I bought this today, and i'm glad I did.
Johelian pretty much summed the game up - if you're a pure action gamer then I wouldn't bother with it, because the extent of the action (from what i've seen so far, anyway) is following on-screen prompts to move either analog stick (I bought the Xbox version, I don't know how this works on the PC) in certain directions at certain times, and also involves hammering the L and R buttons. If you're an adventure gamer, or somewhere inbetween the two extremes, you are well catered for with this title.
Controls are initially awkward, especially as the camera angle frequently changes but doesn't let you continue moving in the same direction that you were originally moving without changing the position on the analog stick that you are pushing. I also find turning around/turning to try and interact with objects to be a bit weird, but I guess that's just me. I'm getting used to it, though.
Speaking of the camera angle, i'm especially liking the 24-esque picture-in-picture approach that the game frequently uses.
Plenty of unlockables, including images, videos, music, etc. Each require a certain amount of points to unlock, which are then deducted from your "bank" of points. Points are found in the form of cards which are hidden in the game world.
I've only played a few scenes, and i'm already pretty engrossed in the story. I look forward to playing more and finding out just what the hell is going on.