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Everything posted by Meik

  1. You're right, I forgot to do the points from Zell's round as well as mine, sorry. I'll update it again now. Edit - there.
  2. Yep, just done.
  3. Correct. Correct. The Villan, step up to the plate.
  4. Both are wrong, though 2 has already been answered.
  5. Yes. Nope.
  6. Nope, no Zelda music there.
  7. Nope, try again.
  8. Oops, forgot about the ID3 tags. Got rid of them all now. All correct so far, by the way.
  9. Something different for my next round. Here are 10 pieces of music, each from a different videogame. Name the game, and earn a point. 1) Download - gmac got it, it is from Sonic the Hedgehog 2) Download - Twilight_Link shoots straight in - New Super Mario Bros is the answer 3) Download - Jordan clearly enjoys rolling up masses of shit with a ball, Katamari Damacy is the answer 4) Download - EchoDesiato got it, it is from ever-popular Sega arcade game, Golden Axe 5) Download - McMad impresses all with his knowledge of awesome LucasArts adventure games - Grim Fandango is the answer 6) Download - Shino gets it, it is Super Mario Sunshine 7) Download - Ninja Mullet got it - it is Lylat Wars, or Starfox 64, or whatever the hell you want to call it. 8) Download - The3rdChildren enjoys commanding an army of small plant creatures for his own personal gain - this one is from Pikmin 9) Download - Katie enjoys bears, birds and witches, and managed to get Banjo-Kazooie 10) Download - Dabookerman gets it right, it is Sonic Rush. Yes, it is a new day.
  10. Sure why not, saves any pointless arguments.
  11. Alright, was it Kupo? I seem to remember him being alongside Stiltzkin at the start.
  12. 9) Was it Stiltzkin? That's the only one I remember anyway.
  13. Leaderboard after round 9, it's currently a battle for first place between Ninja Mullet and Twilight_Link: Ninja Mullet - 7 Twilight_Link - 7 Noodleman - 5 dabookerman - 5 gmac - 4 Meik - 4 Shino - 4 Rokhed00 - 3 Moria - 3 Dan Dare - 3 Conzer16 - 3 ViPeR - 3 weeyellowbloke - 3 Caris - 2 EchoDesiato - 2 Cubechris - 2 Platty - 2 Monopolyman - 2 Aimless - 2 Fierce_Link - 2 Zell - 2 Jordan - 1 CVD - 1 Ashley - 1 Katie - 1 EEVILMURRAY - 1 The3rdChildren - 1 The Fish - 1 You're up, Zell.
  14. One for all and all for one, Muskehounds are always ready. One for all and all for one, helping everybody. One for all and all for one, it's a pretty story. Sharing everything with fun. That's the way to be. I'm voting Dogtanian because, y'know, it's one of the best cartoons ever.
  15. 6) It's set in the sky.
  16. 2) Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
  17. Alright then, you're up Dan.
  18. Current leaderboard: Ninja Mullet - 5 Twilight_Link - 5 Noodleman - 4 dabookerman - 4 Shino - 3 Rokhed00 - 3 Moria - 3 Dan Dare - 3 gmac - 3 ViPeR - 2 Caris - 2 weeyellowbloke - 2 Meik - 2 EchoDesiato - 2 Cubechris - 2 Conzer16 - 2 Jordan - 1 CVD - 1 Ashley - 1 Monopolyman - 1 Katie - 1 Zell - 1 Platty - 1 EEVILMURRAY - 1 Fierce_Link - 1 The3rdChildren - 1 Viper, step up to the plate.
  19. Chuck Norris is nothing but a glorified cowboy. Batman is one of the coolest superheroes ever. So, Batman.
  20. Nope, i'll put you down for a round. Also 24 hours have passed since Noodleman posted his questions, so they are now open to anyone who has already got one. I know Dan is just dying to answer number 3.
  21. Yep, apparently there are some trailers and pictures packs online already.
  22. I'm kidding, in all seriousness I think it's better everyone just follow the rule starting now, otherwise people who got one wrong/knew another answer in the previous rounds would just moan that you got an extra point when they didn't have the opportunity to answer again. Quiz leaderboards on internet forums are serious business.
  23. Awesome, now I can break my controller in frustration all over again.
  24. No, you were the one that nearly destroyed Bauer in the grudge match thread.
  25. Okay, i'll put you in before my second one.
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