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Everything posted by Meik

  1. Here's a new one. n_n
  2. I imported it, and I guess i'm the only person that wasn't particularly impressed by it.
  3. I delete all mine so I don't know how many i've had, i'd guess at 10 or so. Most of them asking if I can do their Battle Card sooner rather than later. (I suppose this is a better time than any to say that anyone who asks me about it gets their card delayed, because i'm a grouch).
  4. P4 2.8 Ghz 1024mb RAM Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb Dust 160GB Hard Drive Soundblaster Audigy Dust 17" TFT (Soon to be a 26" HDTV so I can make myself blind) Dust Dust
  5. I didn't make you a sig for you to go and abandon us, Colin.
  6. Didn't realise Flick Scully was in this movie. What ever would Lyn think?
  7. Good. Now make an "I'm leaving" post and the circle of life will be complete. Edit - congratulations to the dinner ladies (thanks Guy), by the way.
  8. I got 10 minors when I took my test 3 years ago, but then it was my first driving test, in the school rush, and with an examiner that looked scarily similar to Filch from Harry Potter (in a shirt and tie).
  9. Nice work, how many minors?
  10. Yeah, i've been keeping my eye on this being a 3-year Diablo 2 addict. Looks nice, I like the idea of Diablo style weapon-oriented gameplay as an FPS. Hopefully they'll include plenty of guns and plenty of customisation types.
  11. The PS3 is clearly the superior machine when it comes to keeping your groceries at a cool temperature.
  12. Questionable choices if you ask me. I mean, why isn't Marshmellow on there? Or WHONG? I don't care if he hasn't signed up to RE yet, WHONG should be made a mod.. nay, an Admin.
  13. One of the rare occasions where I actually agree with Haver. In regards to the people moaning that they "cut out that scene", cry more. I think they did an admirable job in cramming the book into a 2 and a half hour film, if they had added anything else people would start dying due to it's length. I really liked it, i'll probably go and see it again (some other friends are going to see it) next week. I do agree with Dumbledore being a bit too angry for my tastes, as well as the Quidditch World Cup being way too short. And the final task was rubbish, where were all the monsters?
  14. If Smash TV can be played over Live, i'm all over that shit.
  15. Yeah, well, it's probably not posh enough for you. I'm sure if Samus wore a top hat and had a money cannon you'd have a different opinion. Latest game I completed? Uh.. Metroid Prime Pinball. And then Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 before that. I'll probably beat Sonic Rush tomorrow.
  16. I'm pretty sure you can, it'd be a bit silly to include system link and online co-op and leave out the most popular co-op mode (playing on the same TV).
  17. PIRATE. ARRGH, WALK THE PLANK OF INTERNET PIRACY. DROP THE ANCHOR IN TORRENT BAY. OT: Both my grandfathers are gone, and I think one of my nans is pretty close. The other one (the one I am close to and see upwards of 3 times a week) is in good health and is awesome. (She rode the Pepsi Max Big One in Blackpool with me when we went a few years back). By the way, 3rdChildren is an asshole. I make a passing comment about how Colin's Nan looks like Skeletor and he makes a picture of it.
  18. I'm sorry, you're WHAT?
  19. Righto. I just checked my preorder on Amazon and it says that I will recieve it "no later than the 24 Dec" so that's good news. Anytime before Christmas is good for me. I placed the preorder on the 30th September, so I doubted i'd even get one this year.
  20. So are Woolworths still taking preorders on the premium packs? And did you order at the website or in-store?
  21. They speak like this. Apparently.
  22. Rumours about Nintendo movies have been flying around for a long time now, yet they never seem to actually get anywhere. I'll get excited about a Metroid movie when they release some concrete details about the script/casting. Dennis Hopper to play Mother Brain and Sean Bean to play Ridley, please. Don't let me down, Nintendo.
  23. Not really much difference apart from the grass and more vivid colours, but then I guess the difference would be a lot more apparent if you were to actually compare the two in person whilst they were in motion. (I'm just trying to justify selling a load of unwanted junk on eBay so I can buy that £600 Samsung HDTV).
  24. I'm not usually a betting man, but the winner on this one seems so blatantly obvious that i'll probably drop a tenner on it. There's a certain dress code to get into Ladbrokes, right? Tattered jacket, unshaven, carrying a brown bag with a bottle inside?
  25. You go out and get drunk every night? You're a cool dude, make no mistake.
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