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Everything posted by Meik

  1. Same here. 3 red lights every time I turn it on, need to ring customer services tomorrow. It's a damn conspiracy I tell you!
  2. I think the real question here is who would actually want a 13 inch penis? I don't know about any of you, but I certainly wouldn't fancy passing out every time I got an erection.
  3. Put on your helmets fanboys, i'm going in. I always hated Splinter Cell. You spend half your time fannying around in the darkness when all you want to do is just shoot the guys and blow stuff up. Never liked F-Zero, I just don't find it even remotely fun. That and the computer opponents are rampant cheating scumbags. Gran Turismo. I don't care about how many more jiggawatts my car would do if I bought a new steel ratcher-ma-clank. Star Wars Rogue Squadron and it's sequels. I like Star Wars but this is just a crappy Starfox. And finally, Viewtiful Joe. I love 2D beat-em-ups so why I didn't like this I still don't know.
  4. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486576/
  5. Holy shit, you're Edge? I have no idea who Edge is.
  6. Bagels are delicious.
  7. MEIK is the acronym to "Modern Eat-In Kitchen", and I simply love kitchens. (My name is also Mike).
  8. It's not officially a heatwave until someone cooks an egg on the bonnet of their car. Who's stepping up to the plate? Post pictures and I will shower you with imaginary rep points.
  9. Required daily "angry" thread reporting for business, sir. I think you may need to take a crash course at the School of Common Sense.
  10. Can someone explain exactly what these are for those folks, like me, who aren't down with the hip snack-item scene? What makes them magic? To think that i'm still here drinking my milk with normal straws, it fills me with rage.
  11. A hot bitch on each arm and a smile on your face. If this is what retirement is like then sign me up.
  12. They're all great, but in the end.. 1st - The3rdChildren - Mouth of Sauron - This one just simply had me laughing like a maniac. 2nd - RedShell - Dr. Sarkashima - Pure genius, funny and well 'shopped. 3rd - Gaggle64 - Bomb - Same as above. Entries that I strongly considered for 3rd place: Dabookerman's Scooby Doo and Comic ones, Redshell's Golf and Slimer ones, Twozzok's MGM, Shino's Alien and Jesus, The3rdChildren's Austin Powers and Dentist, and Rokhed's Stevie Wonder. Phew.
  13. I prefer the hot blonde on The Mint to be honest.
  14. Also, was it just me or was there a disturbing amount of suggested pedophilia in this movie? And why did the Smokers conveniently have ramps so their jetskis could get over the amazing water fortress? Edit - how did the Smokers even get jetskis?
  15. Well, that was 2 hours of my life I certainly want back. The giant crocodile/shark creature? All the little gadgets on Costner's boat? The airship? That fucking bungee jump at the end? Give me a break.
  16. This thread is nothing without pictures. For all we know it could be an ordinary box with a couple of custom Lego logos slapped on. I request a picture of the box ripped open, spilling it's fun plastic contents onto the floor.
  17. I was going to say something along these lines, so i'll just quote this to save effort. I don't think we need to worry about the level of idiocy in this country, but I do think we need to worry about the level of know-it-all bitchsacks that populate the internet and think everyone and their opinion are inferior to theirs (and no, i'm not claiming anyone here is one of those - but i'm certainly seeing the symptoms).
  18. I'm a bit worried, what's that he's being impaled by?
  19. Good picture choice.
  20. Frogger is frustrating as fuck. That is all.
  21. She's a classy girl, this one.
  22. Calm down, you shit! Official PR from Microsoft: If you can't be arsed to read that, there will be a new arcade game every Wednesday at 8am during the summer, starting tomorrow with Frogger. Rejoice.
  23. 1. Broadwayrock - Ringu 2. Redshell - Mop 3. The3rdChildren - Grass skirt
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