smoking like the rest of you and would gladly see it abolished everywhere.. it's just not feasible for many pubs across the country. I hope you can all see past your hatred of smoking and realise there is actually a different side to the argument. If you can't, I could care less. I'm going to leave this discussion at that. And blumeanie, thanks for you kind words.
  12. Okay. First, thanks for posting a well-thought out and constructive response. I'd like to point out (and I should've mentioned this in my previous post), that pretty much all our custom comes from the working-class locals (we're situated right in the middle of a housing estate), and most have openly stated that if they can't smoke they'd find some other place to drink/smoke. We are not a low-price pub that is situated in the town center, we don't attact any other types of customer. Sorry you think i'm being self-centered for presenting the other side of the argument. There are hundreds of other landlords/families in the exact same situation. Banning smoking isn't a win-win situation as most of you seem to think it is.
  13. I don't smoke. I don't like being around smokers, and I think it's a complete waste of money. I am, however, 100% against the ban. Here's why. My parents and myself run and live in a small local community-based pub, where most of the patrons are smokers. The fact of the matter is if there was an outright ban on smoking, our livelihood would be destroyed. If smoking was banned, our customers simply wouldn't come anymore. If you don't want to be around smoke, fine - find a non-smoking pub or go somewhere else to have a drink. Spare a thought for the innocent landlords and pub-owners and how it will affect them before you all go shouting your mouths off about how you hate smokers.
  14. I'm a bit shocked and ashamed that nobody has mentioned 24 yet. Granted, it's not on any channels at the moment, but Season 5 starts in America in January (which means February/March here). 24 makes everything right.
  15. http://www.wtata.com/ You can also download entire seasons (either the UK or US versions) from here - http://www.wtata.com/seasons.htm This is where I got mine from, and each episode ranges from 80-180mb in size depending on quality.
  16. I've got like 40 episodes of this on my computer (the version with Drew Carey), I love it. Most of the games are hilarious, but favourites include: Irish Drinking Song 3 Headed Broadway Star Props Improbable Mission Infact, anything with Colin and Ryan in it is golden.
  17. I just successfully downgraded my friend's 2.0 PSP to 1.5, and then used WAB's Version Changer to make it think it was a 2.0 so he could still play games. If anybody needs help doing the same, feel free to contact me.
  18. I think you've been playing too much Halo.
  19. Not sure about that, there's plenty of golf that needs to be played..
  20. I suppose it depends on who is marking it, and if you luck out with getting someone who has a sense of humour. My brother is a teacher and he always gets a kick out of funny comments that some students put in their essays.
  21. Meik


    Your body gets eaten by maggots.
  22. 4) After some googling i'm going for a complete stab in the dark - are they all names of clubs in Brighton?
  23. Yeah, i'll be there. Don't worry about buying it Guy, we know you're busy with your puppy infatuation and "cleaning your room" which apparently takes up an entire Sunday. (I call Magneto).
  24. Hackers, the both of you. The power of my lucky top hat did not prevail last night.
  25. I really like the Cubone picture. I want one.
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