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Everything posted by Meik

  1. 10/10, that's brilliant!!!!!! 10/10, that is awesome!!!!!!!! 11/10, I love it!!!!!!!!!! (My serious rating is 7/10, could do with cleaner black lines).
  2. I didn't realise Sideshow Bob was playing Beast. Brilliant!
  3. Tune in tomorrow when i'll be taking potshots at one of his brothers!
  4. Well, the masses (Jordan) asked for it, so I made it! Download here. I'd suggest saving it to disc before opening it.
  5. For all of the non-believers out there, I have found undisputable proof that Guy's dad does in fact spend his time hunting boars and obsessing over hatches in the jungle: DOWNLOAD HERE LOL. Nice photoshop of the delicious pink spikes, Ben.
  6. Not knowing if you saw Bill Oddie or somebody that looked very much like him in town. (I saw Bill Oddie or a guy that looked very much like him in town this afternoon).
  7. Guy's dad is in the mirror, so technically it should be like this: REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM (TRAB PU KCIP)
  8. .... I've just run this through my super-amazing-high-resolution-image-sharpener. Could.. could it be? GUY, OH SHI
  9. Heh. You want to hear unfair? I ordered a 360 off Amazon ages ago. After having heard nothing from them by the start of this week, several emails were fired off in their direction, receiving nothing but automated responses. After browsing AVforums, I quickly found out that pretty much everyone was in the same boat. Fast forward to tonight, and everyone on there is going mental. The console is released in an hour and NO-ONE who ordered when the option first came up (16/17th August) have recieved confirmation that they're getting one. Nobody's order page has changed, and all of them still say "Not Yet Dispatched". This includes myself. Don't believe me? Feel free to check out this thread on the later pages. Wanna know the real kick in the teeth? There have been reports flying in of people ordering late September/Early October of having their 360 orders dispatched today, whilst the earlybirds are still in the dark. With an hour to go. In conclusion, stop acting like a little baby. You have 2 goddamn consoles confirmed. Games can be bought from any retail outlet tomorrow. I wasn't even going to bother posting about my situation, but jesus, you're driving everyone mental.
  10. You studmuffin. Congratulations!
  11. What the hell? Everybody, get your protective helmets on, the world is about to implode! I think this is the option you were looking for, Jordan.
  12. So you're going to help out your fellow forum users by selling it for thrice the price on eBay! Brilliant! You, sir, are a king among men.
  13. Brilliant! Now I can hunt all of you boars down. Just like John Locke, except without the jungle. (I've added myself).
  14. We'll most probably still be playing Halo 2 on our 360's until Halo 3 comes out. We've all had some great slayer games the past couple of days, i'm starting to get back into it.
  15. 1. Super Metroid - The closest we'll probably ever get to the perfect adventure game. The graphics, the puzzles, the music, the bosses, the upgrades and the progression are all nigh-on perfect. 2. Metroid Prime - Best game on the Cube. Read above, but in 3D. 3. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time - The first time I stepped out into the blinking sun of Hyrule Field, I knew this game was going to be something else. 4. Pokemon Red/Blue - The original and still the best, eat away at my childhood. 5. Super Smash Bros. Melee - Quite possibly the most fun multiplayer game ever made.
  16. Disney, all of it. The movies, the music, the theme parks.
  17. Dunno. If he did it's possibly the stupidest reason to leave a forum ever, right next to having your moderator (dinner lady) status being taken off you.
  18. Guybrush Threepwood isn't anywhere on it, this list fails.
  19. I hate the first episode, it makes me cringe listening to myself on it. 2, 3 and 4 are loads better in my opinion.
  20. [plug]I personally believe that Woosel Radio is the greatest podcast on the internets. Do a search for "Woosel" on iTunes.[/plug] Out of plug mode now, the only podcast I listen to is the Chris Moyles one, any recommendation of any other good ones is appreciated.
  21. Meik

    Killzone 2

    I think i'll be one of these.
  22. Eh? I turned this into a graph and got the following. I'm almost 100% sure this is correct.
  23. Just because your GAME stores are unlucky and got stuck with bad-mannered staff doesn't mean they're going downhill. The people in my local GAME are lovely people - I take my chosen game to the counter, they make some sort of comment on it such as "Oh, I can't wait to get home to play this" or "Good choice", I pay for the item and then I leave. The guys in my local Gamestation, however, are a bunch of overweight goths that don't give two shits about the customers and just continue to talk with their friend whilst you're trying to pay for the item. They also continually play heavy metal music which is a bit overbearing for lots of people.
  24. You lied to me. No snow here in Kidderminster. In fact, it's nice and sunny out there.
  25. I'd guess it's a bit dodgy because, uh.. the auction has been removed. Now give me my song.
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